回复: 6岁到19岁,回忆我的移民路
As I said in my earlier posts, my computer can't type Chinese lately so please excuse my replies in English.
Your son is too young to "dislike" a certain type of learning and exclusively pursue interests like photography, art, and basketball. These things are great to have as hobbies that enrich his regular curriculum. As a parent, I don't think you should make excuses for him or for yourself about how he learns and what he learns. As appalling as the standard Canadian or Chinese curriculum is, it is still developed to give the child a broad knowledge base for future advancements in academia. You should be taking the time to guide him to help him develop better studying skills. Learning will always be a certain extent about familiarity of knowledge, memorization, and then, after all that, logic.
Speaking more specifically about learning English, with the large number of immigrants in Canada, your son can effortlessly avoid all social needs to speak English at school and spend his years in ESL. As a parent, you have to be proactive about his language learning and advancement. If he doesn't want to sit down and spend the time to read, to write, to memorize, and to practice, it is your job and responsibility as a parent and guardian of a minor to provide that guidance for him.
I think an option for your family, other than the traditional language learning methods discussed by parents on this board, would be to approach language learning through his areas of interest, either through rewards or direct involvement. You may seek to involve him in basketball camp