

Any 4ths looking for work in AB, oilfield experience , boiler operator on well sites . $500 a day , sub and hotel provided , $1.10 km for truck min of 100km a day . Grand Prairie fox creek area , H2s and first add required. Looking for boiler operators to run boiler on well completions , we rent the portable boilers and supply men to run them . The boiler is use to supply heat to well head and to heat fluids used in the completion . Boiler hp can range from 60 to 200hp . U work every day for the most part , finished in mid April .
If you want to work and make good money in a short time send me your résumé paulvickers66@hotmail.com.
多谢了.husky energy 要搬到小镇上, saskpower也是到小城去,班里年龄较大, 城市里有家有业的不愿意去. 宁愿到u of s. 另外coop位置不错, 但没有2级steam time 岂不是没法升级到2级了吗
另外,二级不二级和你没关系,你现在四级实习只要是register plant就可以了。石化行业有些系统很复杂,但锅炉小,有可能只是二级厂,但也可以学到东西。l


Power Engineer / Heating Plant Operator (Trainee, 4th Class and 3rd Class)
Candidates will be asked to identify whether they are interested in working in Winnipeg, and/or in Cold Lake.

Candidates must indicate their first choice in work locations (Winnipeg or Cold Lake).

Your résumé may also be emailed directly to: DNDPrairiesJobs@forces.gc.ca

These positions are hired as part of an Operational Development (training) Program, where the purpose is to progress the candidates from 4th Class Power Engineers, to 3rd Class, to 2nd Class, and, in some cases, to 1st Class Power Engineers.

Organization Name: Department of National Defence
Locations: Cold Lake (Alberta) , Winnipeg (Manitoba)
Classification: HP - 02 or HP - 03 for more information
Salary: $23.73 to $25.93 per hour (Under Review (HP02: $22.68 - $23.73; HP03: $24.69 - $25.93) plus overtime and shift differential (as applicable))
Closing Date: N/A
Reference Number: DND14J-009525-000039
Selection Process Number: 14-DND-EA-WNNPG-385213/14-DND-EA-CLDLK-386582
Vacancies: 4
Employment Tenure: You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure

Who Can Apply
Useful Information

  • Persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens residing abroad.
Useful Information

Preference will be given to Canadian citizens. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.

Statement of Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment
Applicants who meet the following criteria will also be assessed against the Statement of Merit Criteria and Conditions of Employment for this position.

Essential Qualifications
Qualifications that are necessary for the work to be performed and that must be met in order for a person to be appointed.

Official Language Proficiency
Useful Information

English essential

Occupational Certification
Possession of a Power Engineer certificate/license, standardized or valid in the province of work of the position (4th Class)
Possession of a Power Engineer certificate/license, standardized or valid in the province of work of the position (3rd Class)

Experience working with steam and/or hot water heating systems
Experience performing maintenance and testing, including keeping records

Asset Qualifications
Qualifications that are not essential to perform the work, but that would benefit the organization or enhance the work to be performed currently or in the future.

Useful Information

Useful Information

In support of achieving a diversified workforce, consideration may be given to candidates self-identifying as belonging to one of the following employment equity groups: Aboriginal peoples, Visible Minorities, Persons with Disabilities and Women.

Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, women

Operational Requirements
Current or future requirements of the organization for the proper functioning of the work unit or the organization.

-May include but not limited to wearing safety boots, standing, climbing, walking, lifting, bending, pulling and/or pushing, grasping, reaching, stooping, crouching, sitting, reading, writing, color determination, speaking and listening, for extended periods of time.
-May include but not limited to wearing Personal Protective Equipment used in a construction and maintenance environment.
-Must be willing and able to work overtime.
-Must be willing and able to work shifts
-Must be willing and able to work on the weekend
-Must be willing and able to travel for training
-Must be willing and able and be available for standby, and call-back
-Must be willing and able to work in physically demanding positions such as confined spaces or heights
-Possession of, or ability to obtain/retain, a DND 404 operator’s permit

Conditions of Employment
Requirements that a person must meet or comply with for as long as they occupy the position.

