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回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

大家好, 我是在加境内申请的CASE, 刚刚递交完材料. 如果大家有相关的问题,请咨询,我会尽量为大家解答.
hi Henry, I was deported without reason from CBSA. My spouse need to do surgery for SPINE. the sponsorship submit in May 2011. What Can I do, please?
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

请教一个申请open work permit体检的问题

我是7月份来的,短期交流,一般work permit,由于当时停留时间少于6个月,所以国内没有体检。

现在打算跟老婆申请open work permit,请问下是先申请再体检,还是体检了以后再申请?看到有帖子说是可以先申请到permit再体检。假如先申请,再体检,那么work permit上是不是会有不能从事health之类工作的限制?我已经申请到了UA的post doc,因为post doc一年一签麻烦,所以想跟着老婆的study permit直接申请年限长一点的open work permit。

回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚


回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

hi Henry, I was deported without reason from CBSA. My spouse need to do surgery for SPINE. the sponsorship submit in May 2011. What Can I do, please?
when were you deported ? before the sponsorship submit or after ? if you was deported without reason ,you must tell the CBSA you submit the application in May 2011. but usually they will tell you to leave canada and then you must get visa outside of canada to come back . I sugguest you to inform to the lawyer .
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

最后编辑: 2011-10-20
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚


我是去年11月17号对方签收的,你是啥时签收的呢?你网上状态现在是如何的?我上周五14号的时候就看到我IP里面多显示一句话A decision has been made,但还没收到任何信件,也不知道算什么情况了。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我是去年11月17号对方签收的,你是啥时签收的呢?你网上状态现在是如何的?我上周五14号的时候就看到我IP里面多显示一句话A decision has been made,但还没收到任何信件,也不知道算什么情况了。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

我是8月2号签收的好像,网络上可以看到我申请老公的状态是in process,说是9 月开始process的。
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

when were you deported ? before the sponsorship submit or after ? if you was deported without reason ,you must tell the CBSA you submit the application in May 2011. but usually they will tell you to leave canada and then you must get visa outside of canada to come back . I sugguest you to inform to the lawyer .

Sorry, we were unable to find a lawyer before. We are unable to find a lawyer now, he is sick. I am outside Canada. I really do not know who care?

我真的需要人的帮助。The reason for my deportation is "criminal record" without criminal activity. CBSA officer asked me for a Pardon that is not existing in China society. The CIC officer told me that without the criminal activity is not a thread to Canada, it is not a security issue. So, I am unable to know the reason of report. I want to find someone really has heart to work or to help.
最后编辑: 2011-11-05
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚

Sorry, we were unable to find a lawyer before. We are unable to find a lawyer now, he is sick. I am outside Canada. I really do not know who care?
回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚





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