Looking for help.
原想通过Owner Operator LMIA+EE移民加拿大.该顾问评估说可以拿到00 的LMIA.
LMIA approved in July,但是ESDC批的JOB是0621,不是00类的(原本估算EE打分大概在300分左右,如果批复00类LMIA便可上岸),但目前这样LMIA加分只有50.还是不够分,目前在准备申请Work Permit,
本人简介,人在深圳,年龄 34,本科学历,已婚,去年考过一次A类雅思5.5 overall.我太太英语水平和我差不多.
想请教一下,我接下来移民路径应该怎样走. 已经对该移民中介有点失去信任.
另外,我的公司是注册在BC,BC PNP感觉难度较大,请问work permit approved以后能否到bc以外其他省份运营生意以获取其他省份PNP?
1. 政府的网站找不到00类的,需要填写4位数字,只是找到0621类“0621 – Retail and wholesale trade managers”。不知道00类是属于哪方面的。既然顾问评估说可以拿到00 的LMIA,但却是0621类,你应该去问此顾问为什么是0621 的LMIA?我的猜测是00 的LMIA不容易批准,0621类大概是容易批准,不知道此顾问有没有经过你的同意,把00 的LMIA改为0621?
https://noc.esdc.gc.ca/Structure/NocProfile? objectid=rUmUsz0Fp380OoYNr4vRwzR990a9pieVNyvBnJVd59o%3D
2. ESDC 会监督Owner Operator LMIA,你的公司在BC注册,而且在你有关Owner Operator LMIA的计划书里也应该写明将会在BC做生意,因此我认为你不可以去其它省做生意。我建议你再去问问你的西人移民顾问。
"As with any employment opportunity that you wish to benefit from in Canada, owning or operating your own business and applying for the respective LMIA, is monitored by the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) closely. This is to ensure that the business venture is positive and that you meet the requirements of the program."
The owner-operator LMIA work permit gives you a fair shot at becoming a permanent resident within a year of finalizing your decision to do business.
3. 有关Work Permit,根据下面的这个网站的说法是:
“After LMIA Approval
The procedure for getting a work permit after approval of the LMIA is the same as for any other applicant under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
Once your work permit is approved, you can start working for your business and start planning for permanent residence just like any other skilled worker.
You can create your Express Entry profile and apply through the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). With a job offer from your own business in hand, you can easily qualify for the 200 points available for EE applicants with a full-time job offer from a Canadian employer and quickly receive an ITA.
Or, you can choose a PNP stream for skilled workers and get the 600 points boost from provincial nomination and qualify for the ITA for permanent residence.”