下月去卡,需要月票 请问在卡尔加里,bus 和 ctrain月票多少钱,随时都可以买吗?还是每月的特定日期卖 多谢了
渔 渔夫 66 2005-04-16 #3 楼上的兄弟说错了,我太太现在用的4月份月票是70加刀,虽然随时可以买,但月票只能当月使用,所以月底前买比较划算!还有一种零卖的CALGARY TRANSIT,一本10张,共17.5元,不限制时间,一次用一张,90分钟内随便坐,包括BUS和C-TRAIN。
楼上的兄弟说错了,我太太现在用的4月份月票是70加刀,虽然随时可以买,但月票只能当月使用,所以月底前买比较划算!还有一种零卖的CALGARY TRANSIT,一本10张,共17.5元,不限制时间,一次用一张,90分钟内随便坐,包括BUS和C-TRAIN。
S snowtiger 22 2005-04-17 #6 2005年1月开始,公交票价上涨 Fare Changes - City Council approved the following fare increases for January 2005: Adult Monthly Pass $65.00 to $70.00 Youth Single Ticket $1.25 to $1.40 Youth Ticket Book of 10 $10.00 to $12.00 There is no change to the adult cash/ticket fares.
2005年1月开始,公交票价上涨 Fare Changes - City Council approved the following fare increases for January 2005: Adult Monthly Pass $65.00 to $70.00 Youth Single Ticket $1.25 to $1.40 Youth Ticket Book of 10 $10.00 to $12.00 There is no change to the adult cash/ticket fares.