Recently, especially this year, most of IT guy who are looking for new job , totally feel it difficult to get new job. as I known, one of my friends ,she is .net developer, she has been at home to finding a new job with 4 months already. 15 years ago she immigrant to Canada.
Where is she living? I knows there are lots of .net opportunities in Vancouver job marketing. Did she get many interviews but not pass it or not even get many interviews?
Where is she living? I knows there are lots of .net opportunities in Vancouver job marketing. Did she get many interviews but not pass it or not even get many interviews?
lots of .Net opportunities in Vancouver does not mean every developer is able to get job in short terms, that's depend on how many candidates to compete one position.
我觉得走CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer方向比较好,反正你转Java开发什么的也没优势,考个OCP Java Programmer只能证明你没有实际Java开发经验,还不如直接搞最火的。我是你所说的那种十几年市场沉淀下来的Java程序员,正在看Programming in Scala,准备看完之后过一下python、Hadoop、Spark,考个CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer,看能不能公司内部转大数据开发。Spark毕竟比较新,大家都在玩吧,加拿大做的成功的可能没几个。
考Hadoop的话注意一般有三个方向:Admin,Developer和Analyst。Admin类似DBA,Developer主要是用Java写MapReduce,Analyst(有时候也叫developer,这个各家厂商命名不一)主要是用Hive(SQL over Hadoop),pig,sqoop等做数据清理、导入导出和查询,基本不用写MapReduce。