第七集 :胜利号角。 12/03 乔治亚州公听会




踏实做事 有趣做人
今天还有第二场,6:00 pm ET ,


那些口口声声要证据的家园反川者,听了吗,老萨躲到哪里去了。。。 :ROFLMAO:



踏实做事 有趣做人


1 As the President of the United States, I have no higher duty than to protect our constitution. So I have determined to protect our election system.
2 We must ensure every legal ballot is counted, and no illegal ballot is counted.
3 Without a fair election, we don't have a country.


我同意当前科技公司拥有所有权力,却无任何责任的做法是有问题的。 特别是当前大型科技公司拥有如此大的经济利益情况下。

如果真的废除230条款,会对美国科技公司(网站/app)有“无穷无尽“的诉讼 。

如果230条款真被废除,实践中,twitter和facebook等,一上来就会封禁到所有有争议言论的账户 ,结果会和中国的网站管制趋同。

废除230条款,这对极右和极左都是一个”灾难“ 。川普如果下台,不再做总统,如果废除230条款,川普的twitter账号首当其冲会被封杀。

1 As the President of the United States, I have no higher duty than to protect our constitution. So I have determined to protect our election system.
2 We must ensure every legal ballot is counted, and no illegal ballot is counted.
3 Without a fair election, we don't have a country.


摩托哥和白白同学又不声不响地去下注了 :ROFLMAO:


踏实做事 有趣做人

Today President Donald J. Trump filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Elections Commission, et. al. in his personal capacity as a candidate for re-election to the office of President of the United States. The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Division.

The complaint is based on the unlawful and unconstitutional acts by Wisconsin public officials, including the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the Mayors of Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha, Green Bay, and Racine, and other election officials.

The suit seeks relief under the Electors Clause of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that public officials follow State Election Law when conducting a presidential election in their state. The lawsuits asks the U.S. District Court to find constitutional violations by defendants and send the matter to the Wisconsin Legislature for appropriate relief under Article II, Section 1.2. The U.S. Constitution makes the state legislature the final decision-makers on how to address constitutional violations involving a presidential election, and textually grants them the authority to select delegates to the Electoral College.

Specifically, the lawsuit alleges the following key unlawful acts:

  • Directives by the Wisconsin Elections Commission undercutting Wisconsin’s Photo Identification Law.
  • A Plan by the Mayors of Wisconsin’s five largest cities (Milwaukee, Madison, Kenosha, Green Bay and Racine) and funded by an out-of-state organization known as the Center for Tech & Civic Life to implement a new form of balloting in Wisconsin using un-manned, absentee ballot drop boxes without adequate or uniform chain of custody standards and security protocols contrary to the Wisconsin Election Code.
  • Directives by the Wisconsin Elections Commission that facilitated the unlawful, un-manned absentee ballot drop box Plan by endorsing illegal drop boxes (which were then ultimately used throughout the State in the election), failing to adopt uniform chain of custody and security protocols for the ballots in the drop boxes and failing to ensure public access to the process.
  • Directives by the Wisconsin Elections Commission to election officials to tamper with witness certifications on absentee ballot envelopes which facilitated the counting of unlawful ballots in the election in violation of the Wisconsin Election Code.
“The United States Constitution prevents the rules in a Presidential Election from being changed at the last minute by un-elected bureaucrats and local politicians who may have a more narrow interest in the outcome of the election. We have alleged in our Complaint on behalf of the President that the Wisconsin Elections Commission and other state and local officials in Wisconsin broke the Wisconsin Election Code and ran an unconstitutional and unlawful election. Nothing is more important to our national fabric and future than integrity in our electoral process. This lawsuit is one-step in the direction of fairer, more transparent, more professional and ultimately more reliable elections in America.” Bill Bock, lead counsel in the Wisconsin federal suit for Donald J. Trump.

“Today’s federal lawsuit in Wisconsin reveals an apparently coordinated effort to push a new form of balloting upon Wisconsin voters that was not protected by uniform chain of custody and security standards and protocols. Regrettably, this is the same sort of conduct we have seen across many battleground states that Democrats knew they had to win to defeat the President where the rules of the election were changed at the last minute and guardrails against fraud were simultaneously lowered.

We hope that the State Legislatures in every affected State will take up this battle to protect the voters in their State. This is a solemn responsibility the Constitution entrusts directly to State Legislatures. The time for full scale investigations and resolve to uphold the Constitution is now, and President Trump is committed to fighting corruption and ensuring free and fair elections today and into the future for every American.” Jenna Ellis, Senior Legal Adviser for Trump 2020 Campaign and Attorney to President Trump.

Click here to read the filing.




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