牛军:探亲人寿保险 江涛:探亲人寿保险 陈燕:探亲人寿保险 AlberZhou:探亲人寿保险 加拿大旅游保险无忧网

工作签证 想去加国做住家保姆

打开初始页面的 work temporarily
who can apply---live in caregivers--extending ur stay

extending ur stay
You are responsible for making sure your live-in caregiver work permit is renewed before the expiry date. You are also eligible to become a permanent resident of Canada after you have worked two years as a live-in caregiver within three years of your date of arrival.
Your employment situation may change. You might change your job, quit or lose your job.
你有责任确定你的住家看护工作签证在过期前更新。 你也有资格在3年内作为住家看护工作2年后变成加拿大的永久居民。 你的工作情况也许会有变化,你可能换工作,辞职或者失业。
Learn about:
Renewing your work permit 更新工作签证
Changing jobs 换工作
Quitting your job 辞职
Losing your job 失业
Becoming a permanent resident of Canada 变成加拿大的永久居民
Leaving Canada (permanently or for vacation) 离开加拿大(永久或者只是假期)

Renewing your work permit
The work permit you receive when you enter Canada may allow you to work in Canada for up to three years plus three months. The date when your work permit will expire is on the work permit. You cannot work legally in Canada past that date. You must renew it before the date it expires.
更新工作签证 你在进入加拿大收到的工作签证允许你在加拿大最多可以工作3年3个月。
1. Obtain an application kit.
You can download and print the forms you need to renew your live-in caregiver work permit under Application forms and guides in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.
You can also ask for an application to be mailed to you by contacting the Call Centre (see Contact Us at the top of this page).
你可以下载打印你需要更新的住家看护工作签证的表格在 右手边的i need to 。也可以申请邮寄给你联系call center/
2. Read the guide.
Read the guide carefully before you complete the application form. The fee for processing your form is not refundable, so make sure you are eligible to renew your live-in caregiver work permit.
3. Complete the application form and attach the necessary documents.
The application form contains instructions. Read those instructions, and be sure to provide the required documents. If information or documents are missing, your application may be delayed.
Include the following documents with your application:
a letter from your employer stating your job as a live-in caregiver is being offered again and for how long; and
a signed contract between you and your employer.
完成申请表格和加必要文件。 申请表格包含说明。确保提供必要的文件。如果信息和文件失误,申请将被耽搁。
申请包括以下文件: 你雇主提供的你作为住家看护的信件 和工作时间 和签你和雇主名字的合同。
4. Pay the fee and get the necessary receipt.
You can pay the fee at most banks in Canada.
You can also pay online through Pay my application fees in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page. Note that some credit cards issued outside of North America are not compatible with the online payment system.
付费和得到必要收据。 在很多银行都可以付费。也可以在线付费在后手边的i need to。
When you pay the fee at a bank, you must obtain the original receipt of payment, called IMM 5401, and send it with your application. To get the receipt,
print it from Pay my application fees in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page
or 当你在银行付费,必须得到原始收据,叫imm5401
contact the Call Centre (see Contact Us at the top of this page).
5. Mail in your application with the required documents.
The mailing instructions are in your application kit.
You can only work for the employer whose name is on your work permit. But you can change jobs. Find information about changing jobs below on this page.
你只能为你工作签证上的雇主工作。 但你可以换工作

If you are looking for work and your work permit is about to expire, or if you are changing jobs and your new future employer has not yet received a confirmation letter from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC)-Service Canada, send your application to change the conditions of your work permit and a letter of explanation to the Case Processing Centre, Unit 202, Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1X5, at least 30 days before the expiry date of your work permit.
如果你在找工作,而你的工作签证又要过期,如果你换工作而你的新雇主还没有收到从hrsdc的确认信,发现哦难过你的申请变更工作签证情况和信解释给 case processing centre,unit202,vegrville alberta。 在工作签证过期前至少30天

The confirmation letter from HRSDC-Service Canada confirms that there is a need for this job and that there is no Canadian worker to fill the job. The letter also confirms that the wages and working conditions offered by your employer meet provincial employment standards and are equivalent to those wages paid to Canadians in the same occupation.
从hasdc的确认信 确认没有加拿大人愿意做这个工作。 信件也确认公司和雇主提供的工作情况等。
In your application to change the conditions of your work permit, be sure to include your file number, full name and date of birth, and keep a copy of your entire application. Do not allow your work permit to expire, even for one day. It is your responsibility to keep your work permit valid.
Changing jobs
You can change employers for personal or other reasons. Your HRSDC-Service Canada centre may have information about available live-in caregiver positions. You will not be deported for looking for another place to work.
换工作 你可以因为个人或者其他原因更换雇主。 你在寻找另外工作时不会被驱逐出境。
In this section, read about:
the work permit for your new job 你新工作的工作签证
the contract for your new job. 你新工作的合同

