[评论]华裔乘客遭暴力赶下美联航飞机 现场尖叫一片



原标题是:《非法驱逐乘客后,美联航援引了错误的法律》(United Airlines Cites Wrong Rule For Illegally De-Boarding Passenger)


In my belief, United Airlines is citing the wrong federalrule to justify its illegal request to force a passenger already boarded andseated to disembark so they could make room for crew members being flown to anew assignment.

联邦法律14 CFR 253规定,所有商业航线都受一份名为“运输合同”(“Contractof Carriage”,简称COC)的管理。COC是一份对双方都有约束力的合同,它保障了乘客的合法权利,也对航空公司施加了义务。美联航的COC中包括了两个不同的章节:21号条例,名为“拒绝运输”(“Refusalof Transport”);25号条例,名为“拒绝登机补偿”。(“Denied Boarding Compensation.”)

Under a federal rule [14 CFR 253], commercial airlines aregoverned by a document known as a “Contract of Carriage” [COC], a legallybinding contract which, among other things, protects the legal rights ofpassengers, and imposes legal duties upon carriers. United’s COC contains two distinct sections:Rule 21 entitled “Refusal of Transport,” and Rule 25 entitled “Denied BoardingCompensation.”

在逼迫已经登机并入座的乘客强制下机后,美联航为了使自己的行为合法化,一直错误地援引它COC中“拒绝登机补偿”条例,以及该条例所依附的联邦法14 CFR 250.5。

United is incorrectly citing the denied boardingcompensation rule in its COC, and the federal rule upon which it is based [14CFR 250.5], to justify requiring a passenger who has already been permitted toboard and taken a seat to involuntarily disembark.


But that rule, as its title and history clearly establish,applies only if an airline wishes to deny boarding to a passenger, not toremove a passenger who has already boarded an airplane.

现在的联邦法律都从一个Ralph Nader案件而起。在这个案件里,Ralph Nader持有一张合法机票,但是却被拒绝登机。他打官司,一直打到美国最高法院。最高法院最终的判决是,如果他被拒绝登机,他理应受到赔偿。

The current federal rule grew out of a situation in whichRalph Nader was denied the opportunity to board a flight, even though he had avalid ticket. He sued, in a case whichwent to the U.S. Supreme Court, and it was eventually held that he was entitledto compensation if he was denied boarding.


As a direct result, the government adopted a rule whichpermits a carrier to deny boarding to a ticketed passenger, but only aftergoing through a process of seeking other passengers to give up their seats.

美联航的25号条例,就像这个名字显示的一样,只作用于拒绝登机。所以,它自己在条款中只出现了“已被拒绝登机的” (“deniedboarding”)和“拒绝登机”“deny boarding”的字样,根本没有提及要求已经登机的乘客放弃他们的座位。

United’s Rule 25, as its title clearly implies, applies onlyto denied boarding. Thus, it uses the word “denied boarding,” and variants suchas “deny boarding,” but says nothing about requiring passengers who havealready boarded to give up their seats.


Indeed, it states in part, using the word “boarding” twice,that: “other passengers may be denied boarding involuntarily in accordance withUA’s boarding priority.


Clearly, a “boarding priority” does not include or imply aninvoluntary removal or refusal of transport. Moreover, under well accepted contract law, any ambiguous term in acontract must be construed against – and in the way least favorable to – theparty which drafted it.


So, even if United argued that there was some ambiguity in“denied boarding” based upon “boarding priority” – and that it could possiblymean removal based upon a removal priority – a court would be forced to ruleagainst this interpretation because United drafted the contract.


This denied boarding rule, and similar rules applying toGreat Britain and the European Union, only permit denying boarding, notremoving a passenger who has already boarded. The situations under which airlines are permitted to have a passengerwho has already been boarded disembark are contained in a completely separatesection the United’s COC entitled “Refusal of Transport.”


Rule 21, entitled “Refusal of Transport,” is very differentbecause it clearly and expressly covers situations in which a passenger who hasalready boarded the plane can be removed. It states clearly: “Rule 21, Refusal of Transport, UA shall have theright to refuse to transport or shall have the RIGHT TO REMOVE FROM THEAIRCRAFT AT ANY POINT, any passenger for the following reasons.” [emphasisadded]


The rule, which unlike the denied boarding rule does providefor removal “from the aircraft at any point,” lists some two dozenjustifications including: unruly behavior, intoxication, inability to fit intoone seat, medical problems or concerns, etc. But nowhere in the list of some two dozen reasons is there anythingabout over booking, the need to free up seats, the need for seats toaccommodate crew members to be used on a different flight etc.


