不好意思,这是二年前的贴子了,我翻了下“回复是应该选择Employer of a domestic”,不知在哪页说的,能否给我个链接,太多页了。谢谢!
If a company incorporates at the federal level, do they need to register anything with the provinces?
Yes. Whether a company is incorporated federally or provincially, they will likely be required to register their business in one or more province(s) and/or territory(ies) where they carry on business.
Corporations Canada is working with provincial and territorial officials to ease compliance with this requirement. Currently, any client completing their federal incorporation process through our Online Filing Centre has the option of filling out extra-provincial registration forms for Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador.
The other provinces and territories have individual requirements for registering corporations from outside their borders. Incorporators should contact the local corporate law administration office (also known as Provincial Registrars) in each province or territory in which they plan to carry on business.