The work permit for your new job
You can only work for the employer named on your permit. You must get a new work permit before you begin working for someone else. You cannot even work for someone else just to try things out, without a valid work permit. Your permit to work in Canada could be cancelled if you work for anyone other than the person named on your work permit. Read about Applying for a work permit under Working in Canada on the left-hand side of this page.
你只能为你签证上的名字的雇主工作。你必须得到新工作签证在你开始新工作前。你不能为其他人工作在没有合法的工作签证时。 你的签证会被取消如果你为不是你工作签证上的雇主工作。
Your future new employer must get a job confirmation letter from HRSDC-Service Canada before he or she can hire you. Your future employer must give you a copy of the confirmation letter and you must include that copy of the confirmation letter with your application for a new work permit.
你的新雇主也会得到一封从hrsdc 的工作确认信 在他她雇佣你前。 你的新工作必须给你确认信的复印件,你必须带着确认信申请新的工作签证。
If your work permit is about to expire and your future new employer has not received a job confirmation letter from HRSDC-Service Canada, send your application to renew your work permit and a letter of explanation to the Case Processing Centre, Unit 202, Vegreville, Alberta, T9C 1X5, at least 30 days before the expiry date of your work permit. Do not let your work permit expire.
The contract for your new job
You will need a new contract with your new employer.
Before you leave your present job, get a record of employment (ROE) from your employer. Only your employer can get and complete this document. See instructions for your employer in Information for Canadian Employers on the right-hand side of this page. The ROE shows how many weeks you have worked and how much you have earned. Keep your ROE in a safe place. It is your work record and can serve as proof that you have worked the necessary time to apply for permanent resident status. Your employer cannot refuse to give you an ROE. If you have difficulty getting your ROE, contact your local HRSDC-Service Canada centre and ask officials to contact your employer.
你新工作的合同。 在你离开当前的工作前, 要从你雇主那里得到roe。 只有你的雇主能完成这个文件。 roe说明你工作的星期 和你赚了多少工资。 把roe放到安全的地方。那时你的工作记录,还有申请移民时工作时间的证据。 你的雇主不能拒绝给你roe。 如果你有困难得到roe,联系当地的hrsdc。
Quitting your job
You will improve your chances of getting another job if you have worked in one job for a fairly long time. Before quitting your job (unless there are problems of abuse), you should try to solve your work problems by talking about them with your employer. You and your employer can revise your contract once in a while to be sure it works for both of you.
离职。 在离职前(除非有虐待问题),你应该解决你的工作问题通过和你的雇主讨论商量。 你和你的雇主可以修改合同。
Talk with your employer before taking any action to quit your job. If you decide to quit, give your employer enough time to find a replacement for you.
Check your contract to find out how much time you have agreed to give your employer. However, if you are in a situation where there is abuse, you should leave right away.
在辞职前和你的雇主商量一下 在采取行动前。 如果你决定离开,给你的雇主足够的时间找接替你的人。 找出你同意给雇主多长时间,如果你发现有任何虐待的情况,你可以立即离开。
Before you leave your present job, your employer must give you an ROE.
Any live-in caregiver who decides to live outside the home of the person(s) they are hired to care for, or who accepts any other type of employment without a valid work permit, can be disqualified from the program.
Losing your job
If you lose your job and need to apply for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, contact the HRSDC-Service Canada centre nearest you.
You will need your ROE to collect these benefits. If you have not yet received your ROE, you can still apply for EI. 你需要roe来收集这些福利。如果你还没收到roe,你仍然可以申请ei。
You will be expected to find a new employer as soon as possible. Periods of unemployment will delay the date on which you can apply for permanent resident status. You must complete two full years of full-time work within three years of your arrival in Canada to be eligible for permanent resident status.
你被要求尽快找到新雇主。不工作的日子会延迟你申请移民的时间。 你必须完成2个全年的全职工作在3年内从你到加拿大时,才有资格申请移民。
Becoming a permanent resident of Canada
You can apply to become a permanent resident of Canada as a live-in caregiver if you meet the requirements. In this section, read about:
an open work permit
applying for your family at the same time
requirements to become a permanent resident
what can affect your application

permanent residence in Quebec
Open work permit

You can apply for an open work permit at the same time that you apply for permanent resident status. An open work permit allows you to take any job you wish.
你可以申请一个open工作签证在申请移民的同时,open 工作签证允许你做你想做的任何工作。
Applying for your family at the same time
You must include all your family members in your application for permanent resident status, even if they do not want to come to Canada with you.
You can include your family members in your application for permanent resident status. You and your family members can get permanent resident status at the same time.
申请你的家人同时/ 你申请移民的时候必须也同时申请你所有的家人,即使他们不想和你来加拿大。
Your family members abroad will go through the process of permanent resident status at their nearest visa office. For a list of visa offices, go to Find a CIC office in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.
你的家人在国外 可以通过最近的大使馆 得到移民身份。
All your family members must first pass medical and criminal screening before you can receive permanent resident status. For more information, see Medical exams and security screening in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page. When you receive your permanent resident status, your family members will receive immigrant visas from the visa office in their home country.你的家人必须通过体检和无犯罪记录在你得到移民身份前。 当你得到移民身份时,你的家人也会得到移民局的签证从
Requirements to become a permanent resident
You can become a permanent resident of Canada if you have completed at least two years of employment as a live-in caregiver:
请求成为移民。 你可以请求成为移民如果你完成至少2年的工作作为一个住家看护
The two years must be within three years of the date you arrived in Canada. You can use an ROE or letter from your employer(s) confirming the period of time that you have worked and either a statement of earnings or T4 slips, as proof of your employment.
2年必须是你到加拿大时的3年内。 你可以用roe或者雇主信确认那段时间 ,还有工资证明或者t4单,作为雇佣证据。
The two years do not include any extended time outside Canada. For example, if you leave Canada on vacation for three months, that period does not count in the two-year requirement. If you work for your employer outside Canada, for example, on a family vacation, this also will not count in the two-year requirement.
You need to complete an application for permanent resident status. There is more information about being a permanent resident in the Related Links section at the bottom of this page or you can contact the Call Centre (see Contact Us at the top of this page).

