I am totally inspired after reviewing your story. As our landing has been planned probably after this Xmas, a few questions are consequently raised from that and sincerely hope to have your answers before our departure.
1. What is the main difference between LINC & ESL?
2. To have a similar level of achievement in English, which one lasts longer to study?
3. May it be possible to register the course (LINC or SEL) on-line earlier before our landing in Mississauga?
Thanks for your time, every response from you is greatly appreciated.
I am totally inspired after reviewing your story. As our landing has been planned probably after this Xmas, a few questions are consequently raised from that and sincerely hope to have your answers before our departure.
Thanks for your time, every response from you is greatly appreciated.
Do you have any information for the secondary schools in Mississauga region? I'd plan to let my son enroll into a well-reputed school to keep him up with a balanced education.
To guarantee the child's entrance to a selected community school, is there any common or special requirement which needs to be met by us?
Any suggestion from the government, public sectors or schools is jointly appreciated.
谢谢Candace MM,由于国内的专业在这边不容易找到好的工作,想改新专业。我们曾打听过学LOGISTICS 的就业情况,移民安家中心的咨询人员说,这专业受经济影响很大,大公司已有一两年不招人了。因为你是这个圈子里的专业人士,所以我想请教两个问题:1,这个专业目前的就业情况如何?薪水还能跟你当初就业时比吗?(不好意思哈,选专业多少还是会考虑收入情况的,要养家糊口啊!)2,毕业后如果这边不好就业,回国内找物流方面的工作有优势吗?我们不了解国内这个行业的就业薪资情况。
另外想问一下你的Job Title 是什么? 我想在workingincanada网上查 National Occupation Classification代号,以了解该行业的情况,可是不行。
谢谢GAO MM 啦!