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回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚



回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

求助,我帮我老公申请境内团聚,他拿得是study permit.我是PR.
问题是我之前跟我ex申请过common law。但是我们都是各自办得移民,只是注册了common law,好像一起报过税,仅此而已。后来又取消了
填表格的时候如果不说,会不会被查到啊 会不会又什么影响?
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚



2,从大家的发贴里看到,有的朋友寄出材料后一个月左右收到CIC的邮件被告之档案已接收,并发与档案号。我今年5月寄出的 ,到现在连个影子都不见,我老公打电话去CIC询问,碰上一个有法语口音的接线员,结果白问。:wdb7:
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

1,2011年递的境内团聚申请,但没递交OWP,在我学生签到期前转成访问签在这边等待的话,取得签证的几率高不高呢?Should be no problem.因为我4月想回国而申请过一次小签被拒了,说是材料不足。no idea

2,从大家的发贴里看到,有的朋友寄出材料后一个月左右收到CIC的邮件被告之档案已接收,并发与档案号。我今年5月寄出的 ,到现在连个影子都不见,我老公打电话去CIC询问,碰上一个有法语口音的接线员,结果白问。:wdb7: why do not call again? It's four months already, you should see from CIC wed (by Client ID or Receipt No): https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/authenticate.do?app=ecas

Your client ID will be the same as your 学生签 ID.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

求助,我帮我老公申请境内团聚,他拿得是study permit.我是PR.
问题是我之前跟我ex申请过common law。但是我们都是各自办得移民,只是注册了common law,好像一起报过税,仅此而已。后来又取消了
填表格的时候如果不说,会不会被查到啊 会不会又什么影响?
In canada common law is not only 恋情. To 隐瞒之前的这段关系 is not good at all.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚


回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

请问大家,如果境内同时申请PR和visa延期,IMM1249里面的D-my request,应该选extend my stay in Canada until (date) 还是 change conditions ?还是都的选啊?:wdb2:。明白人给我解释一下呗,谢谢大家了。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

请问大家,如果境内同时申请PR和visa延期,IMM1249里面的D-my request,应该选extend my stay in Canada until (date) 还是 change conditions ?还是都的选啊?:wdb2:。明白人给我解释一下呗,谢谢大家了。
it depends on what kind of visa do you have and what you are going to apply. If you apply same as you had, for example visit to visit, then extend my stay in Canada until (date) . If you apply different status, for example Student visa tp visit visa, then change conditions.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

:wdb45:Thanks very much !!

it depends on what kind of visa do you have and what you are going to apply. If you apply same as you had, for example visit to visit, then extend my stay in Canada until (date) . If you apply different status, for example Student visa tp visit visa, then change conditions.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我想问下,我是PR,我男朋友是留学生,我们都是fulltime student, 没有收入,这种情况我可以担保他申请境内common-law 移民吗?
我们住一起超过一年, 申请期间如果他的学签过期还能续签吗?
现在申请境内common law大概要多久?
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

大家好, 我是在加境内申请的CASE, 刚刚递交完材料. 如果大家有相关的问题,请咨询,我会尽量为大家解答.
Canada (CIC)
We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.

Can I expect an acknowledgement letter, please?

Thank you!

When the processing time is over 6 months, Can request CIC processing my application ASAP if I have an eight years old boy in Canada? Thank you very much for your help in advance!
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

Canada (CIC)
We have received your application and will review it in order of receipt. We will send you an acknowledgement letter.

Can I expect an acknowledgement letter, please?

Thank you!

When the processing time is over 6 months, Can request CIC processing my application ASAP if I have an eight years old boy in Canada? Thank you very much for your help in advance!

You cann't request CIC processing your application ASAP by any reason. It's unfair for the others and CIC won't accept any.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

it depends on what kind of visa do you have and what you are going to apply. If you apply same as you had, for example visit to visit, then extend my stay in Canada until (date) . If you apply different status, for example Student visa tp visit visa, then change conditions.

我要在STUDY PERMIT过期前转成VISIT VISA,有一个选项是网上申请的,是否是这个链接里的申请表:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/index.asp

这是要选哪个要? 请大师给予指点!谢谢!!
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

刚才跟CIC agent通话,她说如果已经申请了PR还没有任何消息,你的sponsor是PR,那么现在是不可以申请work permit的,可
为什么看论坛里在境内申请PR的,都同时申请了work permit ?

如果一起交,是不是也只有AIP后才可以得到 work permit ?有没有可能直接被拒?

如果被拒了,是只给extend visitor Visa还是得重新申请visitor Visa ?

最后编辑: 2011-10-03
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

If a spouse or common-law partner is sponsored from inside Canada, they can apply for an open work permit by completing an Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553). This application must be sent before their status expires in the same envelope as the sponsorship application. This will allow them to keep a legal status in Canada up until the time their application for permanent residence is *approved in principle. If their status expires before the application for permanent residence is approved in principle, they will still have a legal status in Canada. This is called implied status. Please note that the open work permit will only be issued once the application for permanent residence is approved in principle. Visit our Web site to see how long it may take to get approval in principle.

If the person being sponsored does not send both applications at the same time, they will have to wait until they get a letter stating that their permanent residence application has been approved in principle before they can submit an open work permit application. They must also make sure they maintain a legal status in Canada; their status might have to be extended more than once.






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