What can affect your application
Your application is affected if you, your spouse or common-law partner, or any of your family members have a criminal record or a serious medical problem.
什么会影响你的申请。 如果你的配偶 或者你的家人 有犯罪记录或者严重的疾病。
Your application can be cancelled if you did not provide truthful information about education, training or experience to the visa officer when you first applied under the Live-In Caregiver Program.
你的申请将会被取消如果你不能提供真实的信息关于教育,培训或者经历给移民局 当你第一次申请住家看护这个项目时。

What cannot affect your application

Your application is not affected by your financial situation, skills upgrading in Canada, volunteer work, marital status or the number of family members you have in your home country.
Permanent residence in Quebec
If you are a live-in caregiver working in Quebec, the province will also assess your application. The province will look for additional information, including your knowledge of French. For more information on permanent residence in Quebec, visit the website of the ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (Quebec Immigration).

Leaving Canada (permanently or for vacation)
If you go away on a long vacation, you may need to reapply for a temporary resident visa before returning to Canada. Before traveling, you should make sure you know about any different requirements that apply in the country you are visiting. Contact the Call Centre (see Contact Us at the top of this page) for more information.
If you leave Canada for more than one year or if your work permit has expired, you will have to reapply to the overseas visa office to return to Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program. For a list of visa offices, go to Find a CIC office in the I Need To… section on the right-hand side of this page.
You can leave the program and return permanently to your home country at any time. However, you should give adequate notice to your employer.

右手边 表格

大家看,一般的worker属于temporary residence applications
而live in caregiver属于permanent residence applications
打开live in caregiver出来
In-Canada application for permanent residence (Live-in Caregivers)
This application is for persons who wish to apply for permanent residence in Canada and have been working in Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program for at least two of the past three years. The applicant must currently hold a valid Work Permit to work in a home providing live-in care for children, seniors or the disabled.
Mail this application to the Case Processing Centre in Vegreville, Alberta.

Some of the files below are available as Portable Document Format (PDF). To view these files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If the Adobe download site is not accessible to you, you can download Acrobat Reader from an accessible page. You can also visit the Adobe site for online conversion tools for PDF documents.
This application includes the following items:
Instruction Guide [IMM 5290]
> also in PDF format PDF
In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence and Schedule 1 - Background/Declaration [IMM 5002 and IMM 5002 Schedule 1] PDF
Use of a Representative [IMM 5476] PDF
Document Checklist [IMM 5282] PDF
Fees Receipt
You have two options to obtain a fees receipt:
Payment of fees on the Internet
If you have Adobe® Acrobat Reader software, a printer, and a Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card, you can pay your fees online.
Payment of fees at a financial institution in Canada
If you cannot or do not wish to pay online, you must obtain an original receipt form IMM 5401 in order to pay at a financial institution. This form is not available on the website because an original receipt with a unique serial number must be used. You may order an original receipt by mail.
If you cannot view and print this application from this website we can mail it to you. Place an order for an application if you need it mailed. Be certain that you need this application before placing an order. The delivery of this application may take several weeks. The Fees Receipt will be included and does not have to be ordered separately.

5282 是清单

5282 清单 pdf格式
document checklist
如果必须的文件不全,你全部的申请将返还给你,会耽误你申请的进程。当你再次提交的时候 你将会作为一个新申请者

1 in canada application for prs(imm5002) and schedule 1 background/declaration( imm5002 schedule 1),completed by:加拿大境内申请 背景调查
u ,the principal alllicant 你,主申请人
ur spose or commor-law partner if he or she is in canada and is not a pr or canadian ciizen你配偶如果他她在加拿大不是移民或者公民
ur dependent children 18years of age or older who r in canada and r not pr or canadian citizens
18岁或者更大的孩子 不是加拿大移民或公民

2 use of a representative(imm 5476) ,if applicable 用代理律师,如果适用
3 2 passpaort-size photos of u and any family members in canada2张护照照片你和你家人 在加拿大的
print the name of the person on the back of the photos. staple photos to the in-canada application for prs(imm5002) form in the appropricte area provided. do not staple through the face of the person on the photo. attach photos for ur spouse or common-law partner and dependent children 18 yearss of age of older to their respective application form. do not submit photos of family outside of canada.
在照片后面写上名字。钉住照片在 imm5002 表格提供的适当区域。 不要钉住人的脸。 贴照片为你家人在他们单独的

4 letter from ur current employer showing ur start date and that u still work for them and
5 statement of earnings showing hours worked and deductions made by the employer(s) and
6 record of wages and deductions sent to canada revenue agency(cra) by ur emploer(s) and
7 record of employment for all previous employers and
8 option c printout from ur date of entry into the live-in caregiver program

PHOTOCOPIES OF IDENTITY AND RELATIONSHIP DOCUMENTS(FOR EACH PERSON INCLUDED IN THE APPLICATION)do not send original documents of the following as they will not be returned. photocopies do not need to be certified.
9 valid passport pages for u and each of ur family members in canda
10 the pages must clearly show the passport number,name ,date of birth,passport issue and expiry date,entry and exit stamps,visas for canada and any other countries,and stamp made by a canadian authority showing most recnet entry into canada.

10 birth certificates or baptismal certificates for u and all ur family members in canada
11 if u r married,include ur marrieage certificate
12 proof of ur common-law relationship,if applicable(有的话,后面打对)
for example: evidence of joint bank,trust,credit union or charge card accounts; jointly signed residential lease. mortgage or purchase agreement; statutory declarations of individuals with personal knowledge that ur relationship is genuine and continuing.

