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美国投资移民 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

2.有些中介会认为这个项目美国生活没有任何的投入,那它就是一个空手套白儿儿儿郎的项目,但我觉得这个项目也有它的好处,项目的资金大部分来于EB5投资者,那就意味着526获批后所有的资金都会到位,不会像那些有很多债券或其他类似的募集资金的项目,投资人的资金到位,但其他项目的启动资金没到位的情况.另位也有的项目说有政府投入,有地方支持,说实说,我觉得这些都是点缀性的语言,没有实质的作用,钱不到位,神马支持都是浮云. 再说一点,如果项目有商业贷款,那就要承担利息和还款的压力,再说回万豪,它这方面的压力应该小很多.



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回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?




1. 供过于求:这个已经不用多说了??
2. 法拍屋:银行推出的法拍屋越来越多,而且速度很快。这类房子越多对房价越不利。
3. 汽油价格上涨。
4. 按揭申请:现在接近历史低点,近来用现金买房的人数增加了33%。但很多美国人根本申请不到按揭。
5. 消费者心理:非常不好。消费者对房地产市场根本没有信心,现在买房的很多是找低价的投资者,虽然我们需要投资者,但是市场需要的是真买主。

回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

请专业点,把商业地产和住宅地产分开。 讲美国地产行业的事,非你的专业,别班门弄斧,胡说八道。长篇阔论,并不代表事实!



Rents could jump double digits as vacancies drop

Posted March 15 at 6:14 a.m.

Renters beware: Double-digit rent hikes may be coming soon amid rental vacancy rates that have dipped below the 10 percent mark, where they had been lodged for most of the past three years.
“Young people are starting to get rid of their roommates and move out of their parent’s basements,” said Peggy Alford, president of Rent.com, predicting the vacancy rate will hover at a mere 5 percent by 2012. With fewer units on the market, prices will explode.
Rent hikes have averaged less than 1 percent a year during the past decade, according to Commerce Department statistics, adjusted for inflation. Now, Alford expects rents to spike 7 percent or so in each of the next two years to a national average that will top $800 per month.
In the hottest rental markets, the increases will likely top the 10 percent mark annually for the next couple of years. In San Diego, Alford anticipates rents will rise more than 31 percent by 2015. In Seattle rents will climb 29 percent over that period; and in Boston, they may jump between 25 percent and 30 percent.
This is a sharp change from the recession, when many Americans couldn’t afford to live on their own. More than 1.2 million young adults moved back in with their parents from 2005 to 2010, said Lesley Deutch of John Burns Real Estate Consulting. Many others doubled up together.
As a result, landlords had to reduce prices and offer big incentives to snag renters.
Now that the recession is easing, many of these young people are ready to find new digs, mostly as renters, not owners. Plus, the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, and the millions losing their homes are looking for new places to live.
Apartment developers many not be able to keep up with this heightened demand, which will force prices upwards, according to Chris Macke, a real estate analyst with CoStar, which tracks multi-family housing trends.
“There will be an envelope of two or three years,” said Macke, “when the rise in demand for rentals will exceed the industry’s ability to meet it.”
Plus, Alford added, “there’s been a shift in the American Dream. We’re learning from our surveys that a huge proportion of people are choosing to rent.”
They’ve experienced the downsides of homeownership or seen friends and family suffer and don’t want to take the risks or pay the higher costs of homeownership.
Where homeownership costs are particularly high, there are many more renters than owners. In Manhattan, for example, only about 20 percent own their homes; in San Francisco, about of third of the population does; in Los Angeles, less than 40 percent; and in Chicago, about 44 percent.
There’s one factor that could rein in rent increases: the huge number of foreclosed homes that could hit the market over the next few years.
In many markets, like Phoenix and Las Vegas, there are neighborhoods filled with recently built, single-family homes going for fire-sale prices. When the cost of owning homes falls well below the costs of renting them, more people will buy.
“That’s always been the biggest competition for rentals,” said Deutch
最后编辑: 2011-07-27
回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

本人参加过美国纽约州的房地产从业人员培训和考试,有从业执照。所在的公司是keller williams realty.


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回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

Landlords, beware, there are plenty of rentals staying vacant well over 3 and even 6 months, so if you try massive increases with a good paying tenant, you will lose.
回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

Dear Chicago Tribune editors ?

Posting this article is below your abilities, and well below what the public deserves from a newspaper of the stature of the Chicago Tribune.

