回复: 登陆多伦多生活纪录贴
1.CIIP。 如果时间允许尽可能参加CIIP在中国举办的为期两天的培训, 个人觉得还是有用的, 尤其是特定专业的同学可能会获益更多。
www.newcomersuccess.ca, 需要提前注册预约。
2. 物品准备
个人经验, 现有的物品整理整理带上, 基本不用新买东西带来,除了觉得这边可能买不到的。 不过我特别能理解,喜欢的东西都想带着的感觉,嘿嘿。 本人两次登陆都额外买了行李,加航的还okay , 海航的真心贵啊, 后面会有机票篇具体在介绍。 总的来说就是把人民币换成加元带着就好
今年换的同学有福气了, 我们去年换的贵啊
说到物品准备,必须提一下物品清单good lists, 下面是官方的规定,本人在国内一直从事涉外法律工作, 所以特别喜欢查各种规章制度, 职业病,哈哈
All goods that we carry, either 'on person' or 'following' needs to be 'listed' in form B4 / B4A, separately. These forms are available in the CBSA website, link given below:
It is the same form for 'Goods Accompanying' & 'Goods to follow'. We should club similar items in groups.
我们严格的按照加国政府的规定分别准备了随身行李清单, 和Goods to follow的清单, 但是有趣的事情是, 因为飞机严重晚点, 我们落地的时候已经快凌晨12点了, 海关根本就没有问, 之前为了入关准备的问题完全没有用到, 跟出国旅游似的, 我们匆匆就完成了登陆。 虽然当时省事了, 不过第二次登陆还真的遇到了麻烦, 因为海关要goods to follow 的list, 最终还算巧妙的给解决了。 不过也算是经验提醒后面的同学, 这个还是有必要准备的。
3. [FONT=宋体]交管所开驾驶记录证明 和 [/FONT][FONT=宋体]保险公司开无重大索赔证明[/FONT]
对于这个我首先研究了安省官方的要求, 具体如下
There is a way to obtain at least the Ontario G2 Driving Lincense immediately, if not the G1. For that some pre-arranged actions are needed, before you fly. I've written in detail on it. Check out this link: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/issue-with-ontario-drivers-licence-strike-t30236.0.html
根据这个要求, 我们去北京是交管局开了证明。下面是家园网的朋友提供信息, 再次感谢!
抱歉只有北京的信息, 其他各地基本也都可以办理, 大家可以自行问问如需要。
有一点需要强调, 据说必须打印在带抬头的纸上,就是有letterhead的纸,否则这里不认,当时教练这么告诉我们的。 后来有听朋友说在一些小镇也是可以的。不管怎样,需要办理的同学请留意这一点。
4. 机票
我们坐过的主要是加航和海航, 各有利弊,总体服务还都可以,对新移民第一次登陆都有优惠, 大家有兴趣可以打电话问问。 需要特别提出的是, 海航对65岁以上的老人有免费升公务舱的政策, 这次公公婆婆来就是订的海航免费升仓的票,老人家很满意!
5. 随行文件
虽然放在最后一点, 其实是最重要的一点哦, 关键是这个一般都要最后仔细检查, 所以放在临行准备的最后一项,嘿嘿。
又是我再官网扒拉的信息, 我说过, 我有这爱好,哈哈
To enter Canada, you will need to present the following:
- A Canadian immigrant visa and Confirmation of Permanent Residence for each family member traveling with you
- A valid passport or other travel document for each family member traveling with you
- Two (2) copies of a detailed list of all the personal or household items you are bringing with you
- Two (2) copies of a list of items that are arriving later and their money value
Do not pack these documents in your luggage. Keep them with you at all times。
Before you arrive, you should prepare two copies of a list (preferably typed) of all the goods you intend to bring into Canada as settler’s effects, showing the value, make, model and serial number, if the item has one. Divide the list into two sections: the goods you are bringing with you and the goods to follow.
Present this list to the border services officer on your first point of arrival in Canada, even if you are not bringing in any goods at that time.
You can make the process easier by completing a B4 form in advance and presenting it to the officer when you arrive. Visit the Canada Border Services Agency website to download a copy of the
Form B4, Personal Effects Accounting Document
Other documents you may need:
· Birth certificates or baptismal certificates
· Marriage certificates
· Adoption, separation or divorce papers
· School records, diplomas or degrees for each family member traveling with you
· Trade or professional certificates and licences
· Letters of reference from former employers
· A list of your educational and professional qualifications and job experience
·Driver’s licence, including an International Driver’s Permit and a reference from your auto insurance company[/font]
· Photocopies of all essential and important documents, in case the originals get lost (be sure to keep the photocopies in a separate place from the originals)
我也是严格按照这些要求准备的, 只多不少。 当时公正的时候我所有的材料都办了两份, 剩下的一份我也都带来了, 以防什么时候需要。
有一点需要再强调一下哦, enssetial documents,一定要随身携带!我认识一朋友,第二次回来的时候把枫叶卡给托运了, 那个周折啊。不过加拿大的海关还真人性, 给了扫描件最后让入关了。 不过还是很周折啊。