回复: 2005年Beingjing Case议事大厅
..2007-11-17, 00:47
请三思! 你们不知道,加拿大其实是一个非常可怕的国家。
加拿大警察的暴力是体制性的(systematic), 就像他们可以系统性的棒杀可爱的小海豹一样,想到这些海豹,就可以理解这个国家了。
Lou Cypher (Ottawa_Ontario) wrote:
I cannot express my outrage at this incident. My heart goes out to the family of this poor unfortunate man, coming to the land milk and honey only to be savagely beaten, Tazed and killed by the very people paid to protect him. I can say that this is an ongoing trend within the police forces across Canada. Since 2001, the police have found themselves in a new position of power, running around in there swat outfits, beating people down, and sometimes killing them, with little being done to reprimand them for there actions. But even before that, the police have taken any opportunity to abuse the powers we the citizens of this great country give to them.
Back in 1997, I was walking to friends house in Victoria B.C. (is there a trend here?) minding my own business, when 2 squad cars came racing up beside me, Jumped up on the curb and the officers jumped out of there cars. Without a word being said or a question asked, 3 officers proceeded to throw me on the ground and hand cuff me, whil;e a young rookie stood and watched. They were so aggressive, it was amazing. They kept on saying to each other, we got him, we got him. They were pulling my hair and repeatedly throwing me against the wall. I kept asking what I had done, and they threw me on the ground while one officer kept his foot on the back of my neck. Then one officer said "the perp has a full beard, not a goatee. With that, I was uncuffed and they all jumped back into there cars. I asked one of the officers if i could have there name. He told me to forget this happened, and they sped away. I read later the next day, that a woman was stabbed and that the perp was caught without incident. I guess I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was the only incident that night. I thank god they didn't have Tazers. Who knows if I would be writing this posting as I have a heart problem and would have surely suffered the same fate as that poor man in the Vancouver airport.
Posted November 16, 2007 06:59 AM
john (Victoria_BC) wrote:
I am a Chinese immigrant who experienced similar
nightmare with the local police. Actually the police
applied unnecessary force to me without giving me a
chance to tell my side of the story. Even after they
found out that I was TOTALLY innocent they refused
to say a sorry to me. To make things worse they lied
about the facts in the incident report with the story
they made up. At first they took advantage of my
unawareness of local culture and law by saying their
action was based on the 911 tape that recorded my
sound, but when I requested to access a copy of the
tape, they claimed that tape was gone due to "
technical problem". In the whole process not only a
single officer lied, it was a system-level corruption.
I used to live in USA where Canadians I met told me
they are "different from cool-blooded Americans" as
Canadians are nicer and honest. I did move to Canada
with admiration for the values of Canadian society.
But at the moment I was greatly bullied by the native
Canadians, I was scared of this great country.
When I became a Canadian citizen, a politician said,
"welcome to the best place in the world, an open,
free and civilized country with fairness and
opportunities". In addition, Canadian government
often arrogantly criticizes other nations for "bad
human rights records", I wonder if they should have
a mirror to check themselves up first".
Nevertheless I still trust most Canadian people are
friendly and open-minded. I am happy to see so many
objective and fair comments on the Polish immigrant's
case here.
I just wonder why there are still many shameless
dishonest people who are trying hard to help hiding
the faults of their government.
Posted November 16, 2007 06:52 AM
http://news.163.com/07/1116/16/3TEDCOIV0001121M.html (