13 divorce,annulment or death certificates,if u were previously married 离婚 死亡证明,如果你结过婚
14 custody papers for dependent children from a previous marriage/relationship 孩子监护权问题

15 originals of ur police certificate(s) 原始警察局记录
16 details of ur criminal convictions,if applicable 你犯罪的详情
17 photocopy of ur pardon obtained from the national parole board,if applicable
18 certified translations for all documents that r not in english of french
for example: police certificates,birth certificates,etc. 所有文件的翻译件如果没翻成英文或者法语

19 copy 2 of the receipt form or internet receipt
no other form of payment is acceptable 2份收据表格 其他付款表格不接受


21 u have addressed the envelope with correct postage to你需要信封和正确邮资寄到下面的地址
case processing centre,vegrevill,AB,T9C 1W3 阿尔伯塔省

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)

How to apply?

Step 1. Gather the required documents

Step 2. Complete the forms

Step 3. Pay the fees

Step 4. Mail your application

While your application is processed

What happens next?

Appendix A: Issuance or renewal of work permits (including open work permits) in Canada

Appendix B: Dependent children

Appendix C: Police certificates

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)
This package contains all the forms and information for a live-in caregiver to apply for permanent resident status under the Live-in Caregiver Program.

A permanent resident is a person who can live in Canada permanently but who is not a Canadian citizen. A live-in caregiver is a person who:

was approved to participate in the Live-in Caregiver Program at a visa office outside of Canada; and,
has a valid work permit to work as a live-in caregiver for children, seniors or the disabled with an employer in Canada. 住家保姆是 被加拿大境外的签证馆认可的参与住家保姆项目的,有合法的工作签证来照顾经拿大的孩子,老人或者残疾人。
Who may apply?
If you answer YES to ALL of the questions below, you may apply for permanent residence as a live-in caregiver. 如果下面的问题你的回答全是YES,那么你就可以作为一个住家保姆来申请pr

Are you living in Canada? 你住在加拿大吗
Do you have a valid work permit to work as a live-in caregiver for children, seniors or the disabled? 你有合法签证马
Do you have a valid passport or travel document? 你有合法的签证文件吗
Have you completed two years (24 months) of authorized full-time employment as a live-in caregiver within three years from the date you entered Canada under the Live-in Caregiver Program? 你在加拿大3内完成2年的全职工作了吗?
Have you always lived in your employer’s home in Canada while employed as a live-in caregiver? 你是不是住在你雇主的家里
Are you able to support yourself and your family members without the need for social assistance or welfare? 你和你家人是不是不需要社会福利救济
How to apply?
Step 1. Gather the required documents
You and your family members in Canada must send all documents listed on the Document Checklist (IMM 5282) PDF.你和你家人必须邮寄 5282文件清单的所有文件

The following will help you gather the documents that are required with your application. Most points on the Document Checklist, IMM 5282 are clearly explained, instructions are provided only when necessary.

5: The Statement of Earnings must be provided by your employer. 雇主提供工资证明
7: To be provided by your previous employers, if applicable.
8: To obtain the Option C Printout free of charge from the Canada Revenue Agency税务局, call 1-800-959-8281.
Step 2. Complete the forms
You and your family members must complete and sign the following forms:

In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence and Schedule 1 - Background/Declaration (IMM 5002) PDF
Use of a Representative (IMM 5476), if applicable PDF

This section does not contain instructions for all boxes on the forms. Most questions are clear; instructions are provided only when necessary.

Photocopy the blank forms so that you and your family members each have two copies: a working copy and a final copy. Keep the working copy for your records.
Print clearly with a black pen.
Answer in English or French, unless you are instructed otherwise. If applicable, add your native language script for all names and addresses on your application.
Use additional sheets of paper if there is not enough space on the form. Indicate your name, the form’s title and the number or letter of the question you are answering.
You must answer all questions that apply to you. If a section does not apply to you, answer “N/A” (“Not applicable”). If you leave sections blank or mark “N/A” in a section that is relevant to your situation, your application will be returned and processing will be delayed
Warning: You must provide truthful and accurate information. Processing will stop immediately if you give false or misleading information. Information provided may be verified. It is a serious offence to submit a false application.

In-Canada Application for Permanent Residence (IMM 5002)
Must be completed by:

You, the principal applicant
Your spouse or common-law partner if he or she is in Canada and is not a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen
Your dependent children in Canada who are 18 years of age or older and are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens
A - Applicant information
1: Category under which you are applying
Check “Live-in caregiver in Canada Class”. Your dependent children aged 18 years or over should check “Family member 18 years or older” for the above.

How many family members are included in this application?

This is the total number of people seeking permanent residence. Include yourself and family members listed in both sections B and C.

B - Family members in Canada
You must identify all of your family members on your application form. Your family members may apply for permanent residence as part of your application.

Family members include your:

spouse or common-law partner; and
dependent children.
Important: You must list all family members, whether they wish to be considered in your application for permanent residence at this time or not. Also list family members whose location is unknown (including those missing or presumed dead). Family members who are not listed on your application will not be able to be sponsored by you at a later date.

Note: Separated or former spouses and separated or former common-law partners are not eligible family members.

Common-law partner
A common-law partner is a person of the opposite or same sex with whom you are in a conjugal relationship and who is currently cohabiting with you and has done so for at least one year.

