回复: 带宠物出国,全新攻略
1) Domestic or pet dogs may enter Canada if accompanied by an original valid rabies vaccination certificate, which is issued by a licensed veterinarian(2), in either English or French and which clearly identifies the dogs and states that they are currently vaccinated against rabies. This certificate should identify the animal as in breed, colour, weight, etc., and indicate the name of the licensed rabies vaccine used (trade name), including serial number and duration of validity (up to three years). Please note that if the duration of validity is not indicated on the certificate, the vaccine will be considered to be valid for one year.
There is no waiting period imposed between the time the animal is vaccinated for rabies and the time the animal is imported into Canada.
另外,上海的同志们去 徐家汇路 上的 申普宠物医院办理相关证明。 申普是动植物检疫下属的