Security and Reliability
Reliability Status security clearance

Other Conditions of Employment
-Must be willing and able to work overtime.
-Must be willing and able to travel for training
-Must be willing and able and be available for standby, and call-back
-Must be willing and able to work in physically demanding positions such as confined spaces or heights
-Must maintain a valid driver's license without restrictions issued by the Province of work

Attend and successfully complete training that is part of the Operational Development program.

Information to be provided:
You must provide the following information when submitting your application:

  • Your résumé.
Other Information (Notes)
A pool of qualified candidates may be established and may be used to staff similar term and/or permanent positions.

Your résumé must clearly demonstrate how you meet the requirements.

We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Questions regarding travel and relocation.

The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled, diverse workforce reflective of Canadian society. As a result, it promotes employment equity and encourages candidates to indicate voluntarily on their application if they are a woman, an Aboriginal person, a person with a disability or a member of a visible minority group.

The Public Service of Canada is also committed to developing inclusive, barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If contacted in relation to a job opportunity or testing, you should advise the Public Service Commission or the departmental official in a timely fashion of the accommodation measures which must be taken to enable you to be assessed in a fair and equitable manner. Information received relating to accommodation measures will be addressed confidentially.
多谢了.husky energy 要搬到小镇上, saskpower也是到小城去,班里年龄较大, 城市里有家有业的不愿意去. 宁愿到u of s. 另外coop位置不错, 但没有2级steam time 岂不是没法升级到2级了吗

非常感谢二位的热心指点。我今天咨询了我们项目负责人, 他说coop也有一部分可以有二级steam time, 本来我想去saskpower, 他说第一次实习建议我选简单的, 不推荐复杂的. 就是选heating plant, 拿下3级A第二次实习再选saskpower.另外他也说u of s虽然是一级power plant但其实只有12个人, 而且很少招人。我班现在的情况是都选市内的, 外地的像husky energy, coop,yara ,外地的saskpower都没人去, 我原来选的是u of s, city hospital,但oeatontario说实习单位很重要,学校和医院都不要去, 我又有点犹豫了. 其实班里很多人都选大学和医院, 因为在市内. 只有几个选外地. 外地要自理食宿的
其实鱼版已经讲得很透彻了,我就在罗索两句,毕业找工作时用人单位都要求工作经验,大学和医院的经验不算industrial experience, 要想in获得面试机会比较难,相反,有了industrial experience, 想找building operator 工作很容易。实习是你进入这个圈子的第一步,迈错了,以后再换就难了。以上纯属个人经验,仅供参考


5区: 一号区和二号区process crude oil into lighter ends in a fluidized catalytic cracking unit. 三号区和四号区combine crude oil and hydrogen in large reactors under high pressure (1500psig). To make desulphurised diesel. 5号区全新 and it's a repeat 一号区和二号区。
区内有 hydrogen reformers, 600# super heated steam turbines, ng fired heaters, pumps, cooling towers, fractionation towers, overhead cooling / condensing fans and large electrical compressors. 13.8Kv supply.
是工会,福利是 a fully funded defined benefit retirement plan. You contribute nothing and get at least a 百分六十的pension after 三十年工龄
刚进去据说是三十上下,(刚进去还不是六级,有人用大约一年多升到六级,这时工作就稳定些)六级大约三十八元五角,然后按资历升级五级四十, 四级四十二,三级四十六,(升到二级有人用了六年)二级和一级五十, master op 五十二。
最后编辑: 2014-11-12
这是一个名叫巴恩斯顿(barnston )的小岛,位于surrey境内的菲沙河中。从1号高速往东,到53出口下,走176 ST,再右转到104AVE,沿着104 AVE走到头就到码头了。
码头对面很近就是小岛了,这个大平台式的渡船( Ferry)由一个小艇拖着,几乎刚调过头来就到对岸了。
谢谢指点!那就只有去外地了. 为了不走错路, 我总结了一下, 搞出了一堆问题, 吓了我一跳. Husky energy 在lloydminster 有两个不同的, 一个是upgrader(oil refinery), 一个是sagd(thermal plant),哪个更适合初学者呢? 还有同样是oil refinery, 是不是coop比husky energy 更好点呢? Saskpower 和husky energy和 oil refinery 哪个会干得长久(喜欢稳定的工作),estevan 和lloydminster 哪个更好点呢, 还有就是boundary dam(saskpower)和shand(saskpower)哪个适合实习. 问题挺繁索的, 请了解情况的不啬赐教, 多谢了

