家庭旅馆 国内机票版 海运专栏 房版


回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚


If a spouse or common-law partner is sponsored from inside Canada, they can apply for an open work permit by completing an Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553). This application must be sent before their status expires in the same envelope as the sponsorship application. This will allow them to keep a legal status in Canada up until the time their application for permanent residence is *approved in principle. If their status expires before the application for permanent residence is approved in principle, they will still have a legal status in Canada. This is called implied status. Please note that the open work permit will only be issued once the application for permanent residence is approved in principle. Visit our Web site to see how long it may take to get approval in principle.

If the person being sponsored does not send both applications at the same time, they will have to wait until they get a letter stating that their permanent residence application has been approved in principle before they can submit an open work permit application. They must also make sure they maintain a legal status in Canada; their status might have to be extended more than once.


回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我要在STUDY PERMIT过期前转成VISIT VISA,有一个选项是网上申请的,是否是这个链接里的申请表:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/e-services/index.asp

这是要选哪个要? 请大师给予指点!谢谢!!
我只知道过程,不知道细节。因为没有具体办过 Change Conditions Your Stay in Canada。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

If a spouse or common-law partner is sponsored from inside Canada, they can apply for an open work permit by completing an Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553). This application must be sent before their status expires in the same envelope as the sponsorship application. This will allow them to keep a legal status in Canada up until the time their application for permanent residence is *approved in principle. If their status expires before the application for permanent residence is approved in principle, they will still have a legal status in Canada. This is called implied status. Please note that the open work permit will only be issued once the application for permanent residence is approved in principle. Visit our Web site to see how long it may take to get approval in principle.

If the person being sponsored does not send both applications at the same time, they will have to wait until they get a letter stating that their permanent residence application has been approved in principle before they can submit an open work permit application. They must also make sure they maintain a legal status in Canada; their status might have to be extended more than once.


they can apply for an open work permit by completing an Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553).

If their status expires before the application for permanent residence is approved in principle, they will still have a legal status in Canada. This is called implied status.


这是个很有用的信息。希望境内申请的人们充分利用。会减少很多不必要的担心。谢谢the north 共享:wdb6:
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

问题请教:我刚到halifax,和我老公团聚,现在打算境内申请配偶团聚,在填写additional dependants/ declaration form generic application form for canada IMM0008 表格时发现Immigration office requested for the processing of your application这一栏不知道怎么填, 在参考guideline好像是说填写Buffalo, USA,但是guideline后面又说申请材料应该寄往Vegreville, Alberta.现在我完全糊涂了,不知道填写哪个immigration office:wdb5:,是Buffalo, USA还是Vegreville, Alberta.

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

问题请教:我刚到halifax,和我老公团聚,现在打算境内申请配偶团聚,在填写additional dependants/ declaration form generic application form for canada IMM0008 表格时发现Immigration office requested for the processing of your application这一栏不知道怎么填, 在参考guideline好像是说填写Buffalo, USA,但是guideline后面又说申请材料应该寄往Vegreville, Alberta.现在我完全糊涂了,不知道填写哪个immigration office:wdb5:,是Buffalo, USA还是Vegreville, Alberta.

The only place you send to is Vegreville for 境内申请配偶团聚.
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我只知道过程,不知道细节。因为没有具体办过 Change Conditions Your Stay in Canada。

我也有类似问题,我看IMM1249E 可能是申请这个用的,可能要选开始的A option extension of temporary resident status as a visitor.
不过我也不确定,希望在加拿大境内办过从study visa 转成 visitor visa 的高人分享经验。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我收到那个邮件后很不解,然后又打过去,另一个人接听的。他说,既然团聚申请早已寄出的同时没申请OWP,那么applying a vistor visa before my study permit is a proper thing to do。所以我现在还是图省事,申请个VISITOR吧,那个OWP的还得in the same envelope as the sponsorship application。。 麻烦
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我收到那个邮件后很不解,然后又打过去,另一个人接听的。他说,既然团聚申请早已寄出的同时没申请OWP,那么applying a vistor visa before my study permit is a proper thing to do。所以我现在还是图省事,申请个VISITOR吧,那个OWP的还得in the same envelope as the sponsorship application。。 麻烦

请教能否告知您提到的用于把study permit 转换成 visitor visa 的表格是哪个?是我上面提到的IMM1249E ? 谢谢!
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

请教能否告知您提到的用于把study permit 转换成 visitor visa 的表格是哪个?是我上面提到的IMM1249E ? 谢谢!

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

麻烦大家帮我看看 我是2008年11月申请的加拿大境内的团聚移民 我在温哥华 今天我的网上有新资料更新 内容是:We transferred your application to the local CIC office on May 25, 2009. The local CIC office may contact you. 我想问下这样一般是什么是什么情况 意思是已经转到了温哥华当地移民局了 一般还要等多久 ?一般当地的移民局多久能和我联系 大家有这样的情况吗 我没有收到信 不知道会不会收到 ?谢谢大家

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We received your application for permanent residence on November 8, 2010.

We started processing your application on December 20, 2010.

We transferred your application to the local CIC office on September 29, 2011. The local CIC office may contact you. 这是到什么阶段了。。接下来还需要什么程序呢?大概还要等多久

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We received your application for permanent residence on November 8, 2010. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We started processing your application on December 20, 2010. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]We transferred your application to the local CIC office on September 29, 2011. The local CIC office may contact you. 这是到什么阶段了。。接下来还需要什么程序呢?大概还要等多久[/FONT]
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚



回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚


好的,多谢了。我去学校问了一下,他们说我的情况还可以申请延study permit 在毕业之前, 因为这样medical insurance 可以继续用,即使毕业也可以。




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