This is very important because, under accepted legalprinciples, a law or rule which lists in detail several different factors mustbe read not to include other factors which were deliberately not included orlisted. So, for example, if a ruleprovides that a license to drive a car may be forfeited by violations of lawsgoverning speeding, intoxication, reckless driving, or driving without alicense, it cannot be read to also permit license revocation for parkingviolations, or for having a burned out license plate illumination light.


In this case, the failure to include over booking, or theneed for additional seats, in a long list of justifications for removing apassenger “from the aircraft at any point” means that passengers may not beremoved for these non-listed reasons.


The conclusion is further reinforced by the fact that thereis a completely separate section of United’s COC which does deal expressly withthe need for additional seats, but it provides that the concern must be dealtwith by preventing passengers from boarding, not ejecting them once they haveboarded.


United also seems to suggest not only that the deniedboarding justification applies to ordering an already boarded passenger to giveup its seat, but that the carrier did all that it could under the rule to dealwith its need to accommodate additional crew members as passengers.


But in asking other passengers, as required by law, to giveup their seats for monetary compensation, United offered far less than theminimum specified by the federal rule. It also, although it clearly and legally could have done so, refused tooffer more – although the Washington Post recently explained how airlines will sometimesoffer passengers thousands of dollars to give up their seats.


Finally, it appears that United is seeking to blame thepassenger, claiming that when asked to give up his seat, he acted belligerently– and citing a rule which requires that passengers obey the orders of theflight crew. But, such a requirementapplies only to orders which are lawful.


If, for example, the flight crew had ordered two passengersto fight each other for the amusement of the other passengers, or to take offall their clothing, the passengers would not be required to comply, and theirforceful removal could not be based upon refusing to follow unlawful orders.


Once someone in possession of a valid ticket has been seated– whether on an airplane, a train or bus, or at the symphony – he cannot beordered to give up that which he has a valid contractual right to enjoy, simplybecause his seat is needed for someone else.


While it is of course permissible to remove a seated personis such a situation for unruly behavior, drunkenness, to deal with a medicalemergency, etc. – as spelled out here in United’s Rule 21 – simple over bookingcan only be dealt with by denying boarding originally, pursuant to United’sRule 25.

John F. Banzhaf III是乔治华盛顿大学法学院公共权益法教授。
John F. Banzhaf III is a professor of public interest law atthe George Washington University Law School.



另外,根据USA Today今天的报道,美联航承认,3411航班并不存在“超卖”的情况。CEO也放弃了乘客野蛮的说辞,开始道歉。


真的?怪不得我前些天逛NO FRILL的时候,看见一个员工明显是唐氏的男孩子,在那里理货,但是他完全找不着北的样子,扣扣这里,摸摸那里,怅然若失的样子。我还奇怪超市怎么会聘用他。
强行拖离是合法的?转载一篇网友翻译乔治华盛顿大学法学院公共权益法教授的文章,供大家参考:legallybinding contract which, among other things, protects the legal rights ofpassengers, and imposes legal duties upon carriers. United’s COC contains two distinct sections:Rule 21 entitled “Refusal of Transport,” and Rule 25 entitled “Denied BoardingCompensation.”

在逼迫已经登机并入座的乘客强制下机后,美联航为了使自己的行为合法化,一直错误地援引它COC中“拒绝登机补偿”条例,以及该条例所依附的联邦法14 CFR 250.5。

United is incorrectly citing the denied boardingcompensation rule in its COC, and the federal rule upon which it is based [14CFR 250.5], to justify requiring a passenger who has already been permitted toboard and taken a seat to involuntarily disembark.


But that rule, as its title and history clearly establish,applies only if an airline wishes to deny boarding to a passenger, not toremove a passenger who has already boarded an airplane.

现在的联邦法律都从一个Ralph Nader案件而起。在这个案件里,Ralph Nader持有一张合法机票,但是却被拒绝登机。他打官司,一直打到美国最高法院。最高法院最终的判决是,如果他被拒绝登机,他理应受到赔偿。

The current federal rule grew out of a situation in whichRalph Nader was denied the opportunity to board a flight, even though he had avalid ticket. He sued, in a case whichwent to the U.S. Supreme Court, and it was eventually held that he was entitledto compensation if he was denied boarding.


As a direct result, the government adopted a rule whichpermits a carrier to deny boarding to a ticketed passenger, but only aftergoing through a process of seeking other passengers to give up their seats.

美联航的25号条例,就像这个名字显示的一样,只作用于拒绝登机。所以,它自己在条款中只出现了“已被拒绝登机的” (“deniedboarding”)和“拒绝登机”“deny boarding”的字样,根本没有提及要求已经登机的乘客放弃他们的座位。

United’s Rule 25, as its title clearly implies, applies onlyto denied boarding. Thus, it uses the word “denied boarding,” and variants suchas “deny boarding,” but says nothing about requiring passengers who havealready boarded to give up their seats.