Dependent children
See Appendix B: Dependent Children for a complete definition.

If you do not have any dependent children in Canada, print “N/A” and proceed to Part C.

Seeking permanent residence:

If your dependent child is to be assessed for permanent residence, place an X in the “Yes” box, otherwise, place an X in the “No” box.

If you answer “Yes”, you must include the correct processing fees with your application. Refer to instructions in the Fees section. If you answer “No”, do not include the processing fees. If you want your family member to come at a later date, you will have to sponsor them and they will have to meet the definition of a “family member” at the time a complete application is received.

Type of dependent child:

Print an “X” in Box A, B or C. See Appendix B: Dependent Children to determine whether your dependent child is type A, B or C.

Passport details or travel document details:

Check the box that describes your dependent child’s document. Refer to Box 16 of section A of the form.

Client ID number:

This number can be found in the top right-hand corner of their work permit, study permit, or other temporary resident document. If they to not have one, leave this box blank.

C - Family members outside of Canada
If you do not have any family members outside of Canada, print “N/A” and proceed to Schedule 1.

Seeking permanent residence:

Refer to instructions outlined in Part B.查阅说明大纲在b 部分

Type of dependent child:

Refer to instructions in Appendix B: Dependent Children.

Name of guardian

If your dependent children are living with a guardian, indicate the name and complete address of their guardian.

Address of family member, guardian or dependent child

Provide a complete mailing address and current phone number for all your dependent children who live outside of Canada so that our visa office can contact them or their guardian with instructions on the forms to be completed, medical exams, security checks and, if applicable, interviews.
Background/Declaration (IMM 5002 - Schedule 1)
Must be completed by:

You, the principal applicant
Your spouse or common-law partner if he or she is in Canada and is not a permanent resident or Canadian citizen
Your dependent children in Canada who are 18 years of age or older who are not permanent residents or Canadian citizens
6: Read each statement carefully. Answer “Yes” or “No” on behalf of yourself, your spouse or common-law partner and your dependent children, whether or not they are completing their own background declaration. You must provide truthful and accurate information in relation to each of the statements.

11: Read the statements carefully and then sign in the boxes provided. If you do not sign this declaration your application will be returned to you.

Use of a Representative (IMM 5476)
Complete this form only if you are appointing a representative. To learn about who can represent you and for information about how to complete the form, refer to the Instructions Use of a Representative (IMM 5561).

Release of information to other individuals
To authorize CIC to release information from your case file to someone other than a representative, you will need to complete form Authority to Release Personal Information to a Designated Individual (IMM 5475) which is available on our website and from Canadian embassies, high commissions and consulates abroad.

The person you designate will be able to obtain information on your case file, such as the status of your application. However, he or she will not be able to conduct business on your behalf with CIC.

Step 3. Pay the fees
Processing fees
You must pay the processing fee for you and your family members in Canada before you submit your application.

Calculating your fees计算费用
Persons Amount

Principal applicant 1 x $550
Family member who is 22 years of age or older or who is married or in a common-law relationship, regardless of age x $550
Dependent child who is under 22 years of age and single x $150

Fee for an open work permit
If you are applying for an open work permit along with your application for permanent residence, add $150 to your total. See Appendix A: Issuance or Renewal of Work Permits (Including Open Work Permits) in Canada for more information on how to apply for an open work permit.

Right of Permanent Residence Fee
You will need to pay the Right of Permanent Residence Fee before your application for permanent resident status can be finalized. We will send you a request to pay this fee when we are ready to grant you permanent resident status. The fee is $490 per person for you and your spouse or common-law partner. Your dependent children are exempt.

拿我说,我有个老公,没孩子。申请费2个550+登陆费2个490=2080。 另外还有体检费,大约200。这些是中介告诉我的。
open work permit 不知道有没有人申请过,我问过的基本都没有。如果申请需要加150。

How to pay your fees
You have the option of paying your fees on our website or at a financial institution. 网上支付 或者银行支付
Option 1. Payment of fees on our website

To use this option, you need a credit card and access to a computer with a printer.用信用卡付,打印

Go to our website at www.cic.gc.ca and select “Online Services” from the menu bar at the top, then “Payment of fees through the Internet”.

Once you have paid the fees, you must print the official receipt and fill out by hand the “Payer Information” section. Attach the bottom portion (copy 2) of this receipt to your completed application.

Option 2. Payment of fees at a financial institution 银行付费

STEP 1. Fill in the total

Enter the “Amount payable” you have calculated at the bottom of the Receipt (IMM 5401).

Photocopies of the receipt are not accepted. If you need an original receipt, you can order it from our website or contact the Call Centre. 不能用复印件

STEP 2. Complete the “Payer Information” sections on the back of the receipt

If you already know the Client ID assigned to you, enter the number in the box provided. If you do not know your Client ID, leave that box empty.

STEP 3. Go to a financial institution and make the payment

Bring the receipt with you. A financial institution representative will tell you which forms of payment are acceptable. There is no charge for the service. 带着收据,银行有相关付账表格

STEP 4. Send your receipt

Attach the middle portion (Copy 2) of the receipt to your completed application. Keep the top portion (Copy 1) for your files.

Do not include any other type of payment with your application.

Incorrect payment
If you have sent insufficient fees, we will return your application with instructions. You must then pay the additional fees and mail everything back to us. This will delay the processing of your application. If you have overpaid, we will refund the overpayment. We will issue a cheque as soon as possible.

