

回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?





回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


我没有去专门研究ITA, 我只是用我同税局包括法庭打交道的经历来发表看法。

法律本来就是咬文嚼字的,CRA所有的权利都来自ITA, ITA上没要求的,CRA就不能要求纳税人提供,法庭也不会支持这种要求。



回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

法律本来就是咬文嚼字的,CRA所有的权利都来自ITA, ITA上没要求的,CRA就不能要求纳税人提供,法庭也不会支持这种要求。





回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

法律本来就是咬文嚼字的,CRA所有的权利都来自ITA, ITA上没要求的,CRA就不能要求纳税人提供,法庭也不会支持这种要求。




Net Worth Assessment Avoid it at all costs

May 8, 2012Tierney Stauffer LLP LawyersLeave a commentGo to comments

A net worth audit is one of the most powerful techniques available to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to unilaterally deem a taxpayer to have a certain amount of unreported income. The net worth audit is a method which, on its premise, assumes the taxpayer has hidden or failed to disclose annual income, and as a result CRA is not able to rely on the accuracy of the amount of taxpayer income from tax returns filed. Subsequently, CRA will use the results of a net worth audit to deem a taxpayer to have unreported income, resulting in allegations of tax evasion or civil fraud against the taxpayer.
In recent years tax professionals have noticed an increase in CRA’s use of net worth audits against taxpayers. The CRA appears to be targeting their net worth audits to cash-based businesses, owner-manager businesses and illegal businesses (such as drug dealers).
The following will attempt to answer two primary questions, first, what is a net worth audit and second, what is the burden on a taxpayer faced with a net worth audit.
What is a Net Worth Audit?
A net worth audit is a two-step audit by the CRA. First, the Agency will look at the taxpayer’s assets and liabilities at the beginning and end of the tax year and determine the increase and/or decrease in the taxpayer’s net worth. Second, the CRA will review the taxpayer’s expenditures for that same tax year and compare them with standards of expenditures according to Statistics Canada.
The net worth method relies on the concept that when a taxpayer accumulates wealth during a tax year, he shall either invest it or spend it. For an auditor conducting a net worth audit, they will consider an increase in the taxpayer’s net worth throughout the year as taxable income. From that starting point, the auditor will add all non-deductible expenditures to the taxpayer’s net worth and then compare the taxpayer’s net worth at the beginning of the taxation year and the taxpayer’s net worth at the end of the taxation year. Any increase in the taxpayer’s net worth will be considered income for tax purposes.
Interestingly, at the audit stage, the CRA has essentially free reign in their assessment and interpretation of the taxpayer’s net worth. Indeed, CRA may assume facts or use general statistics from Statistic Canada in their assessment; in most instances, to the taxpayer’s detriment.​
Burden is on the Taxpayer
It is important to understand that because the Canadian tax system is a self-assessing system, the onus is on the taxpayer to rebut all of the Minister’s assumptions and findings.
The Courts have consistently taken the view that once CRA issues a reassessment based on a net worth audit, the taxpayer must rebut all of CRA’s assumptions and findings by either:
Challenging whether the net worth assessment is needed or is the most appropriate method of computing the taxpayer’s income; or
Challenging every specific aspect of the net worth assessment calculations.
In the context of a net worth audit, the taxpayer’s onus of proof is a considerable one. Indeed, in most net worth audits, the auditor will have requested all available taxpayer records including, but not limited to, a list of all inventories, physical assets, debts to creditors, bank records, securities, and any other statements of assets.
From the documentation provided, the auditor may have interpreted some book entries and assume facts that may not be accurate, however, the onus is on the taxpayer to provide proof to clarify, explain and rebut all of the auditor’s assumptions and interpretation of facts.
When combating a net worth audit, the devil is in the details. Every item, interpretation and assumption of the auditor must be analyzed in great detail and dissected for correctness.
Indeed, with every error found, the trustworthiness of this inherently untrustworthy method is called further into question.
If the matter is to proceed before the Tax Court of Canada, pointing out the auditor’s errors in their interpretation shall contribute to discrediting the auditor’s findings and tilt the judge’s opinion in favor of the taxpayer. However, the taxpayer will also need to provide evidence explaining and clarifying the increase in his net worth over the year.
A valid explanation, such as the receipt of an inheritance, will undoubtly favor the taxpayer in his pursuit of rebutting the auditor’s finding. However, if the taxpayer lacks any evidentiary documentation attesting his point then the matter becomes one of credibility; something a taxpayer should always avoid.
Maintaining well-organized documents and financial records is truly the sole solution for succeeding over a net worth audit. Indeed, documenting all receipts of significant funds received during the taxation year, especially any foreign funds, is the very best way to beat a net worth audit.
My former colleague Arthur Drache once wrote: “good paper almost always will prevail, but in a contest of your unsupported word against CRA, you’ll almost always lose.” This remains the gold standard in a net worth audit.
If you are the subject of a net worth audit, we highly recommend you consult with your accountant and lawyer. Tierney Stauffer LLP would be glad to assist and advise you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.​
Sébastien Desmarais
LL.B., LL.L., J.D.
Lawyer, Tierney Stauffer LLP
This article is provided as an information resource and is not intended to replace advice from a quaified legal professional and should not be relied upon to make decisions. In all cases, contact your legal professional for advice on any matter referenced in this document before making decisions. Any use of this document does not constitute a lawyer-client relationship.

