We should revoke all Chinese nationals citizenship. They've been attacking this country for years.
They work hardest at avoiding taxes.
I'm well past the myth and know to never trust a smiling Chinese man. An expression in their own country.
If they keep pushing their luck you'd be surprised at how real my suggestion could be.
The more Chinese they can bring into Canada, the more Chinese ideas and behaviours will take root in Canada. Criticise them all you want but let them in as much as possible. There's a winning recipe. Culturally exhausted, emasculated white Anglos have no conception at all of the forceful ethnocentrism and reverence for the homeland of the Asian groups we are handing the country over to.
As long as there can be a growing Chinese population in Canada, whether pro- or anti-Communist, nothing else really matters. It is all good for the Chinese. But is it good for the founding and host population of this nation? Is it a good thing for an historical national population to be reduced to minority status in its own homeland? That is precisely what mass immigration from Asia and Africa is going to do to the white European founding population of this nation.