回复: 高贵林学区(#43学区)好校及房地?介铰
Burke Mtn(博客山庄)买社区新房的情形是这样:
CAD$80W 以内的: 土地约是 4000 sq. ft 以内, 居住面积约是 3000 sq.ft --适合小家庭,
CAD$100W 以内的: 土地约是 6000 sq. ft 以内, 居住面积约是 3900 sq.ft
这里的大部份新盖房子,土地都是 纵深型的,即正面都窄些 ( 宽约 33 尺 到 55尺 ),这样建筑商才能盖更多户的住宅.
由于西人喜欢日光及地理位置纬度较高, 新社区依地势盖的屋多是东西朝向, 我们华人喜爱的座北朝南(即后院朝北)在这里算是最差的方向(日照最不足).
如下图 每一方块就是一个建房的土地 !!
以上买房 tips 供新登陆的朋友参考 !
注: 1000 sq.ft. 约是: 93 sq.m(米平方)
Burke Mtn(博客山庄) --- the new community of Burke Mountain. In 2000, EKISTICS completed the Burke Mountain (NECAP) Area Plan with the City of Coquitlam, establishing a framework for a new urban village of
7600 homes that would be socially diverse, economically viable and ecologically guided.
为什么我一直介绍 Burke Mtn(博客山庄)呢?
潜力在这 : 下图为Burke Mtn(博客山庄)下面不远处商业发展区的
Pitt River Bridge 是 Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge 及 Mission市车辆 进入 Port Coquitlam 及往 Burnaby 温哥华的主要大桥.
大桥旁: 新的商业中心Fremont Village 正大兴土木中,是投资商业地产的最增值标的 -- a new hybrid lifestyle project with over 525,000 square feet of retail space.
The entire Tri-Cities area is forecast to have some of the highest regional population percentage growth figures in Metro Vancouver over the next 30 years.
Walmart opening date of June 20, 2011 is set to be the first retail store to be completed in the first phase of Onni’s new
Fremont Village development in Port Coquitlam.
by LandDuke Mar. 5,2012 我们提供"品味与价值" 买房投资顾问 !
"团结华人买家, 进驻最佳学区, 厚植教育根基, 薪火相传"
预约看房请e-mail: landduke@sina.com 及留下联络电话 ....Tony 陈