To obtain a refund, you need to send a written request to withdraw your application to the processing centre. The processing fee is only refundable if we receive your request before processing has begun. Once we have started to process your application, there will be no refunds regardless of the final decision.

We will issue the refund to the person indicated on the “Payer Information” section of the receipt. If there is no name indicated on the receipt, we will send the refund to you.

There is a loan option to cover the cost of the Right of Permanent Residence Fee. Loans are not available for processing fees. To qualify, you must show that the loan is necessary and that you have the ability to repay it. If you have been in Canada for three years or longer, you must also show that you were unable to get a loan from a bank or other lending institution.

The Right of Permanent Residence Fee loan application is available on our website or by phoning the Call Centre.

Step 4. Mail your application
Send your application and the items listed on the Document Checklist (IMM 5282) [Acrobat PDF] in a large envelope. Do not fold documents. For your personal records, you should make photocopies of all documentation, forms and your fee receipt submitted with your application.

Address the envelope to:

Case Processing Centre
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1W3

Do not include pre-paid return envelopes. You may wish to send your application via registered mail or Xpresspost to track the delivery.

How to ensure your application is not returned to you
Did you:

follow the steps on How to apply?
answer all questions on the forms?
print “N/A” (not applicable) for questions that do not apply to you?
sign the forms?
include all necessary documents listed on the Document Checklist?
provide clear photocopies?
include certified English or French translations of documents written in another language?

While your application is processed
Updating your address or other information
If you change your address, let us know immediately:

on the Web. Use the electronic change of address form found in the “Online Services” section of our website.
by telephone. Contact the Call Centre.
If your personal situation changes after you have submitted your application, you must notify us in writing. A change in your personal situation can refer to any of the following: marital status, birth of a child, criminal convictions, change of employer, etc. You may also wish to remove a family member from your application or withdraw your application. Indicate your client ID number and your full name on all correspondence.

Send your notification to the following address:

Case Processing Centre
Vegreville, AB
T9C 1W5

If you live in Quebec
The provincial immigration authority, called the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles (MICC), must also approve your application. You do not need to fill out extra forms; we will refer your application to the MICC on your behalf. If the MICC refuses your application, we will continue to process your application for permanent residence provided you no longer live in the province of Quebec.

Checking your application status
You can find out the current status of your application by logging on to e-Client Application Status. You may also phone our Call Centre.

If you do not want your information available online, you can remove online information by logging on to e-Client Application Status. You may also call our Call Centre and ask an agent to do this for you.

Current processing times are updated weekly.当前审理时间每周更新

Leaving Canada
If you go on a vacation outside of Canada, you are not automatically deemed ineligible for permanent residence under the live-in caregiver program. However, it is important to note that if you leave Canada while your application is being processed, we cannot guarantee that you will be allowed to re-enter. Each time you re- enter Canada you will need to be re-assessed and meet all eligibility criteria for entering the country.

What happens next?
Medical exam
You, and all your family members who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents, must undergo and pass an immigration medical exam, even if your family members will not be processed for permanent residence with your application. Do not have an immigration medical exam until we contact you. We will provide instructions on medical exams after you send your application.

You will not be able to sponsor family members who do not undergo and pass a medical exam.

The decision on your application
If your application has been properly completed and includes all the required documents, you will receive a letter informing you of the decision on your case and what you must do next. If you qualify for permanent residence, your family members outside Canada will be required to undergo a medical examination, and you and your family members will have to pass criminality and security checks.

We may contact you to arrange an interview to verify or expand on information contained in your application. 可能会面试

If your application is approved, we will contact you to arrange a final interview. You will likely be granted permanent resident status at that interview.

If your application is refused, we will inform you in writing and you may be asked to leave Canada.

If you still have questions after reading this guide, visit our website or phone our Call Centre.

Appendix A: Issuance or renewal of work permits (including open work permits) in Canada
This section contains information on the following types of work permit:

Work permit for a specific employer
Open work permit
Bridge extension
Completing an application for permanent residence as a live-in caregiver does not mean that your work permit or temporary status will be automatically extended. You must maintain your legal status in Canada while your application for permanent residence is in process. Therefore, you must apply for a renewal of your work permit before it expires. It is illegal to work without a valid permit.

If your work permit expires before you submit an application to extend it, you must also apply to restore your status within 90 days of the expiration date of your work permit. If you do not, you will be without st atus and will have to leave Canada.

What form do I have to use?
Use the guide Applying to change conditions or extend your stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553) to apply for any type of work permit or to restore your status.

1. Work permit for a specific employer
Your current work permit allows you to work as a live-in caregiver for a specific employer. You may change employers, but you must apply for a new work permit with a new confirmation by Service Canada and a new employment contract. In addition to a valid work permit, you must continue to meet all other requirements of the Live-in Caregiver Program.

If you spend time outside Canada, it will not be counted towards the 24 months of required employment.

If you take live-out employment, the time you lived outside your employer’s house will not be counted towards the 24 months of required employment within a three-year period. If you do not have 24 months of live-in employment as a caregiver, you are not eligible to apply for permanent residence under the Live-in Caregiver Program.

If you work for more than one employer at a time, you could lose your status in Canada. The length of time you work without status will not be counted as part of the 24-month requirement and you may be disqualified.

2. Open work permit
What is an open work permit and am I eligible to apply for one?
An open work permit allows you to accept employment and to work for any employer for the time period specified on the work permit. It can only be granted once you have received first stage approval (approval in principal) of your application for permanent residence. You should submit your application for an open work permit together with your application for permanent residence. Write “open work permit” at the top of your application.

