家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版

87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响



"87.4一刀切不是91专享的法律,2001年11月1号没有91政策的吧.". 是说2001年11月1日至2008.2.27期间,没此条87.4?
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响




回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

"87.4一刀切不是91专享的法律,2001年11月1号没有91政策的吧.". 是说2001年11月1日至2008.2.27期间,没此条87.4?

看到这个法案的大标题下面的Assented to 2001-11-01吗?



回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响




被OB442停审的人,是在3月29之后selection decision的,当然是被一刀切的。完全符合87.4. OB442本身无法律漏洞。
最后编辑: 2012-10-12
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响


被OB442停审的人,是在3月29之后打分(ME)的,当然是被一刀切的。完全符合87.4. OB442本身无法律漏洞。

回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

329前打分的,当然就是在329之前完成了slection decision,就不属于一刀切87.4的范围了。

87.4规定的一刀切的标准,不是有没有ME,而是有没有在329前完成selection decision
谢谢回复!还有个问题是,打分是否等于Selection decision?谢谢!
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

谢谢回复!还有个问题是,打分是否等于Selection decision?谢谢!


The Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act became law on June 29, 2012. Under this legislation, Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications made before February 27, 2008 were terminated by operation of law if a decision based on FSW program selection criteria had not been made by an immigration officer before March 29, 2012.

Upon review of your application, it appears that a selection decision was not made before March 29, 2012, and that your application has been terminated by operation of law. No further action should be taken on your part. You will be contacted regarding next steps at a later date.

For more information on the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act please refer to the Citizenship and Immigration website at:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp.

CIC will return fees paid to the Department, without interest, for applications that are eliminated under the provisions in Bill C-38. CIC is currently finalizing the fee return process, which will involve confirming up-to-date contact and payee information.

Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act 就是C38法案的全称
最后编辑: 2012-10-12
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

已经打分并不等同于完成了Slection Decision,是两码事。北京使馆有已经打分但是没有做Slection Decision的例子,不多几个。


Q3. What does a decision based on Federal Skilled Worker selection criteria mean?

A decision based on Federal Skilled Worker selection criteria means that an immigration officer:
  • has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, and
  • has made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.
Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the following:
  • the person’s ability in English and/or French;
  • their education;
  • their work experience;
  • their age;
  • whether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment); and
  • how well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada).
If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before a final decision is made and a visa is issued or not.
If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

对,Caips在329前打分了,就是在329前完成了slection decision.


The Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act became law on June 29, 2012. Under this legislation, Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications made before February 27, 2008 were terminated by operation of law if a decision based on FSW program selection criteria had not been made by an immigration officer before March 29, 2012.

Upon review of your application, it appears that a selection decision was not made before March 29, 2012, and that your application has been terminated by operation of law. No further action should be taken on your part. You will be contacted regarding next steps at a later date.

For more information on the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act please refer to the Citizenship and Immigration website at:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp.

CIC will return fees paid to the Department, without interest, for applications that are eliminated under the provisions in Bill C-38. CIC is currently finalizing the fee return process, which will involve confirming up-to-date contact and payee information.

Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act 就是C38法案的全称
非常感谢这么及时的回复!我的情况是Caips在329前打分了,但selection decision日期填的是6月份发ME的日期,不知道是个什么情况,我是香港91前旧政的。
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

非常感谢这么及时的回复!我的情况是Caips在329前打分了,但selection decision日期填的是6月份发ME的日期,不知道是个什么情况,我是香港91前旧政的。

你的Caips打分和Selection decision给出的时间竟然相差这么大,理论上,6月给的selection decision,当然就是在329之后,那就是要被切了。



到底在329之前有没有得到selection decision,VO给的回复才是最准确的。87.4就是以VO有没有对申请人的案子在329前完成评估来衡量是否一刀切:

87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class.
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

已经打分并不等同于完成了Slection Decision,是两码事。北京使馆有已经打分但是没有做Slection Decision的例子,不多几个。


Q3. What does a decision based on Federal Skilled Worker selection criteria mean?

A decision based on Federal Skilled Worker selection criteria means that an immigration officer:
  • has assessed your FSW application against the points grid, and
  • has made a decision on whether or not you meet the selection criteria of the program.
Currently, the pass mark is 67 points out of a grid worth 100 points. The grid considers the following:
  • the person’s ability in English and/or French;
  • their education;
  • their work experience;
  • their age;
  • whether they have a job already arranged in Canada (arranged employment); and
  • how well they might adapt to living in Canada (which awards points for things like previous work or study in Canada, spouse’s education and relatives in Canada).
If your application is successful, you would move to the next phase (i.e. admissibility). At that point you would be checked against health, security and criminality requirements before a final decision is made and a visa is issued or not.
If you do not score at least 67 on the FSW points grid, your application would be refused and CIC would inform you of the decision.

这样看来, Caips打分和Selection decision的时间不是同步的。在329前caips有打分,但没有selection decision的,肯定要被切。这种情况实在很可惜。
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

The Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act became law on June 29, 2012. Under this legislation, Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) applications made before February 27, 2008 were terminated by operation of law if a decision based on FSW program selection criteria had not been made by an immigration officer before March 29, 2012.

Upon review of your application, it appears that a selection decision was not made before March 29, 2012, and that your application has been terminated by operation of law. No further action should be taken on your part. You will be contacted regarding next steps at a later date.

For more information on the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act please refer to the Citizenship and Immigration website at:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/notices/notice-qa.asp.

CIC will return fees paid to the Department, without interest, for applications that are eliminated under the provisions in Bill C-38. CIC is currently finalizing the fee return process, which will involve confirming up-to-date contact and payee information.

Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act 就是C38法案的全称

伦敦VO给的这封标准答复,措辞用语完全是律师的指导。他给的标准就是有没有selection decision,而不是caips有没有打分。

terminated by operation of law这一句最霸道,申请人被法律停掉,而不是部长停掉。这样的措辞,灵感就是来自Justice Barnes五月份对Tim的禁制令否决的判决书:

As I read the proposed legislation, the Minister has no
residual role or discretion with respect to the affected
files. Those files are simply terminated by operation of
law. (Barnes, J.)
Datta v. M.C.l.2012FC 626, at para. 10

CIC的律师把Justice Barnes的原话拿出来就是抓到了尚方宝剑,因为那是法官说的,是绝无可能被推翻的真理了。
回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

你的Caips打分和Selection decision给出的时间竟然相差这么大,理论上,6月给的selection decision,当然就是在329之后,那就是要被切了。



到底在329之前有没有得到selection decision,VO给的回复才是最准确的。87.4就是以VO有没有对申请人的案子在329前完成评估来衡量是否一刀切:

87.4 (1) An application by a foreign national for a permanent resident visa as a member of the prescribed class of federal skilled workers that was made before February 27, 2008 is terminated if, before March 29, 2012, it has not been established by an officer, in accordance with the regulations, whether the applicant meets the selection criteria and other requirements applicable to that class.

回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响











回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响

加拿大并不能算真正的三权独立, 立法和行政基本一体了, CIC提的法案,保守党的天下都能通过, 等于没有分权了. 司法相对独立, 如果也偏袒CIC, 那等于是保守党独裁了,

真心不希望这个观点被证实。现在有迹象表明Justice Barnes这个保守党的法官的integrity有问题。他9月18号在渥太华联邦法庭信誓旦旦的说CIC退费不代表诉讼的终结,只要诉讼赢了,申请人能再交申请费。现在CIC的退费方案已经出台了,9月18开庭到现在也快一个月了,这个法官还没有用书面判决的形式固定他在法庭上说的话。

回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响





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