斯坦福 IT


楼主真是好人啊!我也按照楼主的图解一步步的注册完成了。注册时我也按照要求选择的注册省。但我今天咨询会计师,会计师说我还需要在省注册一下,然后才会自动拿到一个Business Number。请问楼主,难道我还需要再注册省吗?如何注册?
楼主真是好人啊!我也按照楼主的图解一步步的注册完成了。注册时我也按照要求选择的注册省。但我今天咨询会计师,会计师说我还需要在省注册一下,然后才会自动拿到一个Business Number。请问楼主,难道我还需要再注册省吗?如何注册?
谢谢飞龙,您太好了,太热心了。我今天收到了BN和那个表格(BUSINESS NUMBER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION)。我也看了这个帖子的全部内容,其中关于这个表格的Type of operation 部分,您回复是应该选择Employer of a domestic对吧?
关于省注册我还是有点不明白,我都拿到BN了,到省注册内容应该是申请PST account和business license吧?在BC省的注册网页,我选择了这两项,不知道是否正确?
最后编辑: 2014-12-19
谢谢飞龙,您太好了,太热心了。我今天收到了BN和那个表格(BUSINESS NUMBER REQUEST FOR INFORMATION)。我也看了这个帖子的全部内容,其中关于这个表格的Type of operation 部分,您回复是应该选择Employer of a domestic对吧?
关于省注册我还是有点不明白,我都拿到BN了,到省注册内容应该是申请PST account和business license吧?在BC省的注册网页,我选择了这两项,不知道是否正确?

不好意思,这是二年前的贴子了,我翻了下“回复是应该选择Employer of a domestic”,不知在哪页说的,能否给我个链接,太多页了。谢谢!



If a company incorporates at the federal level, do they need to register anything with the provinces?

Yes. Whether a company is incorporated federally or provincially, they will likely be required to register their business in one or more province(s) and/or territory(ies) where they carry on business.

Corporations Canada is working with provincial and territorial officials to ease compliance with this requirement. Currently, any client completing their federal incorporation process through our Online Filing Centre has the option of filling out extra-provincial registration forms for Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The other provinces and territories have individual requirements for registering corporations from outside their borders. Incorporators should contact the local corporate law administration office (also known as Provincial Registrars) in each province or territory in which they plan to carry on business.
不好意思,这是二年前的贴子了,我翻了下“回复是应该选择Employer of a domestic”,不知在哪页说的,能否给我个链接,太多页了。谢谢!



If a company incorporates at the federal level, do they need to register anything with the provinces?

Yes. Whether a company is incorporated federally or provincially, they will likely be required to register their business in one or more province(s) and/or territory(ies) where they carry on business.

Corporations Canada is working with provincial and territorial officials to ease compliance with this requirement. Currently, any client completing their federal incorporation process through our Online Filing Centre has the option of filling out extra-provincial registration forms for Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The other provinces and territories have individual requirements for registering corporations from outside their borders. Incorporators should contact the local corporate law administration office (also known as Provincial Registrars) in each province or territory in which they plan to carry on business.
飞龙您好,关于Type of Operation的选择,我的会计师说选Employer of a domestic也不对,他说这是家庭雇佣的意思。我又问银行经理,他说可以不选,空在那儿即可。所以,最后我也没选。关于省注册,BC省好贵啊,$351.5+tax。没理解,我已经注册完成联邦的公司了,就是在BC登记一下就要这么多钱?这不等于重新在BC注册一个新公司了?那么联邦注册岂不是白花钱?
飞龙您好,关于Type of Operation的选择,我的会计师说选Employer of a domestic也不对,他说这是家庭雇佣的意思。我又问银行经理,他说可以不选,空在那儿即可。所以,最后我也没选。关于省注册,BC省好贵啊,$351.5+tax。没理解,我已经注册完成联邦的公司了,就是在BC登记一下就要这么多钱?这不等于重新在BC注册一个新公司了?那么联邦注册岂不是白花钱?



Please select the ownership type for the business you are registering. For other ownership types such as general partnerships that consist of partners other than individuals or corporations, or if your business is located outside of Canada or the United States, please contact ServiceOntario, the Companies Helpline at 1-800-361-3223 toll free or (416) 314-8880 for more information about other service delivery options.

Please choose the business ownership type: (Required)
Sole Proprietorship
Existing Corporation

Note: You CANNOT register the business name of a limited partnership with this service. Please see 'Help With This Page'.
Please choose the partnership type:
General Partnership
Limited Partnership

How many partners are there in this partnership?



Please select the ownership type for the business you are registering. For other ownership types such as general partnerships that consist of partners other than individuals or corporations, or if your business is located outside of Canada or the United States, please contact ServiceOntario, the Companies Helpline at 1-800-361-3223 toll free or (416) 314-8880 for more information about other service delivery options.

Please choose the business ownership type: (Required)
Sole Proprietorship
Existing Corporation

Note: You CANNOT register the business name of a limited partnership with this service. Please see 'Help With This Page'.
Please choose the partnership type:
General Partnership
Limited Partnership

How many partners are there in this partnership?

唉,在BC,啥都贵呢。我的计划是开一家online store,没有实体店。在BC办公,从温哥华根据顾客地址向全国发货。所以,我理解我不必再注册extro-provincialcompany了。可会计师说要注册。我至今不理解为何要进行省注册?我注册联邦公司时已经选择了office 地址是BC呀。退一步说,如果我不注册省公司,会有什么问题或者后果呢?
唉,在BC,啥都贵呢。我的计划是开一家online store,没有实体店。在BC办公,从温哥华根据顾客地址向全国发货。所以,我理解我不必再注册extro-provincialcompany了。可会计师说要注册。我至今不理解为何要进行省注册?我注册联邦公司时已经选择了office 地址是BC呀。退一步说,如果我不注册省公司,会有什么问题或者后果呢?

If I incorporate federally, do I haveto register or file anything withthe provinces or territories?

Yes. Whether you incorporate federally, provinciallyor territorially, you will likely be required to registeryour business in any province or territory where you do business. Each province and territory has its ownrequirements for registering corporations from outsideits borders. Industry Canada is working with provincialand territorial officials to decrease this burden. Forexample, Corporations Canada has joint registration agreements with some provinces allowing corporationsthat incorporate online to apply for provincial registration online. You should contact the local corporate law administration office in each province or territory where you plan to do business to determine what yourcorporation needs to do.

If a company incorporates at the federal level, do they need to register anything with the provinces?

Yes. Whether a company is incorporated federally or provincially, they will likely be required to register their business in one or more province(s) and/or territory(ies) where they carry on business.

Corporations Canada is working with provincial and territorial officials to ease compliance with this requirement. Currently, any client completing their federal incorporation process through our Online Filing Centre has the option of filling out extra-provincial registration forms for Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

The other provinces and territories have individual requirements for registering corporations from outside their borders. Incorporators should contact the local corporate law administration office (also known as Provincial Registrars) in each province or territory in which they plan to carry on business.

Return to questions

Do I have to incorporate federally and provincially?
No, you either incorporate federally or provincially.





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请教一下,我注册的是联邦公司,申请过程中好像被问到注册地址和营业地址,就选了安省。现已收到ONTARIO CORPORATION NUMBER,这是不是表示安省登记已成功啊?




注册帐号. 太容易了!


已有帐号? 在这里登录.

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