别瞎操心了, 只有盗窃超过$5000, 暴力,强奸和谋杀这样的罪行才会影响入籍, 加拿大入籍没有考察品德的要求, 只要居住够时间就可以了, 就算坐牢都没有大影响,只不过坐牢的时间不记入居住时间.
From CIC:
If you have committed a crime in or outside Canada you may not be eligible to become a Canadian citizen for a period of time. For example if you:
are in prison, on parole or on probation in Canada, or are serving a sentence outside Canada,
have been convicted of an indictable offence in Canada or an offence outside Canada in the four years before applying for citizenship, or
are charged with, on trial for, or involved in an appeal of an indictable offence in Canada, or an offence outside Canada.
Time in prison or on parole does not count as time you have lived in Canada. Time on probation also does not count if you were convicted of a crime.
Indictable offences — These are more serious and include theft over $5,000, break and enter, aggravated sexual assault and murder.
不像欧洲入籍都会有品德要求, 任何罪行都不行, 甚至开车超速情节严重都会被据.