
我没有阻止你讲话吧?我只是说了些实话,提了些实质性的建议,真话伤人啊 。

说服我没有用的,这个 zoning 的案子是社区做的,我只是参与者,我就是愿意也没权利撤诉。

当然我也不同意那位网友的看法。沥青厂是不合法的,它不可能因为造成既成事实就变成合法,it should never be here, 这个就是整个社区的意见。
我说过的,这个 zoning 的案子是社区做的,我只是参加者,我参不参加都不会改变社区组织的上诉。听证是我们要的,因为 20 年来关于沥青厂的事情一直没有走法律程序,没有公众意见和社区意见征询的环节,是一个不合法的决定,民众需要一个机会来表达自己的意见。

只是说明事情的原委,他一直试图说服我放弃 zoning 的案子。
老习根本就没有要说服你放弃zoning 的案子,他只是认为改变zoning 的方法行不通,原因就是grandfather rule。你懂什么是grandfather rule吗?套用中国政府惯用的一句话就是:“自古以来就是……”
老习根本就没有要说服你放弃zoning 的案子,他只是认为改变zoning 的方法行不通,原因就是grandfather rule。你懂什么是grandfather rule吗?套用中国政府惯用的一句话就是:“自古以来就是……”

在1990, 1995, 1998 完善和新立的法规之后,沥青厂在 1999 是不能进来的。

这个就是为什么它是非法进入的,因此也套不上什么 grandfather 这一说。只有合法进入的才套的上。

而且这个物业在 1988 -- 1999 是作为商业用途的,用作运动场和电影摄制地。和重工业没有关系。

话说回来,这个是属于市政府和社区之间的问题,两方各不相让,我作为个人只是选边站。我们得到的消息是,市政府要解决问题,但需要时间,在解决的过程中,市政府的 planners 和社区的公众都会有机会参与。
在1990, 1995, 1998 完善和新立的法规之后,沥青厂在 1999 是不能进来的。

这个就是为什么它是非法进入的,因此也套不上什么 grandfather 这一说。只有合法进入的才套的上。

而且这个物业在 1988 -- 1999 是作为商业用途的,用作运动场和电影摄制地。和重工业没有关系。

话说回来,这个是属于市政府和社区之间的问题,两方各不相让,我作为个人只是选边站。我们得到的消息是,市政府要解决问题,但需要时间,在解决的过程中,市政府的 planners 和社区的公众都会有机会参与。
这是有关”a Legal Non-Conforming Right” 或是“grandfathering”的解释,希望你看得懂和明白:
A Legal Non-Conforming Right is the right to continue a particular land use that is no longer permitted under the current zoning rules. In order to be eligible, the land use must have been established at a time when it was permitted under previous zoning regulations or at a time that would have predated any zoning by-law being in existence and has to have been in continuous use since that time.
The Ontario Planning Act governs how Zoning By-laws can be used for regulating the use and development of land. It also provides for what is known as legal non-conforming rights (also more generally known as “grandfathering”).
What this means is: if you have a use on your land that was legally established at a time it would have complied with the Zoning By-law or was established prior to any zoning by-law existing, and then a new Zoning By-law is passed which has the effect of no longer permitting the use on your property, then you could have non-conforming rights to continue the use on the property. If the use is eventually discontinued, or changes to another use, you would lose the non-conforming rights and will not be able to re-establish the use which is no longer permitted without an amendment to the Zoning By-law. It should also be noted that a temporary cessation in a use does not necessarily result in the loss of the non-conforming right.

这是有关”a Legal Non-Conforming Right” 或是“grandfathering”的解释,希望你看得懂和明白:
A Legal Non-Conforming Right is the right to continue a particular land use that is no longer permitted under the current zoning rules. In order to be eligible, the land use must have been established at a time when it was permitted under previous zoning regulations or at a time that would have predated any zoning by-law being in existence and has to have been in continuous use since that time.
The Ontario Planning Act governs how Zoning By-laws can be used for regulating the use and development of land. It also provides for what is known as legal non-conforming rights (also more generally known as “grandfathering”).
What this means is: if you have a use on your land that was legally established at a time it would have complied with the Zoning By-law or was established prior to any zoning by-law existing, and then a new Zoning By-law is passed which has the effect of no longer permitting the use on your property, then you could have non-conforming rights to continue the use on the property. If the use is eventually discontinued, or changes to another use, you would lose the non-conforming rights and will not be able to re-establish the use which is no longer permitted without an amendment to the Zoning By-law. It should also be noted that a temporary cessation in a use does not necessarily result in the loss of the non-conforming right.


深入的辩论应该会在听证会展开,如果双方无法就此达成一致意见。市政府方面的表态,说问题要解决,planners 会做一些工作,我们姑且等待他们的方案,到时候再说吧,因为他们也说了,会走程序,有公众意见征询环节。




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