
为帮助这位突然过世的年轻人家庭度过几个月的难关,寻求帮助。谢谢大家!筹款组织者是卡城老人院CEO Grace Su https://gf.me/u/ygafjp 谢谢?
Jason Yang, a dedicated and talented Executive Chef for Clover Living, passed away due to a sudden severe asthma attack that could not be resuscitated on July 11. At the time Jason was taking a family vacation at a campsite in Waterton with his wife Yan and 2 1/2-year old son Sasha.

Jason has been instrumental in designing and providing great variety of Chinese cuisine to Clover Living residents. He worked extra hard throughout the COVID19 pandemic to ensure all the safety measures are followed and residents enjoyed their meals. Jason is a great team player and a trusted leader, he is dearly missed.

We are asking you to join us in gathering fund to support Yan to pay for Jason’s funeral and burial arrangement. We also hope to raise some fund to assist Yan and Sasha to get over this financially difficult time.
7月11日Jason 同妻兒從waterton national park回到castle view camping ground准备BBQ,Jason砍柴生火开心的喝了点酒,突发严重的哮喘,紧急呼叫911,好心人赶来做心脏复苏直到救护人员赶到,救护人员抢救了半小时左右抢救无效死亡。

Jason 是頤景樓的行政廚師,對頤景樓的餐點設計及水準、管理都是大有貢獻。在Calgary COVID19 疫情下,有效地去管理員工衞生健康及提供住客美味佳餚,辛勞但樂觀工作。

Jason 留下了家中的年輕的妻子Yan和幼小的兒子Sasha。我們知道Yan 急需一筆金額來筹備Jason 的葬禮和應付家庭的雜費。希望大家溫暖地幫助她去解決這些金錢上的難關。

懷念Jason! 顧念他心愛的家人!請大大支持此筹款。

最后编辑: 2020-07-15
为帮助这位突然过世的年轻人家庭度过几个月的难关,寻求帮助。谢谢大家!筹款组织者是卡城老人院CEO Grace Su https://gf.me/u/ygafjp 谢谢?
Jason Yang, a dedicated and talented Executive Chef for Clover Living, passed away due to a sudden severe asthma attack that could not be resuscitated on July 11. At the time Jason was taking a family vacation at a campsite in Waterton with his wife Yan and 2 1/2-year old son Sasha.

Jason has been instrumental in designing and providing great variety of Chinese cuisine to Clover Living residents. He worked extra hard throughout the COVID19 pandemic to ensure all the safety measures are followed and residents enjoyed their meals. Jason is a great team player and a trusted leader, he is dearly missed.

We are asking you to join us in gathering fund to support Yan to pay for Jason’s funeral and burial arrangement. We also hope to raise some fund to assist Yan and Sasha to get over this financially difficult time.
7月11日Jason 同妻兒從waterton national park回到castle view camping ground准备BBQ,Jason砍柴生火开心的喝了点酒,突发严重的哮喘,紧急呼叫911,好心人赶来做心脏复苏直到救护人员赶到,救护人员抢救了半小时左右抢救无效死亡。

Jason 是頤景樓的行政廚師,對頤景樓的餐點設計及水準、管理都是大有貢獻。在Calgary COVID19 疫情下,有效地去管理員工衞生健康及提供住客美味佳餚,辛勞但樂觀工作。

Jason 留下了家中的年輕的妻子Yan和幼小的兒子Sasha。我們知道Yan 急需一筆金額來筹備Jason 的葬禮和應付家庭的雜費。希望大家溫暖地幫助她去解決這些金錢上的難關。

懷念Jason! 顧念他心愛的家人!請大大支持此筹款。
为帮助这位突然过世的年轻人家庭度过几个月的难关,寻求帮助。谢谢大家!筹款组织者是卡城老人院CEO Grace Su https://gf.me/u/ygafjp 谢谢?
Jason Yang, a dedicated and talented Executive Chef for Clover Living, passed away due to a sudden severe asthma attack that could not be resuscitated on July 11. At the time Jason was taking a family vacation at a campsite in Waterton with his wife Yan and 2 1/2-year old son Sasha.

Jason has been instrumental in designing and providing great variety of Chinese cuisine to Clover Living residents. He worked extra hard throughout the COVID19 pandemic to ensure all the safety measures are followed and residents enjoyed their meals. Jason is a great team player and a trusted leader, he is dearly missed.

We are asking you to join us in gathering fund to support Yan to pay for Jason’s funeral and burial arrangement. We also hope to raise some fund to assist Yan and Sasha to get over this financially difficult time.
7月11日Jason 同妻兒從waterton national park回到castle view camping ground准备BBQ,Jason砍柴生火开心的喝了点酒,突发严重的哮喘,紧急呼叫911,好心人赶来做心脏复苏直到救护人员赶到,救护人员抢救了半小时左右抢救无效死亡。

Jason 是頤景樓的行政廚師,對頤景樓的餐點設計及水準、管理都是大有貢獻。在Calgary COVID19 疫情下,有效地去管理員工衞生健康及提供住客美味佳餚,辛勞但樂觀工作。

Jason 留下了家中的年輕的妻子Yan和幼小的兒子Sasha。我們知道Yan 急需一筆金額來筹備Jason 的葬禮和應付家庭的雜費。希望大家溫暖地幫助她去解決這些金錢上的難關。

懷念Jason! 顧念他心愛的家人!請大大支持此筹款。





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