回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚
If a spouse or common-law partner is sponsored from inside Canada, they can apply for an open work permit by completing an Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker (IMM 5553). This application must be sent before their status expires in the same envelope as the sponsorship application. This will allow them to keep a legal status in Canada up until the time their application for permanent residence is *approved in principle. If their status expires before the application for permanent residence is approved in principle, they will still have a legal status in Canada. This is called implied status. Please note that the open work permit will only be issued once the application for permanent residence is approved in principle. Visit our Web site to see how long it may take to get approval in principle.
If the person being sponsored does not send both applications at the same time, they will have to wait until they get a letter stating that their permanent residence application has been approved in principle before they can submit an open work permit application. They must also make sure they maintain a legal status in Canada; their status might have to be extended more than once.