If you send your open work permit application with your permanent residence application and Then…
you continue working for the employer mentioned on your current work permit while the application is being processed you do not have to extend your work permit, even if it expires during the processing of your application for permanent residence.

意思好像是: 在申请pr的同时如果也邮寄了open work permit的申请,而又继续为当前的雇主工作,就不用给自己的work permit延期,即使申请pr期间过期。
you change employer after sending your applications you need to submit a new application for a work permit along with a new confirmation by Service Canada and pay the appropriate fees.

3. Bridge extension
If you become temporarily unemployed, you may apply for a bridge extension.

A bridge extension is an interim work permit given to live-in caregivers whose work permit is about to expire and who are between jobs and have not yet found a new employer. The extension is usually for a period of two months. To apply, use the application mentionned at the beginning of this section and write “bridge extension” across the top of the form. Also indicate your request for a bridge extension (and the reason) in section D 10. This application may be submitted at any time.

Applying for permanent residence from within Canada: Live-in caregivers (IMM 5290)
Appendix B: Dependent children
Dependent children include:

Your dependent children
The dependent children of your spouse or common-law partner
The dependent children of your dependent children
Note: If you are a divorced or separated parent, a minor child of whom you have joint or sole custody is considered a dependent family member. This applies even if the minor child usually lives with the other parent and will not join you in Canada.

Type A He or she is under the age of 22; and is single (not married and not in a common-law relationship)
Type B He or she has been continuously enrolled and in attendance as a full-time student in a post-secondary institution accredited by the relevant government authority and depends substantially on the financial support of a parent either

since before the age of 22; or
since marrying or entering into a common-law relationship (if it happened before the age of 22).

Type C He or she is 22 years of age or older, has depended substantially on the financial support of a parent since before the age of 22 and is unable to provide for him/herself due to a medical condition.

When must my dependent children meet the definition?

Your dependent children must meet one of the above definitions on the day we receive your application and, for types B and C, they must continue to meet this definition for permanent residence to be granted or for a permanent resident visa to be issued.
Medical exams
To protect the health and safety of Canadians, as well as reduce and prevent excessive demand on Canada’s health and social services system permanent or temporary resident applicants may be required to undergo a medical exam. If you are applying to immigrate to Canada, please see the link for permanent residents below. If you are planning a temporary stay in Canada, either as a tourist, student, or temporary foreign worker, please see the link for visitors. For a list of doctors in your country, territory or region that have been designated by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, and are authorized to perform medical exams, click on the Designated medical practitioners link.

Learn more…

Medical exam requirements for permanent residents

Medical exam requirements for visitors

Designated medical practitioners


1 category under which u r applying
livein caregiver in canada class
how many family members (including urself)are included in this application for pr in canada ? 2-n
english speak read write 前面的方框应该都对号,因为没要求考雅思什么的
native language : mandarin
language u prefer for
correspondence english
interview english other:

2 ur full name
family name xxxx
given name(s) xxx
all other names(includ birth name,maiden,previous married name,aliases and nicknames xxxxx
3 ur sex: male or fermale
4 ur height xxxcm or xxx ft xx in
5 colour of your eyes xxxxx
6 ur date of birth : day month year
ur place of birth : town/city xxxx province xxxx Country xx
7 ur country(ies)of citizenship 1)xxxxx 2)xxx
8 country of last permanent residence( this is the country where u last lived on a legal permanent basis.it is not a country where u had a temporary status,sucn as foreign student or worker.)
9 last time u entered canada
date : day month year /place xxxxx
10 ur current marital status
根据自己的打对号 never married/married.widowed/legally separated/annulled marriage/divorced/common-law
ir u a married or in a commonlaw relationship,provide the date on which u were married or entered into the common-law relationship
day xx month xx year xxxx

space reserved for applicant's photo
client file numberxxxx
processing fees for family memebers paid/not paid前面打对勾
client id number: xxxx
11 education
how many years of formal education do u have:xxx
what is your highese level of completed education:
选自己的打勾 no secondary/ secondary/trade/non-university certificate/bachelors/degree/master/s degree/phd
12 ur intended occupation(print the name of the occupation u think u will work if u become a permanent resident.intended occupation may include working as a live in caregiver or any other entended employment. if u do not intend to work,print what u will be doing(e.g homemaker,student,retiree)
13 ur mailing address
street and no.xxx /city xxxx/ provinec xxx/ Country xxx/postal codexx

14 ur residential address,if dirrerent from ur mailing address
15 ur telephone numbers
at home (area code) numberxxxxxxx
alternative(for messages) (xxx)xxxxxxx
16 details from ur passort of from ur traver document
(check the box that descirbes ur document.for example: a travel
document is the document that allowed u to travel to canada and recognizes ur right to reenter the country that issued the document)
other specify:
passport/traver document number xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
country of issue xxxxxxxxxxxx
date of issue xx xx xxxx
date of expirty xx xx xxxx
B my family members in canada
u must include: ur spouse or common-law partner
all of ur dependent children
all of the dependent children of ur spouse of c

ommonlaw partner

do not include ur sponsor and family members who r:
canadian citizens/ permanent residents of canada

if u have more than three famuly members,photocopy this page b4 u start of print it from our website at www.cic.gc.ca. make sure u have enough copies to fill in details about ur family members.
important: family members who r not listed on ur application will not be able to be sponsored by u at a later date.therefore u must list all family members,whether they wish to be considered in ur application for pr at this time of not.
family name xx
giver name xx
date of birth xx xx xx
country of birth xxx
country of citizenship xx
relationship to uxxx
seeking pr yes/no
type of dependent child a/b/c
passport detailsxxx
passport/traverl document number xxx
country of issue xxx
date of issue xxxxxx
date of expiry xxxx

client id no.xxx
native languagexxx
languag english/french
height xxx
colour of eyes xx
photos (must have been taken within the past 6 months and must be identified by writing the famly member's name,dae of birth ,height and eye colour on the back of the photo.)