Indeed, it states in part, using the word “boarding” twice,that: “other passengers may be denied boarding involuntarily in accordance withUA’s boarding priority.


Clearly, a “boarding priority” does not include or imply aninvoluntary removal or refusal of transport. Moreover, under well accepted contract law, any ambiguous term in acontract must be construed against – and in the way least favorable to – theparty which drafted it.


So, even if United argued that there was some ambiguity in“denied boarding” based upon “boarding priority” – and that it could possiblymean removal based upon a removal priority – a court would be forced to ruleagainst this interpretation because United drafted the contract.


This denied boarding rule, and similar rules applying toGreat Britain and the European Union, only permit denying boarding, notremoving a passenger who has already boarded. The situations under which airlines are permitted to have a passengerwho has already been boarded disembark are contained in a completely separatesection the United’s COC entitled “Refusal of Transport.”


Rule 21, entitled “Refusal of Transport,” is very differentbecause it clearly and expressly covers situations in which a passenger who hasalready boarded the plane can be removed. It states clearly: “Rule 21, Refusal of Transport, UA shall have theright to refuse to transport or shall have the RIGHT TO REMOVE FROM THEAIRCRAFT AT ANY POINT, any passenger for the following reasons.” [emphasisadded]


The rule, which unlike the denied boarding rule does providefor removal “from the aircraft at any point,” lists some two dozenjustifications including: unruly behavior, intoxication, inability to fit intoone seat, medical problems or concerns, etc. But nowhere in the list of some two dozen reasons is there anythingabout over booking, the need to free up seats, the need for seats toaccommodate crew members to be used on a different flight etc.


This is very important because, under accepted legalprinciples, a law or rule which lists in detail several different factors mustbe read not to include other factors which were deliberately not included orlisted. So, for example, if a ruleprovides that a license to drive a car may be forfeited by violations of lawsgoverning speeding, intoxication, reckless driving, or driving without alicense, it cannot be read to also permit license revocation for parkingviolations, or for having a burned out license plate illumination light.


In this case, the failure to include over booking, or theneed for additional seats, in a long list of justifications for removing apassenger “from the aircraft at any point” means that passengers may not beremoved for these non-listed reasons.


The conclusion is further reinforced by the fact that thereis a completely separate section of United’s COC which does deal expressly withthe need for additional seats, but it provides that the concern must be dealtwith by preventing passengers from boarding, not ejecting them once they haveboarded.


United also seems to suggest not only that the deniedboarding justification applies to ordering an already boarded passenger to giveup its seat, but that the carrier did all that it could under the rule to dealwith its need to accommodate additional crew members as passengers.


But in asking other passengers, as required by law, to giveup their seats for monetary compensation, United offered far less than theminimum specified by the federal rule. It also, although it clearly and legally could have done so, refused tooffer more – although the Washington Post recently explained how airlines will sometimesoffer passengers thousands of dollars to give up their seats.


Finally, it appears that United is seeking to blame thepassenger, claiming that when asked to give up his seat, he acted belligerently– and citing a rule which requires that passengers obey the orders of theflight crew. But, such a requirementapplies only to orders which are lawful.


If, for example, the flight crew had ordered two passengersto fight each other for the amusement of the other passengers, or to take offall their clothing, the passengers would not be required to comply, and theirforceful removal could not be based upon refusing to follow unlawful orders.


Once someone in possession of a valid ticket has been seated– whether on an airplane, a train or bus, or at the symphony – he cannot beordered to give up that which he has a valid contractual right to enjoy, simplybecause his seat is needed for someone else.


While it is of course permissible to remove a seated personis such a situation for unruly behavior, drunkenness, to deal with a medicalemergency, etc. – as spelled out here in United’s Rule 21 – simple over bookingcan only be dealt with by denying boarding originally, pursuant to United’sRule 25.

John F. Banzhaf III是乔治华盛顿大学法学院公共权益法教授。
John F. Banzhaf III is a professor of public interest law atthe George Washington University Law School.



另外,根据USA Today今天的报道,美联航承认,3411航班并不存在“超卖”的情况。CEO也放弃了乘客野蛮的说辞,开始道歉。
最后编辑: 2017-04-12
最后编辑: 2017-04-12

这是公司治理方式的问题,有的公司靠提高customer service获得盈利比如skytrax上面排名比较高的那几家,有的靠低油价盈利比如中东土豪那几家。UA与continental 合并之后垄断了不少航权和机场时刻,所以它可以不care客户服务,只专注消减成本




最后编辑: 2017-04-12
真的?怪不得我前些天逛NO FRILL的时候,看见一个员工明显是唐氏的男孩子,在那里理货,但是他完全找不着北的样子,扣扣这里,摸摸那里,怅然若失的样子。我还奇怪超市怎么会聘用他。





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