
I agree, usually for this kind of conclusion, I always look at myself first, do I go shopping more often than usual?
so you think M is going up, right? and all the online shoppings
My opinion only:
M? Absolutely.
Online shoppings? Not so much. 6 months of online shopping has been enough, perhaps too much for people. With vaccination production on track and school reopening, people will probably start going back to malls gradually.
M stock =Real Estate+Consumer Discretionary
MAC stock=Real Estate+Consumer Discretionary+Financials(because of the high leverage)


我觉得我还是看中JUMIA这样的公司,因为行业前景可以确定,本着每个公司都是本能的向好的方向发展的原则,未来5年,前景可观,但是可能过程漫长,要慢慢来,所以我就先不停的做sell put, 折价买股票,以月为基础,premium肥厚

谢谢推荐,M MAC 我会关注
最后编辑: 2020-09-17



最后编辑: 2020-09-17
我觉得我还是看中JUMIA这样的公司,因为行业前景可以确定,本着每个公司都是本能的向好的方向发展的原则,未来5年,前景可观,但是可能过程漫长,要慢慢来,所以我就先不停的做sell put, 折价买股票,以月为基础,premium肥厚

谢谢推荐,M MAC 我会关注
I agree with you for long term. The problem is in short term, obviously e-commence companies stocks have been over bought. While going online is definitely the trend, there are much better investment opportunities within those "traditional" dominants in their industries who start shifting business to online. For example, the Ketchup maker said their online business had been growing by more than 100%. With their incredible 97% penetration rate, the king will still be the king in their own empire. So, in my opinion, stocks like M, KHC, WMT have better investment value than AMZN.

最后编辑: 2020-09-17


I agree with you for long term. The problem is in short term, obviously e-commence companies stocks have been over bought. While going online is definitely the trend, there are much better investment opportunities within those "traditional" dominants in their industries who start shifting business to online. For example, the Ketchup maker said their online business had been growing by more than 100%. With their incredible 97% penetratio rate, the king will still be the king in their own empire. So, in my opinion, stocks like M, KHC, WMT have better investment value than AMZN.

I get what you mean, I will think about it. As to make money, I have an open mind... =)
My opinion only:
M? Absolutely.
Online shoppings? Not so much. 6 months of online shopping has been enough, perhaps too much for people. With vaccination production on track and school reopening, people will probably start going back to malls gradually.
M stock =Real Estate+Consumer Discretionary
MAC stock=Real Estate+Consumer Discretionary+Financials(because of the high leverage)
Jumia 看来看去放弃了。前景确实大好,毕竟是全新的市场,就跟几年前炒加拿大的大麻股一样,区别是我们知道在线购物几乎肯定是上升趋势,而大麻只是炒热点。但对jumia这种股票来说目前估值被炒的太高,未来几年股价到底有多少上升空间也还未可知;另外一个最让我担心的是非洲的基建怎么样,能撑的起来jumia业务成长多需要的大规模的物流能力吗?非常怀疑,虽然没去过非洲
另一个热门行业,telemedecine 现在买进去有点晚了,但是也是个大趋势,值得关注。我知道的公司有well health, cloudmd 另外telus也有远程医疗业务不过之占很小一块




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