对周围居民的威胁程度: The blasts caused thousands of people to be evacuated from their homes and cost
C$1.8 million to clean up, half of which was paid by the province of Ontario.
庆幸这是发生在半夜吧,要是在白天,死多少人真不好说,就是半夜,而且即使在半夜,也是Six people were sent to the hospital, 18 people admitted themselves to emergency clinics, and Emergency Medical Services treated 40 people on the site
是否符合安省安全标准:On August 4, 2010, The
Toronto Star reported that the massive Sunrise propane explosion in 2008 was caused by an illegal "tank-to-tank transfer" along with a gas hose leak. The report said that liquid propane was released from a hose after a "tank-to-tank transfer" was completed.
再回来说魁省的铁路事故,我赞同火车不能全修在无人区的说法,也赞同油罐车有可能出事故的说法,但上千吨油罐车无人值守,算是本来不该发生的安全问题吧? 这个事情和天津把危险品仓库建在小区附近,有一拼,这两类事只有一个结局,就是没出事其实是侥幸,出事是必然的,铁路运输公司在这次事故后一个主要的避免措施就是:
The two major
Class I Canadian railways,
Canadian Pacific Railway and
Canadian National Railway, have indicated that they will not be leaving unattended locomotives unlocked outside a terminal or yard; CPR tank car trains containing regulated commodities will no longer be left unattended on a main line.