next is page 3
u must include;
ur spouse of common-law partner/all of ur dependent children/ all of the dependent children of ur spouse or common-law partner

do not include family members who r : canadian citizens/pr of canada

if u have more than three famuly members,photocopy this page b4 u start of print it from our website at www.cic.gc.ca. make sure u have enough copies to fill in details about ur family members.
important: family members who r not listed on ur application will not be able to be sponsored by u at a later date.therefore u must list all family members,whether they wish to be considered in ur application for pr at this time of not.
family name xx
giver name xx
date of birth xx xx xx
country of birth xxx
country of citizenship xx
relationship to uxxx
seeking pr yes/no
type of dependent child a/b/c
passport detailsxxx
passport/traverl document number xxx
country of issue xxx
date of issue xxxxxx
date of expiry xxxx

client id no.xxx
native languagexxx
languag english/french
height xxx
colour of eyes xx

name of guardian(where applicable)xxx
address of family member,guardian of dependent child:
no. and streetxxx .cityxxxx/Countryxxxx/postal codexxxx
telephone number at home(country code + area code+ number)


有专门的live in caregiver
上礼拜我看得时间是4月,具体几号忘记了,今天看到已经update到了 5月1日,是个排期时间。今天是11月5日。半年排期。今天11月12日,排期到了MAY 11. Current processing times are updated weekly.

最后编辑: 2008-11-17
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

nicy 好多资料哦~~~转PR之后告诉我们哦~~~

Careolhome,hi,你也在温哥华吧,请问你的合同里medical coverage 和假期之类的sick leave,other leave有无填写,该怎么写?我在cic官网上找了很久,但是没有明确的指示。急着呢,雇主老婆过几天过来,想把合同条款都订好了,让她把合同带来。Thanks a lot!
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

Careolhome,hi,你也在温哥华吧,请问你的合同里medical coverage 和假期之类的sick leave,other leave有无填写,该怎么写?我在cic官网上找了很久,但是没有明确的指示。急着呢,雇主老婆过几天过来,想把合同条款都订好了,让她把合同带来。Thanks a lot!

我的合同是这样子的:Weeks of vacation with pay: 2 wks/yr(就是一年两周带薪假期) Paid general holiday:9 Statutory holidays (公众假期当然放假的啦!) Other leave: Nil(没有) Days of paid sick leave: Nil/yr Medical Coverage: No(要是yes就好了) ,还有很多细节的。


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

跟英语有关系吗? 我没发现一条跟英语有关系的 需要提供移民资料的信息
docoument checklist imm5282及其提到的其他材料中 没有对英文有相关要求
在整个申请包中确实没有提到语言的要求,但请再仔细看看说明书guide 5290中的what happens next部分,上面提到‘We may contact you to arrange an interview to verify or expand on information contained in your application’。一旦被要求面试,就是考验语言能力的时候了。当然,我不得不承认,到目前为止,我所知道的case中都没有被要求到面试的。不过,这并不能保证下一个不会被要求到。
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

我的合同是这样子的:Weeks of vacation with pay: 2 wks/yr(就是一年两周带薪假期) Paid general holiday:9 Statutory holidays (公众假期当然放假的啦!) Other leave: Nil(没有) Days of paid sick leave: Nil/yr Medical Coverage: No(要是yes就好了) ,还有很多细节的。



回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

作者: carolhome

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

在整个申请包中确实没有提到语言的要求,但请再仔细看看说明书guide 5290中的what happens next部分,上面提到‘We may contact you to arrange an interview to verify or expand on information contained in your application’。一旦被要求面试,就是考验语言能力的时候了。当然,我不得不承认,到目前为止,我所知道的case中都没有被要求到面试的。不过,这并不能保证下一个不会被要求到。
有相关新闻 工作签证转移民 08年8月后 进程速度增快
但是 我不认识相关的人在那个时间段,只希望一切正常
回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

有相关新闻 工作签证转移民 08年8月后 进程速度增快
但是 我不认识相关的人在那个时间段,只希望一切正常
我不认为lcp在可见的将来会被取消掉,毕竟这个项目已经存在十几年了,而且加拿大对住家护理(residential aid)的需求仍在上升,今年的lcp配额又增加了,这就是证据,所以你大可不必担心。

回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

作者: carolhome


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


回复: 想去加国做住家保姆


拿着全国最低工资,还要交吃住费? 国内保姆、农民工还包吃包住呢!这些华人雇主真该断子绝孙,自己大碗吃肉,连点口水剩汤还不让人多喝点,有华人的地方什么事都会被搞乱,民不聊生!






回复: 想去加国做住家保姆

我不认为lcp在可见的将来会被取消掉,毕竟这个项目已经存在十几年了,而且加拿大对住家护理(residential aid)的需求仍在上升,今年的lcp配额又增加了,这就是证据,所以你大可不必担心。

那是我走之前 想的最不好的可能
审批 我知道有8个月的,还有1个1年是因为 她中途信封丢失了...

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