找到一篇类似的,供参考。其实你也可以google:CRA Net Worth Audit.可以得到更多的相关信息。很多是common sense, 不是研究不研究ITA问题。


最后编辑: 2012-09-14
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


It is important to understand that because the Canadian tax system is a self-assessing system,
the onus is on the taxpayer to rebut all of the Minister’s assumptions and findings

..., however, the onus is on the taxpayer to provide proof to clarify, explain and rebut all of the auditor’s assumptions and interpretation of facts.

最后编辑: 2012-09-14
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

法律本来就是咬文嚼字的,CRA所有的权利都来自ITA, ITA上没要求的,CRA就不能要求纳税人提供,法庭也不会支持这种要求。




In the context of a net worth audit, the taxpayer’s onus of proof is a considerable one. Indeed, in most net worth audits, the auditor will have requested all available taxpayer records including, but not limited to, a list of all inventories, physical assets, debts to creditors, bank records, securities, and any other statements of assets.

只要税局查询,你有义务列出你的所有资产,甚至欠债。建议你去看看KPMG关于net worth audit的过程介绍,你会对税法有正确的理解。其实这些是常识,我从未看过税法,都知道应该是这样的。
最后编辑: 2012-09-15
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


有些人不用脑子,连common sense都没有。
A valid explanation, such as the receipt of an inheritance, will undoubtly favor the taxpayer in his pursuit of rebutting the auditor’s finding. However, if the taxpayer lacks any evidentiary documentation attesting his point then the matter becomes one of credibility; something a taxpayer should always avoid.
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?







这个权力有多大?他可以向你索要所有他认为相关的信息,这个阶段,它是超越其他法定你的一些权力,比如隐私权,比如他可以直接到你的经营场所调查,包括向第三方索要有关信息等等。然后它可以根据信息(包括你提供的信息),甚至他的一些合理的假设,计算你的应税额。你不服,那可以申诉,再打官司,问题就在,这时,你要举证,证明你的所报数据来源及准确性或者他的假设/计算不合理不对。否则,那你基本就输了。有个统计数,税务法庭上,CRA 95%是赢的。


回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

有些人不用脑子,连common sense都没有。
A valid explanation, such as the receipt of an inheritance, will undoubtly favor the taxpayer in his pursuit of rebutting the auditor’s finding. However, if the taxpayer lacks any evidentiary documentation attesting his point then the matter becomes one of credibility; something a taxpayer should always avoid.





[FONT=宋体]再回到我给你举的例子。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]CRA认为你年收入10万,而你说只有7万,举证责任在CRA。如果你不幸的拥有可适用NWA的business,CRA要首先证明你的net worth增加了而且没有合理原因,你只要把bank statement拿给他们就可以了,你有3万的汇款,这个就是证据。你还要举证什么资产来源?证明3万中的1万是你父母的退休金,然后把你爹娘几年来的退休金记录都提供给CRA?还有2万是你哥卖了祖传钧窑瓷器的钱,再举证瓷器是你哥一个人的而不是你和你哥共同的,否则有1万要算做你的收入计入你的taxable income?如果这是你的common sense, 我恭喜你。[/FONT]



[FONT=宋体]税务法庭并不鼓励[/FONT][FONT=宋体]CRA使用NWA,只是认为这个方法acceptable。 法庭的观点是:[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]unsatisfactory and imprecise tool[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]last ditch attempt to establish a fair basis on which to assess in the absence of acceptable bookkeeping records[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]in reality a makeshift method[/FONT]




Recently, on June 6, 2011, the Tax Court of Canada released its decision in Long Ha v. The Queen. The case was actually very interesting (from a factual perspective).

This case involved a sole proprietorship that was assessed income tax and goods and services tax (GST) on a net worth assessment basis. The main focus of the appeal was the GST assessment. Interestingly, Mr. Ha was partially successful in showing that CRA's net worth calculation was incorrect.

Most interesting is how the case began. On June 8, 2002, Mr. Ha was returning to Canada and was sent to a secondary inspection by the Canada Border Services Agency. In the secondary search, $40,000 in cash was discovered. The matter was referred to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who did not seize the cash. However, the RCMP were not satisfied with Mr. Ha's explanations as to why he had such a large amount of cash in his possession, the RCMP sent a referral to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) who reviewed Mr. Ha's income tax returns. The CRA found that the $40,000 was not explained by Mr. Ha's income tax returns. The CRA took the position that Mr. Ha had unreported income from business (Mr. Ha was a salal picker and fisherman). The CRA conducted a net worth assessment based on a bank deposit analysis, bank statements, mortgage applications and mortgage statements. The schedule for personal expenditures was calculated using Statistics Canada information to estimate the costs for a single individual. The CRA assessed Mr. Ha income tax and GST.

