这是12/07 我看到的分析,那个时候普通人都不知道有德克萨斯州起诉这种事,
Ok after listening to Jay Sekulow today and PT comments about some big things in the next day or two I think I see a possible play.
So here are the steps we could see tomorrow IMO.
1. As we know, Kelly filed an earlier lawsuit in PA arguing that the Gov and SOS acted unconstitutionally when they themselves vs the state legislature, went around current state election law, which eliminated many of the state’s ballot safeguards and is now asking the SC for an emergency application for a temporary injunction to prevent the state of PA from seeding its electors.
2. Alito originally asked the state to respond by 9:00 a.m. on the 9th only to move the filing of the State’s brief response to Tues at 9:00 am. Why? IMO to beat I believe, the noon safe harbor time where states can begin selecting electors.
3. IMO Alito moved this up because it signals that the conservative justices WILL take the case and wanted to head off or nullify any media/counter argument that the SC acted AFTER the safe harbor deadline.
4. IMO the SC WILL act almost immediately after this brief is filed at 9:00 am tomorrow and could rule that they will enjoin (halt) the state of PA from seeding any electors until such time that the SC can rule on the merits of Kelly’s original lawsuit.
5. Now comes the good part or the secret sauce – Original Jurisdiction which is when two or more states are locked in a dispute, the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction to gather and hear evidence much like a trial court.
So, what could happen between 9:00 and noon tomorrow is, multiple states where PT won overwhelming with friendly Gov and state AG is, these states file suit against ALL of the 6 battle ground states asserting if these swing states are allowed to select their electors under alleged election irregularities, it will dilute their state’s voters votes and thus these Pro-Trump states are asking for a temporary injunction to stop the seeding of these 6 state’s electors until such time that the SC can hear all of the evidence.
7. The brilliance of this approach is, in one shot they can move all 6 states to the SC and temporary halt the seeding of their electors, all by possibly noon tomorrow and all beating the safe harbor deadline.
Now if the seeding of electors has been temporarily halted with no one having the required 270 electors then Jay Sekulow and team can present to the SC, all the evidence that Rudy, Sidney, Lin and Jenna have been collecting in each of the 6 swing states. IMO they may have been working as a team feeding all of this evidence into Jay’s team who may have been compiling it specifically for this presentation at the SC.
9. This is where Jay and team can introduce not only voter fraud evidence and how various state governors and SOS decided election law without state legislature approval but also presenting possible ELECTION fraud evidence via the alleged machine vote count manipulation and fractions that we have been reading about.
If you want to hear more listen to the first 20 minutes or so of Jay’s show today as he doesn’t come out and say this is definitely what they are doing but it presents a possible play and if this is the play, IMO it would be pure brilliance.
While many have been frustrated with what seemed like unsuccessful attempts and discombobulated synergy by Rudy, Sidney, Lin and Jenna at the individual swing state level, the reality is they may have all just been collecting MASSIVE amounts of evidence within the 6 states knowing Original Jurisdiction was ALWAYS going to be the play.
It immediately consolidates all of the swing states with many of the loyal PT states like a Florida for example where a very friendly Gov resides.
And here is the best part about Original Jurisdiction cases……..
Because it is the highest court in the United States, the Supreme Court’s decision in original jurisdiction cases is final, with no right of appeal.
get ready to hear the term Original Jurisdiction and watch if many pro Trump states don’t immediately file suit post 9:00 a.m. tomorrow as IMO they could already have them cued up just waiting to hit the electronic file button.