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Dear run2000y 您好 !
谢谢关心及询问 !
您的担心 是碰到 野兽的问题 !
首先要澄清一件事, 您提的 "野狼" 应该是误会, 这边就只听过
郊狼(coyote, or called
prairie wolf) is a species of canine found throughout North and Central America. Coyotes typically grow to 30–34 in (76–86 cm) in length, not counting a tail of 12–16 in (30–41 cm), stand about 23–26 in (58–66 cm) at the shoulder and weigh from 15–46 lb (6.8–21 kg).
郊狼(coyote) 瘦瘦的,比中型的狗还小一点. 一般看到大人,远远的
就躲一边去了. 我在去Maple Ridge 农场的田野里有时会看到.刚来时还以为是狐狸. 高贵林区(三联市人口有20几万)住宅区也很多人口, 平常几乎看不到coyote.
熊(此处为黑熊) 的问题也不大, 最近几年人口增长很快,社区不断扩大, 偶而当地报纸会报导,
熊肚子饿了,才会出来找食物,其实稍有熊迹出现,社区会贴注意的告示, don't worry about 黑熊,
熊熊其实很少看到啦! 大部份都在山里头,而且
有专门的机构人员(the Conservation Officers Service)会处理发现熊踪报案(call 604-990-BEAR (2327)).
我来加15连年了,常带家人小孩山上湖滨,东玩西跑的,也才真碰到2次,也没事, 熊知道有人也会走开的.
熊其实也很怕人的,当然肚子饿时, 也难说了.
(4)真碰到熊不要惊慌, 要面对它, 慢慢后退, 手要举高, 让它判定你还不小, 不好惹哦 ...注意的事很多啦 ! 但也别自己吓自己.
Residents are taught to be “bear smart” to prevent backyard bears.
下面是一些注意及“bear smart” 的要点:
Simple, but effective steps to help reduce interactions with bears:
- Store your garbage indoors or in a secure enclosure
- Freeze your smelly garbage (like chicken and fish)
- Place garbage cans at the curb only on the morning of your pick-up day
- Remove bird feeders between April and November
- Keep your garbage can and barbeque clean
- Feed pets indoors
- Pick fruit as it ripens
- Compost responsibly
If you encounter a bear in your community:
- Stay calm
- Stand still - Do Not Run!
- Speak calmly
- Slowly back away
Get information about how to "bear-proof" your property and prevent bear encounters: