2019 novel coronavirus
因在疫情期间,对基本传染数的估计无可统一说法,多方估测的R0 指数从1.4-6.4不等,但都认为基本传染数R0 > 1。根据这一共识,在流行病学的定义下,新型冠状病毒疫情初期会以指数增长的趋势形成正态分布,成为流行病。[61]针对新型冠状病毒扩散的一项研究对病毒的R0 指数提出不同的传播率看法,认为需要使用动态传播的模型,而非传统的以常数表达的传染指数。[62]
在疫情爆发初期,基本传染数据先前预计为1.4到2.5之间[63](另有香港中文大学研究认为新型冠状病毒肺炎基本传染数为3.30到5.47之间[64])。帝国理工学院根据截至2020年1月24日的数据,统计得出基本传染数中位数为2.6,95%置信区间为2.1-3.5。[54]根据兰开斯特大学研究人员Jonathan M Read所领导的研究小组于2020年1月28日发表的预印本认为,此病毒的R0 系数为3.11(95%置信度区间(95%CI)为2.39-4.13),在武汉,此传染系数确定为5.0。[65]而根据西安交通大学Tang Biao领导的研究小组与2020年1月24日所发表的文章认为:R0 系数可能高达6.47。[66]哈佛大学流行病学专家丁亮(Eric Ding)根据各方的公开信息,估计传染指数目前介于2.6与2.9之间[67]。
基于至2020年1月22日的所有病例报告,中国疾控中心的研究者认为R0 系数应当为2.2,95%置信区间为1.4-3.9。[15]世界卫生组织和香港大学的研究者总结了自2019年底疫情成熟开始的两个个月内的确诊病例数据,将R0 系数提升至2.68,95%置信区间则被缩小到2.47-2.86。[59]
与新型冠状病毒同属的SARS(即严重急性呼吸道综合征)的R0 系数只有3左右。[68]
Main article: 2019–20 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
The first known human infection occurred in early December 2019.[45][11] An outbreak of 2019-nCoV was first detected in Wuhan, China, in mid-December 2019, likely originating from a single infected animal.[11] The virus subsequently spread to all provinces of China and to more than two dozen other countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania.[46] Human-to-human spread of the virus has been confirmed in all of these regions.[18][47][48][49] On 30 January 2020, 2019-nCoV was designated a global health emergency by the WHO.[50][51][52]
As of 10 February 2020 (17:15 UTC), there were 40,645 confirmed cases of infection, of which 40,196 were within mainland China.[46] The estimated number of people infected in Wuhan alone, as of Jan 25, 2020, was 75,815.[53] Nearly all cases outside China have occurred in people who either traveled from Wuhan, or were in direct contact with someone who traveled from the area.[54][55] While the proportion of infections that result in confirmed infection or progress to diagnosable 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease remains unclear,[56][57] the total number of deaths attributed to the virus was 910 as of 10 February 2020 (17:15 UTC); over 95% of all deaths have occurred in Hubei province.[46]
The basic reproduction number ({\displaystyle R_{0}}, pronounced R-nought or R-zero)[58] of the virus has been estimated to be between 1.4 and 3.9.[59][60][61][62][63] This means that, when unchecked, the virus typically results in 1.4 to 3.9 new cases per established infection. It has been established that the virus is able to transmit along a chain of at least four people.[64]![]()
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最后编辑: 2020-02-10