很赞同 oeatontario 的意见。我以前也谈过相关工作经验比证书级别更重要。在热动行业,待遇好、机会多的工作岗位仍然是石化企业,因此如果是我,首选是Husky Energy 的Upgrader, 次之Husky Energy 的sagd。 第一,Upgrader 的工作经历在其它石化 精炼厂都是认可的,比一般的供热厂的经验有用得多,第二,Upgrader 的职工跳槽率相对较高,留下的机会大。进Upgrader 还是比较难,但好多人有了经验后就会跑到更好的地方去。他们现在就在招人:Process Operator - Husky Lloydminster Upgrader-13807 第三,Upgrader 就在Lloydminster 城边上,生活比较方便。我以前写过 Lloydminster 介绍的回帖,可以参考。Husky Energy的SAGD 实际不在Lloydminster, 而是靠近 Edam, 离 North Battleford 不远。生活可能不太方便,但房租应该便宜。现有的和将来的油砂提炼项目主要采用SAGD, 因此获得些这方面的经验也是不错的。 Saskpower 的待遇和稳定性也不错,但Estevan 的厂子都是燃煤电厂,设备老旧,工作环境和工作强度差强人意,大部分的电厂控制还是模拟控制。现在石化企业基本上是DCS 控制了。将来很长一段时间因为排放问题不会有新燃煤电厂上,要换工作不如有石化工作经验强。另外,由于邻近油气田的开发,Estevan 的生活费用超高,也是实习生需要考虑的。

石油行业近期不景气,但你还年轻,着眼未来,还是要为进入石化行业作准备。以下是 国际能源署昨天刚发表的《世界能源展望》文章,供参考:


国际能源署(International Energy Agency, 简称IEA)周三称,未来20年全球能源需求将大幅增长,但是许多关键产油地区的动荡局面以及形成正确能源政策的难度意味着,全世界可能无法用充足的供应来予以应对、无法实现气候变化相关目标。

在一年一度的《世界能源展望》(World Energy Outlook)中,这家总部位于巴黎的能源监管机构预测,全球能源需求到2040年将增长37%。IEA称,尽管全球资源储量足以满足能源需求的这一增长,但是要确保这些资源获得开发,则需要大举投资和政治行动。






Sarah Kent

最后编辑: 2014-11-13


是不是coop比husky energy 更好点呢? Saskpower 和husky energy和 oil refinery 哪个会干得长久(喜欢稳定的工作),estevan 和lloydminster 哪个更好点呢, 还有就是boundary dam(saskpower)
Saskpower, facility Operator 大概三十七刀 ,process operator(二级)大概四十二,这电厂 和 coop是属省府的,也许稳定过私人?Husky听说哦,北部点起薪是四十三。Estevan有听说房租贵,但很多Sask power 招的都先去那边干(我们这里的电厂招的也是先发配边疆,再慢慢调回市区),有听说单身男的不好找女朋友,boundary dam3号在那,那个新运行的改造的Carbon capture and storage 就在那,Sak省耗资不少,听说是三日四夜五off,然后x 日x 夜 6off,大概一个月平均上十三天。
Husky 和一些公司招都注明要3-5年的清白驾驶记录,想进这些公司的(实习也要求), 开车小心些,不要失足有不良记录。




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