CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations
CIO Congress of Industrial Organizations (the prior half of the AFL-CIO, 1936-1955)
CIO Check It Out
CIO Comité International Olympique (International Olympic Committee)
CIO Chief Innovation Officer
CIO Centre d'Information et d'Orientation (French)
CIO Career Is Over
CIO Cut It Out
CIO Central Imagery Office
CIO Chairman-In-Office
CIO Chief Intelligence Officer
CIO Chief Immigration Officer
CIO Crying It Out (child care; parenting)
CIO Corporate Information Officer
CIO Corporate Information Office
CIO Confederation of Indian Organisations (est. 1975)
CIO Conventional International Origin
CIO Credit Industriel de l Ouest (French: Western French Bank)
CIO Cisco Information Online
CIO Council of Islamic Organizations
CIO Canada Information Office
CIO Chief Integrity Officer (corporate title)
CIO Coordination, Implementation and Operation
CIO Chief Investigation Officer
CIO Carrier Insertion Oscillator (radio receivers)
CIO Commission Internationale d'Optique (French)
CIO Central Intelligence Officer
CIO Continuous Improvement Opportunity
CIO Comité International d'Orientation (French: Intercommunal Orientation Committee)
CIO Central Imperial Order
CIO Center Information Officer
CIO Collège d'Implantologie Orale
CIO Combat Intelligence Officer
CIO Community Involvement and Outreach Office (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
CIO Command Issuing Office
CIO CIS Information On-Line
CIO Contacts Interviews Orders
CIO Central Indian Ocean