我们是国内的穷人, 来这里6个年头了, 当初就是欢天喜地地来, 现在依然欢天喜地, 我从来就没觉得受到什么歧视。 前些天和警察叔叔高谈阔论(我口若悬河高谈阔论这病, 只有我女儿能治, 她一说:妈, 你那英文我听着脸红, 你能不能少说几句, 我立马没电), 讲 我的各种奇遇, 在各个城市的漂移, 他羡慕得直说想再活一回, 今天收到他的E-mail:
..............We should go for coffee one evening. I am now working Monday to Friday from 11 am to 7 pm so let me know what time is good for you and we can meet up. Would like to hear more of your stories!
..............We should go for coffee one evening. I am now working Monday to Friday from 11 am to 7 pm so let me know what time is good for you and we can meet up. Would like to hear more of your stories!