-这些数字来自于08年入学版的MSAR(Medical School Admission Requirements),这本书被誉为申请医学院的圣经,由AAMCAssociation of American Medical Colleges)每年出版-从MSAE给的数字来看,Boston University School of Medicine 申请人最多,06年共有超过1万人申请,1038面试,179录取,是北美唯一申请人过万的医学院。
-还有一点增加了申请难度,这六十多所医学院大多排名比较靠前,换句话说竞争更激烈,录取更严格,一般的ave. GPA达到3.75,好一点的3.8以上,MCAT成绩普遍高于全国平均水平。好几所学校的verbal reasoning平均分竟然达到11,而physical sciences和biological sciences也分别达到12,这样算来MCAT平均总分高达35,写作也有Q(from J low to T high)
-MSAR里说,据U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services的数字显示,The 2006 entering class at U.S. medical schools included 297 students who were not U.S. citizens or who were not permitted to reside permanently in the States.
-这个单子不包括大部分德克萨斯州的医学院,它们有自己的组织,TMDSAS(Texas Medical & Dental Schools Application Service ),具体情况会再整理,初步的了解为至少部分学校招收国际学生。
-以上所有学校,只有十几所最终没有录取任何国际学生,其余52所医学院均有至少一名以上的国际学生被录取。最多国际学生申请的依然是Boston University School of Medicine 共520个人申请,最终录取10个,最少的为Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine 没有国际学生申请,其次为Mayo Medical School 只有16个申请录取国际学生最多的是Harvard Medical School 17人,其次为Howard University College of Medicine;Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine/Chicago School of Medicine;State University of New York Upstate Medical University 各14人,超过10人的还有,Loma Linda University School of Medicine 12人,Yale University School of Medicine 11人,Boston University School of Medicine 10 人,Dartmouth Medical School 10人,Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University 10人,Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine 10人。这10所学校共录取了122个国际学生,在总数的五分之二强
录取率最高的则是 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Southwestern Medical School 75/2/6/8% 和 University of Kentucky College of Medicine 76/-/6/7.8% 以及 Mcgill University Faculty of Medicine 149/47/9/6%
上面录取国际学生总数比较多的10所学校,国际学生占总录取学生比例也比较高,最高的四所为,Dartmouth Medical School 10/82 12%, Howard University College of Medicine 14/118 11.8%,Yale University School of Medicine 11/99 11%,Harvard Medical School 17/165 10%.