回复: 87.4对诉讼的影响 87.3对所有移民积案的影响
Justice Barnes和Rennie异口同声这样说了:
"Courts come into the picture when legislation is enacted and not before..."
[22] While both the applicants and the respondent sought to rely on the existence of this amendment currently before the House of Commons, it has not, and cannot, play any part in the disposition of these applications. Proposed legislated is simply that—an amendment proposed by the Government that is subject to debate and vote in Parliament. It may be withdrawn, it may be amended, or it may pass in its present form. For these reasons, as the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) said in Re: Resolution to amend the Constitution [1981] 1 SCR 753 at page 785, “Courts come into the picture when legislation is enacted and not before…”. At a practical level, courts do not consider proposed legislation as it is premature and speculative. At a Constitutional level, the principle maintains a clear demarcation between the roles played by the legislature and the judiciary. The dialogue that occurs between the branches of government takes place in respect of actual legislation: Vriend v Alberta, [1998] 1 SCR 493.