非税务居民期间 (non resident for tax purpose)在中国买的债券违约,无法按期兑付本息 ,如果今后变成加拿大税务居民后 发债人全部或部分兑付,兑付本金部分是不是可以和前面损失抵扣?
CRA 对于
返回加拿大 恢复成税务居民(re-establishing Canadian residency or return to Canada) 并没有解释。Google 也搜不到答案。哪位高人给指点一下呀?
Property you owned before you arrived in Canada
If you owned certain properties, other than taxable Canadian properties, at the time you immigrated to Canada, we consider you to have sold the properties and to have immediately reacquired them at a cost equal to their fair market value (FMV) on the date you became a resident of Canada. This is a deemed disposition.
Your property could include the following: shares, jewelry, paintings or a collection.
Usually, the FMV is the highest dollar value you can get for your property in a normal business transaction.
You should keep a record of the FMV of your properties on the date you arrived in Canada. The FMV will be your cost when you calculate your gain or loss from disposing the property in the future.
You dispose of your property when:
- you sell it;
- you give it;
- it's destroyed; or
- it's stolen
If you have a loss resulting from the disposition of those properties, you can only deduct those losses from any gains you had from selling the same type of property. You cannot use this type of loss to reduce any capital gains you had from selling other types of properties.
If you are re-establishing Canadian residency and you had a deemed disposition when you left Canada, go to
What if you return to Canada