回复: 加拿大境内申请配偶团聚
when were you deported ? before the sponsorship submit or after ? if you was deported without reason ,you must tell the CBSA you submit the application in May 2011. but usually they will tell you to leave canada and then you must get visa outside of canada to come back . I sugguest you to inform to the lawyer .
Sorry, we were unable to find a lawyer before. We are unable to find a lawyer now, he is sick. I am outside Canada. I really do not know who care?
我真的需要人的帮助。The reason for my deportation is "criminal record" without criminal activity. CBSA officer asked me for a Pardon that is not existing in China society. The CIC officer told me that without the criminal activity is not a thread to Canada, it is not a security issue. So, I am unable to know the reason of report. I want to find someone really has heart to work or to help.