充电时间短:少于或等于加满一箱油的时间(Tesla opened "V3" stations in 2019, providing up to 15 miles per minute. You need a break after many hours of driving anyway. Also charging at home save you time at the pump. Long distance only happens in very few occasions.) I say charging is still a short coming for EV, but not a deadly. In worst case, you can use battery swap to achieve the fast refill of energy. But I don't think that is necessary. 快充十分钟,可以开3小时。
电池容量大:大于或等于一箱油跑的里程: (check, model 3 long range 322 miles = 515 km)
电池寿命长:汽车报废前电池不需要更换:(You may see 1 million mile = 160万 km. Battery next month at Tesla Battery Day.)
报废电池不造成环保危机:可全部回收再利用,不污染空气、水、土壤. (The total environment impact of EV already better than the ICEs)