If you’re a Canadian citizen living outside Canada, you must show that you plan to live in Canada when the persons you want to sponsor become permanent residents. You can’t sponsor someone if you’re a permanent resident living outside Canada
you are in Canada because you have already applied for permanent residence from inside Canada. You will have to pass certain stages in the main application process before you can be eligible for a work permit.
一定要申请Visitor Record 的extension,因为你原来持有的是旅游签证,不是工签,所以不存在续工签的implied status,可以在批复前继续留在加拿大。所以你一定要先让你在加拿大保持合法的身份,团聚PR申请也没有implied status。没有合法身份,你的open work permit 会被拒绝的,如还有问题,请联系我,我是注册移民顾问。