回复: 求:出入境章翻译样本,多谢!
再帮你一次:认证翻译有钢印,每年翻译几百上千护照,专业文本,几乎不会有退件。 但是续枫叶卡护照每年有相当比例退件是因为翻译出现问题。 你的目的就是为了省下30块钱而不相信专业 ,那么就要承担这个退件的概率,祝你好运。
1. 影印文件(copied passport pages)需要认证(certify), 关于谁能certify,CIC网站上下面就有列表:教师,牙医,律师,社会工作者,注册工程师........都行。
2. 翻译件以及翻译的宣誓书(declaration)。
Translation of documents
Any document that is not in English or French must be accompanied by:
the English or French translation;
a certified copy of the document; and
a translator's declaration.
Note: The declaration must include the translator's name, the original language of the translated document and a statement signed by the translator that the translation is accurate. Translators who are certified members in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada do not need to supply an affidavit.
Important information. Translations by family members are not acceptable.