Robert Smith • 8 months ago
I am 62 . According to this article my premium should be 575.
In oklahoma my premium is 3300 a month in 2018 !!
Since most younger people have all of the babies and use the children dental and vision plans that us older people pay for, I think this should be considered age discrimination.
Ps : I think every politician should be on Obama care.
Marc Grossman, U.S. Under-Secretary of State, Bush Administration; US Ambassador to Turkey, Clinton Administration; Special Advisor to the President on Near East Affairs, Carter Administration
Orval H. Hansen, Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
Alice Stone Ilchman, Assistant Secretary of Education and Cultural Affairs under US President Jimmy Carter
Bruce Jentleson, International Affairs Fellow, Council of Foreign Relations; Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to Vice President Al Gore
Richard Perle, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Reagan Administration; Chairman of Defense Department Advisory Committee, Bush Administration; fellow, American Enterprise Institute
David Rockefeller, former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Council on Foreign Relations; Chairman/Honorary Chairman, the Trilateral Commission