Other commenters have correctly noted what a ridiculously thin factual basis there is for any assertion that rents are likely to rise at any clip near what the ‘experts’ in the article predict. Quoting the president of rent.com is like quoting the chief economist of the National Association of Realtors about home prices.

Have you learned nothing from years of reporting on David Lereah, then the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors, and his views on home prices? Would you recommend we read his 2006 book “Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust ? And How You Can Profit from It”? Thousands of foreclosures have taken place over the last four years, with thousands of families ruined ? despite the opinion of ‘experts’ who are part of the real estate brokerage establishment.

At this moment, there are tens of thousands of vacant homes across Chicagoland, enough that your own reporters are covering whether banks are maintaining their lawns, and whether they are causing blight in areas where they represent a near-majority of homes. With tens of thousands of surplus homes, an enormous ’shadow supply’ of investor-owned, unoccupied condos downtown, and plenty of half-finished projects that could be completed in short order, it’s hard to read this article and not laugh at the claims that adequate housing supply may be a concern in just 24-36 months. Apart from the supply side of the equation, this is further the case given that demand remains constrained, as the job market is flat on its back, with job growth still modest as the jobs recovery remains weak.

Quite frankly, the Tribune’s journalism helps shape the public’s expectations and your influence is powerful within the Chicago area, given your local concentration of readership. Printing ill-researched articles, re-printed complete with basic grammatical errors from CNN(!), like this is not part of your mission ? you should be ashamed.
回复: 美国生活的万豪酒店,高人点评一下?

请专业点,把商业地产和住宅地产分开。 讲美国地产行业的事,非你的专业,别班门弄斧,胡说八道。长篇阔论,并不代表事实!



Rents could jump double digits as vacancies drop

Posted March 15 at 6:14 a.m.

Renters beware: Double-digit rent hikes may be coming soon amid rental vacancy rates that have dipped below the 10 percent mark, where they had been lodged for most of the past three years.
“Young people are starting to get rid of their roommates and move out of their parent’s basements,” said Peggy Alford, president of Rent.com, predicting the vacancy rate will hover at a mere 5 percent by 2012. With fewer units on the market, prices will explode.
Rent hikes have averaged less than 1 percent a year during the past decade, according to Commerce Department statistics, adjusted for inflation. Now, Alford expects rents to spike 7 percent or so in each of the next two years to a national average that will top $800 per month.
In the hottest rental markets, the increases will likely top the 10 percent mark annually for the next couple of years. In San Diego, Alford anticipates rents will rise more than 31 percent by 2015. In Seattle rents will climb 29 percent over that period; and in Boston, they may jump between 25 percent and 30 percent.
This is a sharp change from the recession, when many Americans couldn’t afford to live on their own. More than 1.2 million young adults moved back in with their parents from 2005 to 2010, said Lesley Deutch of John Burns Real Estate Consulting. Many others doubled up together.
As a result, landlords had to reduce prices and offer big incentives to snag renters.
Now that the recession is easing, many of these young people are ready to find new digs, mostly as renters, not owners. Plus, the foreclosure crisis continues unabated, and the millions losing their homes are looking for new places to live.
Apartment developers many not be able to keep up with this heightened demand, which will force prices upwards, according to Chris Macke, a real estate analyst with CoStar, which tracks multi-family housing trends.
“There will be an envelope of two or three years,” said Macke, “when the rise in demand for rentals will exceed the industry’s ability to meet it.”
Plus, Alford added, “there’s been a shift in the American Dream. We’re learning from our surveys that a huge proportion of people are choosing to rent.”
They’ve experienced the downsides of homeownership or seen friends and family suffer and don’t want to take the risks or pay the higher costs of homeownership.
Where homeownership costs are particularly high, there are many more renters than owners. In Manhattan, for example, only about 20 percent own their homes; in San Francisco, about of third of the population does; in Los Angeles, less than 40 percent; and in Chicago, about 44 percent.
There’s one factor that could rein in rent increases: the huge number of foreclosed homes that could hit the market over the next few years.
In many markets, like Phoenix and Las Vegas, there are neighborhoods filled with recently built, single-family homes going for fire-sale prices. When the cost of owning homes falls well below the costs of renting them, more people will buy.
“That’s always been the biggest competition for rentals,” said Deutch

This article is hilarious. Are we supposed to take the spokesperson of Rent.com seriously?
This is wishful thinking taken to the extreme.

Oh, and did the recession end? I’m sure millions of Americans would get a chuckle out of that.

As for rising rents, I say go ahead and raise ‘em! Landlords unchecked greed will lead to an increase in home values as beleagured young people flip them the bird and move into homeownership.
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