
国内税务局按网签价计税,买家为了省税,会把网签价压低。可是作为卖家,加拿大这边,如果CRA只认网签价,会和汇到这里银行的金额有出入。。 ?






Specified Foreign Property
Some taxpayers might think that the term “foreign property” just refers to real estate, when it refers to a lot more.
Here are some examples of foreign investment property you must include on Form T1135:
  • A life insurance policy you own from a foreign issuer
  • Interest you own in any offshore mutual funds
  • Any real estate you own held outside Canada
  • Money in a foreign bank account
  • Shares you own of a foreign company
  • Interest you hold in a non-resident trust
  • Bonds or debentures owned from foreign countries
  • Any other income you earn from foreign property.
Foreign Property You Don’t Need to Declare
Not all foreign property above the $100,000 limit needs to be declared on your tax return.
Any investments you hold inside your Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Tax-Free Savings Account don’t need to be included as specified foreign property.
Here are some other examples of foreign property you can exclude:
  • Any property you own primarily for personal use, including your automobile, cottage, paintings and jewelry
  • Any property you use for running a business like a building, equipment and inventory
It’s important to remember that just because a company’s stock is traded on a foreign stock exchange, doesn’t mean you have to include it as foreign income. Many Canadian companies are traded in this manner; you aren’t required to count these towards the $100,000 limit for foreign property.
国内税务局按网签价计税,买家为了省税,会把网签价压低。可是作为卖家,加拿大这边,如果CRA只认网签价,会和汇到这里银行的金额有出入。。 ?

Specified Foreign Property
Some taxpayers might think that the term “foreign property” just refers to real estate, when it refers to a lot more.
Here are some examples of foreign investment property you must include on Form T1135:
  • A life insurance policy you own from a foreign issuer
  • Interest you own in any offshore mutual funds
  • Any real estate you own held outside Canada
  • Money in a foreign bank account
  • Shares you own of a foreign company
  • Interest you hold in a non-resident trust
  • Bonds or debentures owned from foreign countries
  • Any other income you earn from foreign property.
Foreign Property You Don’t Need to Declare
Not all foreign property above the $100,000 limit needs to be declared on your tax return.
Any investments you hold inside your Registered Retirement Savings Plan and Tax-Free Savings Account don’t need to be included as specified foreign property.
Here are some other examples of foreign property you can exclude:
  • Any property you own primarily for personal use, including your automobile, cottage, paintings and jewelry
  • Any property you use for running a business like a building, equipment and inventory
It’s important to remember that just because a company’s stock is traded on a foreign stock exchange, doesn’t mean you have to include it as foreign income. Many Canadian companies are traded in this manner; you aren’t required to count these towards the $100,000 limit for foreign property.




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