Transfers to other family members
A transfer of capital property to other family members is taxed just as if you sold the property at its FMV. If the property has been transferred to a child, grandchild, niece or nephew, you must continue to report any income earned on such property after it has been transferred—such as interest or dividend income—until the child reaches 18 years of age. After 18, attribution no longer applies and that individual must report the income. Capital gains, on the other hand, do not have to be attributed to you (regardless of the age of the child). This can be a useful income-splitting tool. However, make sure that any capital gain realized by a minor child is not subject to the “kiddie tax” rules (see
topic 114).
但是这个又受到KIDDIE TAX的制约, KIDDIE TAX对资本利得是要按最高税率交税,那还不如直接就赠与人交了算了。
最后又说可以通过一定安排来绕过KIDDIE TAX,具体是怎么操作的呢?
topic 114
However, there are rules to prevent income splitting with minors—these are referred to as the “kiddie tax” rules. These rules assess tax at the top marginal rate on taxable dividends from a private corporation received by any child under the age of 18. It doesn’t matter if the dividends are received directly or through a trust or other structure. The tax will also apply to income from property such as certain rental and financing income that is allocated to minor children. Income from property inherited from the minor’s parent is excluded from this rule. The “kiddie tax” also applies to capital gains allocated to a minor child from the disposition of shares to a non-arm’s-length person, provided dividends received on those shares would have been subject to the tax.
There is certain planning that can be done to deal with these rules. You should contact your tax adviser to review your situation and determine the best planning strategy