Mr. Ha conceded that his income was under reported. However, he disputed the CRA's net worth calculation as too high. The CRA felt Mr. Ha's calculation of his unreported income was too low. The Tax Court had to find the right answer. The Tax Court found that Mr. Ha's evidence was not credible. His explanation concerning the $40,000 changed each time he told it. When he was stopped in the Vancouver International Airport, he told the authorities that the $40,000 in his possession was from his employment as a fisherman and from a restaurant business. On December 12, 2004, he told a CRA auditor that the $40,000 was from his savings, salal picking and a few hundred dollars from friends. At the hearing before the Tax Court, Mr. Ha testified that the $40,000 was a loan or gift given to him.

After determining that Mr. Ha's evidence was not credible, the Tax Court found that the evidence of a number of witnesses was credible. As a result, the Tax Court reduced the net worth assessment by the certain amounts that, based on the evidence, were not attributable to business activities (e.g. were loans, insurance proceeds, transfer from spouse, a withdrawal from an RRSP, etc.).

从这个判例可以看出,即便是40,000现金,即便原告的credibility是如此之差,他仍然能部分得值。如果原告拿出的是bank statemen,你猜猜结果会怎么样。
最后编辑: 2012-09-15
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


直接问:如果我在中国的全部应税收入全部转给父母,再由父母汇入加拿大账户,那我不就逃税成功了吗 (不报中国的收入CRA能叫国际刑警查吗)
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


[FONT=宋体]再回到我给你举的例子。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]CRA认为你年收入10万,而你说只有7万,举证责任在CRA。 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]。[/FONT]

最后编辑: 2012-09-15
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?


Recently, on June 6, 2011, the Tax Court of Canada released its decision in Long Ha v. The Queen. The case was actually very interesting (from a factual perspective).

This case involved a sole proprietorship that was assessed income tax and goods and services tax (GST) on a net worth assessment basis. The main focus of the appeal was the GST assessment. Interestingly, Mr. Ha was partially successful in showing that CRA's net worth calculation was incorrect.

Most interesting is how the case began. On June 8, 2002, Mr. Ha was returning to Canada and was sent to a secondary inspection by the Canada Border Services Agency. In the secondary search, $40,000 in cash was discovered. The matter was referred to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who did not seize the cash. However, the RCMP were not satisfied with Mr. Ha's explanations as to why he had such a large amount of cash in his possession, the RCMP sent a referral to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) who reviewed Mr. Ha's income tax returns. The CRA found that the $40,000 was not explained by Mr. Ha's income tax returns. The CRA took the position that Mr. Ha had unreported income from business (Mr. Ha was a salal picker and fisherman). The CRA conducted a net worth assessment based on a bank deposit analysis, bank statements, mortgage applications and mortgage statements. The schedule for personal expenditures was calculated using Statistics Canada information to estimate the costs for a single individual. The CRA assessed Mr. Ha income tax and GST.

Mr. Ha conceded that his income was under reported. However, he disputed the CRA's net worth calculation as too high. The CRA felt Mr. Ha's calculation of his unreported income was too low. The Tax Court had to find the right answer. The Tax Court found that Mr. Ha's evidence was not credible. His explanation concerning the $40,000 changed each time he told it. When he was stopped in the Vancouver International Airport, he told the authorities that the $40,000 in his possession was from his employment as a fisherman and from a restaurant business. On December 12, 2004, he told a CRA auditor that the $40,000 was from his savings, salal picking and a few hundred dollars from friends. At the hearing before the Tax Court, Mr. Ha testified that the $40,000 was a loan or gift given to him.

After determining that Mr. Ha's evidence was not credible, the Tax Court found that the evidence of a number of witnesses was credible. As a result, the Tax Court reduced the net worth assessment by the certain amounts that, based on the evidence, were not attributable to business activities (e.g. were loans, insurance proceeds, transfer from spouse, a withdrawal from an RRSP, etc.).

从这个判例可以看出,即便是40,000现金,即便原告的credibility是如此之差,他仍然能部分得值。如果原告拿出的是bank statemen,你猜猜结果会怎么样。
你为何不好好想想,就这么个区区4万块,能让CRA启动net worth audit。你想想楼主70万。
这个案例Mr.ha 全赢了吗?witness显然帮料大忙。谁能确性下一个案例也有好的witness.
这个案例中谁举证了?witness 是谁请来的?
mr.ha 虽未全输,但付出代价不小,比全输可能还要大。4万块收入课税加罚款不会太多。但他要付律师费(税务法庭要请律师,除非自己是),外加,坏的信用。

最后编辑: 2012-09-15
回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

直接问:如果我在中国的全部应税收入全部转给父母,再由父母汇入加拿大账户,那我不就逃税成功了吗 (不报中国的收入CRA能叫国际刑警查吗)


回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?




回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?

回复: 70w刀,在5个人名下,可以全部汇到我BMO的账户吗?






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