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回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了


[FONT=宋体]本贴从三周前开贴断断续续写至今天,还在进行中。可是,时不我待,[/FONT] [FONT=宋体]移民部却已经公布了技术移民规则修改的草案,现在还在征询股东及公众的意见。所以,接下来我将转述移民部起草的修改意见,希望筒子们积极发言,我们共同探讨。[/FONT]

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

Summary Report: The Federal Skilled Worker Program: Stakeholder and Public Consultations


The Federal Skilled Worker Program

The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) is one of the Government of Canada’s main avenues to permanent immigration. The program uses a selection system established in 2002 that looks at the worker’s overall capacity to adapt to Canada’s labour market. It measures each applicant’s score on a grid of up to 100 points, taking into consideration factors such as education, work experience, knowledge of English or French and other criteria that have been shown to help them become economically established in Canada.
Consulting Stakeholders and the Public

In February and March 2011, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) held consultations with stakeholders and the public to seek input on a number of proposed changes to the FSWP. Based on an evaluation of the program, academic research and best practices in other immigrant-receiving countries, the proposed changes aim to help Canada select immigrants who have the best chance of integrating and making a better contribution to the Canadian economy.
CIC consulted on the proposals to:
  • require federal skilled workers to have a minimum level of language proficiency;
  • make the program more accessible to skilled tradespeople and technicians;
  • place greater emphasis on younger immigrants who will adapt more easily and be active members of the work force for a longer time;
  • redirect points from work experience to other factors that better contribute to success in the Canadian labour market; and
  • reduce the potential for fraudulent job offers.
Stakeholders and the general public were invited to provide feedback through an online questionnaire. In-person consultations were also held with key stakeholders in five cities across the country. The input received through these consultations will be taken into account in the development of new regulations.
Executive Summary and Conclusion

Feedback received through the consultation process, both online and through in-person roundtable meetings, indicated general support for all of the proposed changes to the FSW program. For the most part, views expressed by the general public and those expressed by stakeholders were comparable in many areas, with some distinct viewpoints brought forward by stakeholders in some areas. The consultations yielded the following key findings:
  • Language: Stakeholders and the public were broadly supportive of minimum language thresholds by occupational classification and increased weighting for language. There was general agreement that language skills are important for success both in and out of the workplace.
  • Age: The choice of 35 as the peak age to earn age points was met with mixed reaction. Those in support of changes noted that younger applicants would bring a greater economic benefit to Canada over the long term, and would have a higher potential to adapt, learn language and integrate. Others (particularly stakeholders) expressed that the proposed age cutoff of 35 is too low, noting that applicants up to age 40, or as high as 50, would generally have more work experience, and therefore could be more likely to succeed in finding work.
  • Education: A reduction in the number of years of education required to claim points for a trade credential was met with strong support, particularly among stakeholders. Comments received noted the benefits for applicants and the labour market, indicating that the proposed changes were a positive step toward attracting talented applicants with a different set of qualifications than the existing points model rewards.
  • Work experience: Support for changes to work experience was closely tied. There was a general acknowledgement among stakeholders and the public that foreign work experience is discounted by Canadian employers and agreement with the direction to reduce the value of work experience in order to shift more weight to other factors such as language and age. However, comments received also highlighted that experienceforeign or domesticis an integral factor for the screening of skilled workers and that there are varying degrees of transferability depending upon the occupation and, in certain sectors, foreign work experience is very highly valued.
  • Arranged Employment (AE): Stakeholders and the general public were supportive of establishing clearer criteria for assessing the genuineness of a job offer. Members of the general public (Canadians and non-Canadians alike), noted a need to reduce cases of individuals taking advantage of Canada’s immigration system through fraudulent job offers. Stakeholders welcomed the proposed direction to improve the integrity and genuineness provisions, with some reservations expressed as to whether this would impose overly burdensome requirements on genuine employers and increase processing times.
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

要求不算高,只要不是4x7,还是有办法达到的 , 但目前语言标准对医学 管理类可以说偏低的 ,有了亲戚+配偶加分,语言根本就没要求,
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了




回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了


Selection based on objective factors| Current System Maximum points| Proposed System Maximum points
Work Experience|21|15
Arranged Employment|10|10
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

现在澳洲就相对比较科学,比如技工 4x6, 某些工程师评估必须要4x6才能评估,

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

introducing minimum official language thresholds and increasing points for language
引入 thresholds就肯定是设置最低门槛,但是我觉得很疑惑的是:
假设第一官方语言的权重打分假设在20(5分*4), 第二官方语言在8(2*4)维持不变,满足调整后的28分.

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

introducing minimum official language thresholds and increasing points for language
引入 thresholds就肯定是设置最低门槛,但是我觉得很疑惑的是:
假设第一官方语言的权重打分假设在20(5分*4), 第二官方语言在8(2*4)维持不变,满足调整后的28分.





Minimum language requirements depending on occupation

Respondents were also favourable (68% in support) toward establishing minimum language requirements depending on occupation. Those in support indicated that different occupations (i.e., individuals in the medical profession versus those working in trades) have different language requirements and this flexibility was important to reflect the operational needs of different occupations. Respondents who were opposed stated that language requirements should be standardized for all professions, commenting that all skilled workers should have the same language proficiency, regardless of occupation.
最后编辑: 2012-02-22
回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

Minimum language requirements depending on occupationAlthough it was generally agreed that the proposed thresholds were suitable minimums for immigration purposes, a few stakeholders felt that they were too high. Others felt that Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 8 (fluent intermediate), proposed for professionals, managers and technicians, was below full labour market readiness as the proposed CLB threshold might be lower than the threshold required to undertake a certification process, if required for licensing, or to be effective at their job. Others pointed out that there is a vast difference between workplace language proficiency and that required for integration, so it could still be difficult for immigrants to integrate even if they have the required CLB levels for their occupation.There was general support for the language benchmark thresholds for skilled trades at CLB 6 (developing intermediate). Stakeholders agreed that once in Canada, skilled tradespeople are required to have sufficient language proficiency for integration purposes to meet the minimum safety requirements of the job site. However, for that same reason, and because of the need to read technical manuals, it was suggested by some that the linguistic threshold should be set at CLB 7 (adequate intermediate) at the very least. Conversely, a limited number of stakeholders felt that the threshold proposed may be too high for applicants in the skilled trades.Some stakeholders called for a wider framing of the lower thresholds for their respective sectors, namely for chefs and cooks and agricultural workers. A few felt that some workers in these categories would have difficulty attaining even the lower language threshold and therefore, the program would be excluding certain occupations. However, it was noted that tradespeople, including cooks, chefs and agricultural workers, need good language skills for integration purposes, to withstand economic downturns and to make progress in their occupation.


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

introducing minimum official language thresholds and increasing points for language
引入 thresholds就肯定是设置最低门槛,但是我觉得很疑惑的是:
假设第一官方语言的权重打分假设在20(5分*4), 第二官方语言在8(2*4)维持不变,满足调整后的28分.


回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

回复: 加拿大技术移民规则,不改不行了

1122配额十天之内秒杀,crane operator两年收不过30人,不知道移民局怎么考虑这个问题。




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