

萨省北部森林大火 逾5千居民疏散

2015-07-03, 09:53 来源: NTDTV

在La Ronge和La Loche地区,疏散居民的工作一个星期前就开始了,5000多人已经在北贝特尔福德,阿尔伯塔王子,萨斯卡通和里贾纳社区中心登记。


消防人员正在努力让火势远离社区,但据萨斯喀彻温省环境部灭火支持服务部门的达里尔・杰索普(Daryl Jessop)说火焰还是到达了蒙特利尔湖和Weyakwin的边缘。


但他相信,消防人员能够阻止野火抵达这一地区最大的社区La Ronge。






还有一年的steam time

恭喜你二级考过阿,能人阿!还有一年steam time,说明你考试只用了半年时间阿。二级还是比较难的,关键是范围广,都是eassy。我是用了二年时间才考过的,而且学习感觉很痛苦。不过我二级和三级当中拉了十年时间也是个原因吧。
如果 ESEIEH 技术实验成功并推广应用,SAGD 将可能成为历史,油砂企业对PE证书的需求会大为减少。


Suncor hopes tests will replace steam with radio waves

By Vincent McDermott

Tuesday, July 21, 2015 6:02:26 MDT PM

Suncor Energy has begun a pilot project with several other partners that would liquify underground bitumen deposits like a microwave oven. The company has begun using radio frequencies, as opposed to steam, to produce heavy crude from underground oilsands deposits at Suncor’s Dover site.

The Enhanced Solvent Extraction Incorporating Electromagnetic Heating process (or ESEIEH, pronounced "easy"), blasts targeted radio frequencies at bitumen deposits deep underground. The deposits are heated until they are liquified, then mixed with a chemical solvent and siphoned to the surface through a horizontally-drilled well.

If the experiments succeed, Suncor believes ESEIEH could become a cheap and cleaner alternative to traditional mining practices.

“If proven successful, ESEIEH is expected to result in a reduction of up to 75% in energy requirements,” said spokesperson Erin Rees in an email interview. “ESEIEH doesn’t use any steam in the in situ recovery process, so it eliminates the cost requirements for water sourcing and handling.”

Aesthetically, Rees says eliminating water and steam treatment infrastructure has the potential to build even smaller plants.

In situ technology and steam-assisted gravity drainage plants are typically heralded as cleaner alternatives to open-pit mining in the oilsands, pumping the bitumen directly out from the ground once it’s loosened with hot steam.

The surface remains largely unscarred from the heavy haulers and digging equipment dotting surface mines.

But the technology is typically not as clean as industry partners would like. Burning fuel to transform fresh water into steam can produce more greenhouse gases per barrel of oil than traditional mining.

Construction and maintenance also involves clear cutting, with the Pembina Institute warning in 2006 that, “by even the most conservative estimate, there will be more long-term deforestation from SAGD development than if the entire mineable oilsands region is completely cleared.”

In situ may not be as much of an eyesore, but with most leases in northeastern Alberta holding bitumen deposits too deep for conventional mining, industry is researching alternatives to the alternative.

The consortium is made up of Devon Energy Corp., Nexen Energy and the Florida-based Harris Corp. The experiments began on a smaller scale in 2009 at Suncor’s North Steepbank Mine.

The tests were deemed a success in 2011, and this second phase, which costs $44 million, was announced in 2012. This current phase will continue for another two years. If this phase is also a success, it will lead to a commercial scale field test.

“It is important to note that establishing a baseline for the comparative costs versus traditional methods is a primary objective of this phase of the pilot,” says Rees. “It’s still early days in testing the technology.”

7月22日下午,代表750余名市政工人的CUPE Local 101成员以投票方式通过了伦敦市政府开出的新的四年期劳动合同,随后,市议会亦以匿名投票的方式对合同予以批准。城市经理Art Zuidema表示,因罢工受到影响的市政服务将于7月27日起恢复正常。

我也打算搬去伦敦,但是听楼主说工作很不好找,我现在在shoppers 做assistant manager,不知道找哪些工作合适???

Lived in London for 6 years. It is a good place.




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