小王子~ 嗯嗯:wdb6::wdb9:
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #402 捶扭皮 说: 俺周末连续两天晚上一点多才睡,好像自造了个时差的敢叫。。。。。。。加上夏令时,乱嘹。 点击展开... 也会酱紫。 白天要努力补一觉才好。
捶扭皮 18,574 2015-11-03 #404 Belge晓梦 说: 也会酱紫。 白天要努力补一觉才好。 点击展开... 更不敢了。前段时间,下午睡一小脚,晚上直接延后几个小时入眠。 俺还是慢慢调整吧。 岁数大了,适应调整能力确实下降了。不服不行。
Belge晓梦 宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落; 去留无意,望天外云卷云舒。 6,744 2015-11-03 #407 捶扭皮 说: 更不敢了。前段时间,下午睡一小脚,晚上直接延后几个小时入眠。 俺还是慢慢调整吧。 岁数大了,适应调整能力确实下降了。不服不行。 点击展开... 是不是不累啊? 我昨天上午游泳半小时,傍晚快走一小时,晚上睡的那个香。起床出门了。回来聊。
捶扭皮 说: 更不敢了。前段时间,下午睡一小脚,晚上直接延后几个小时入眠。 俺还是慢慢调整吧。 岁数大了,适应调整能力确实下降了。不服不行。 点击展开... 是不是不累啊? 我昨天上午游泳半小时,傍晚快走一小时,晚上睡的那个香。起床出门了。回来聊。
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #409 捶扭皮 说: 更不敢了。前段时间,下午睡一小脚,晚上直接延后几个小时入眠。 俺还是慢慢调整吧。 岁数大了,适应调整能力确实下降了。不服不行。 点击展开... In my view,The key point is keeping a peaceful and relax mind.....don't get irritated so easily and so often... : ) 最后编辑: 2015-11-03
捶扭皮 说: 更不敢了。前段时间,下午睡一小脚,晚上直接延后几个小时入眠。 俺还是慢慢调整吧。 岁数大了,适应调整能力确实下降了。不服不行。 点击展开... In my view,The key point is keeping a peaceful and relax mind.....don't get irritated so easily and so often... : )
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #410 downtownseafood 说: This one above took me 2 hours to finish.... Anyone like this piece? 点击展开... I like
downtownseafood 说: This one above took me 2 hours to finish.... Anyone like this piece? 点击展开... I like
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #412 downtownseafood 说: Give you an elephant. ..浏览附件407151 点击展开... Wow~ So cute, I like it, but sorry, that's not what I want........
downtownseafood 说: Give you an elephant. ..浏览附件407151 点击展开... Wow~ So cute, I like it, but sorry, that's not what I want........
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #414 蝶★荡☆ 说: Wow~ So cute, I like it, but sorry, that's not what I want........ 点击展开... Kidding, this piece is for a friend in the states, she loves elephant,she told me if she got richer some day, she will buy a huge house and raise an elephant as her pet.... Lol. 最后编辑: 2015-11-03
蝶★荡☆ 说: Wow~ So cute, I like it, but sorry, that's not what I want........ 点击展开... Kidding, this piece is for a friend in the states, she loves elephant,she told me if she got richer some day, she will buy a huge house and raise an elephant as her pet.... Lol.
蝶★荡☆ 27,130 2015-11-03 #415 downtownseafood 说: Thank you, good morning to you too. : ) 点击展开... Morning
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #416 蝶★荡☆ 说: Early birds~~~ 点击展开... Atually, i am also working now.... You don't believe me, do you?
摘 摘叶飞花 1,941 2015-11-03 #418 青色 说: 现在朝霞很漂亮~快去看~ 点击展开... downtownseafood 说: Okay......thanks! 点击展开... 我觉得枕边的紫霞更漂亮。。。,继续睡觉。。。
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #419 Belge晓梦 说: 是不是不累啊? 我昨天上午游泳半小时,傍晚快走一小时,晚上睡的那个香。起床出门了。回来聊。 点击展开... I think so.
downtownseafood 1,181 2015-11-03 #420 摘叶飞花 说: 我觉得枕边的紫霞更漂亮。。。,继续睡觉。。。 点击展开... Do something then.... Lol. Goodmorning to you too!