我的情况按照安省交通厅的规定是有资格拿的G,少于2年的是G2。所以有点不太明白如何理解这个规定的。 With driving experience of less than two years in the last three years:
You will be eligible to do an exchange of your licence, equivalent to Ontario’s class ‘G2’ novice licence. You must serve the remainder of the mandatory wait period before you are eligible to take the "G" road test to get a full Ontario class ‘G’ licence.
With driving experience of more than two years in the last three years:
You will be eligible to do an exchange of your licence equivalent to Ontario’s class ‘G’ full licence.
With driving experience of less than two years in the last three years:
You will be eligible to do an exchange of your licence, equivalent to Ontario’s class ‘G2’ novice licence. You must serve the remainder of the mandatory wait period before you are eligible to take the "G" road test to get a full Ontario class ‘G’ licence.
With driving experience of more than two years in the last three years:
You will be eligible to do an exchange of your licence equivalent to Ontario’s class ‘G’ full licence.
今天下午又跑了趟考试中心,简单的讲了我的情况,后来弄明白了,因为我现在的脾子省的驾照是去年renew的,时间只有1年多点,我需要电话脾子省,要求邮寄我的driving record,证明我有2年以上的驾驶经验(近三年中)即可得到Class G driver licence。考试中心的老太太很友好,还跟我解释我们的中国驾驶经历为什么不被加拿大承认,告别时还用中文说谢谢。
今天下午又跑了趟考试中心,简单的讲了我的情况,后来弄明白了,因为我现在的脾子省的驾照是去年renew的,时间只有1年多点,我需要电话脾子省,要求邮寄我的driving record,证明我有2年以上的驾驶经验(近三年中)即可得到Class G driver licence。考试中心的老太太很友好,还跟我解释我们的中国驾驶经历为什么不被加拿大承认,告别时还用中文说谢谢。