
回复: ?子要上大学了!

昨天只排了EMILY CARR的队,近4个小时,弯弯绕绕的队啊,看不到尽头,不知道EMILY为什么那么俏。没啥好消息,老师只是给了些评点。
排在我前面的是个菲律宾与西班牙人的混血,他说他很多朋友报名EMILY CARR都没录取。JESSICA也不容乐观。再努力吧呵呵。
回复: ?子要上大学了!

Hi Bob,
This is Jill's mother Tina, how are you?!
Jill told me some interesting things of you.I'm happy for Jill for how quickly she has made friends like you in kingston.I am in Toronto now and had heard that it was hard to get an employment in small city like Kingston. so I didn't go with Jill. Even though Toronto is a big city full of employment opportunities, but because of the coming holiday, i haven't yet received any reply after sending a great number of resumes.On arriving in Toronto in Sep,I took a linc test and was placed in level 6 . I live near a linc school where level 6 is currently unavailable,so I have to be put on the waiting list for another couple of months.I had been working in Vancouver until i moved to Toronto this july. after that I began looking for a new job and soon get one as a packer in the CD factory. Although I worked only two months there, I was eligible for applying EI. Recently I am busy with finding a house to buy, but still not sure in Toronto or Kingston. which is better for jill and me?Last sunday Jill sent me the link you gave her which was very helpful for me to know Kingston further. your kindness is much appreciated and i'd like to become your friend.
by the way,this is my first English Email and one modified a littil by Jill,because I am afraid to be laughed at by you.

Yours sincerely
回复: ?子要上大学了!

Bob 很快给我回了邮件,我贼高兴。

Hi Tina,

Thank you for writing to me. I hope you are well.

Congratulations on sending your first English email. I understood everything you wrote, but I would never laugh at your writing. As Jill has probably told you I am learning Mandarin, so I know how difficult it can be to learn a new language.

I meet with Jill, and her friend Lizzie, nearly every Friday. They have helped me a lot with learning Mandarin. I began learning Mandarin about four months ago. Jill is patient and helpful, and she is always interesting to talk to.

I work as a LINC instructor in Kingston. The centre where I work has LINC levels 1 to 3. There is another LINC centre in Kingston that has levels 4 to 7. I know that there is no waiting list for LINC 6 in Kingston.

I would be glad to help you look for a house in Kingston. I know the city well. The price of a house in Kingston is much less than the price of a house in Toronto (a $600,000 house in Toronto would sell for $300,000 in Kingston). I hope that you find the “Homes for Sale” link I sent you to be helpful. If you are interested in moving to Kingston, I would also be glad to help you look for a job.

I would like to keep in touch with you by email. I would also like to meet you when you come to visit Jill in Kingston.

I am happy that you want to be my friend. I want to be your friend, too.

Take care, Tina. I hope you will email me soon.

You new friend,


回复: ?子要上大学了!

Though my English is not good enough, I like to share with you.

回复: ?子要上大学了!


可儿 ?妈,你有那个上海阿姨的联系方式吗?
Tina 有。给你找。
可儿 8:28:23
Tina 你可忘了代我的地址和电话。快到的时候给我打电话,我跟司机说我在哪里等你。
可儿 明天见~

Tina 想吃啥?
可儿 随便,做啥吃啥。还想给你爆个料,关于登哥和?子ude故事。明天爆。
Tina 好。赵烧鸡腿,红烧肘子
可儿 我键盘被我口水浸了。
Tina 明天等你爆。一个鸡大腿换一个料。你赶紧准备好。
可儿 没有那么多。。。
Tina 那就2换1
可儿 哈哈哈哈。没有香菇就成~

Tina 你像我娃
可儿 我被你家?子带东北口了。恩。我一直以为很多人不吃香菇。因为我好多朋友都不吃。结果后来我们四方询问,其实就我们这些人不吃
Tina 游泳衣有带回来
可儿 好!我身上都是肉TAT。。。啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊我要游掉。我记得我一激动骂啥啥的时候,东北口音就出来了。。。

Tina 我昨天跟房东说你要来,房东答应了,但我觉得有点勉强,后来才知道,她对留学生有点小偏见。我和她担保此小留不同于彼小留,房东也就没再跟我曰曰。

可儿 嗯?为什么?留学生不是中国人了?什么意思,我不了解诶。
Tina 她说很多留学生不学好,乱花父母钱,不好好读书。。。这个跟你没关系
可儿 额。我不乱花钱又好好读书。我还可以帮她洗碗。哈哈哈。我装乖装得够像了吧,。

Tina 那道不用,其实房东很好很率直+信教。
可儿 我是信不了教。我一年前的生日想去信教让自己性格变好些,然后有个信仰也好。
Tina 我也是,看他们祷告,我老想笑。你笔记本得带回来,我怕你抢我地。
可儿 没问题,别怕,不抢你的。你可以抱着你的睡。你想要还可以抱着我的睡= =
Tina 小红姨说8:30左右能到。你尽量不要坐副驾驶位置。
可儿 why?
Tina 有雪,注意安全。安全带一定扎好。
可儿 okay

可儿 ?妈 要带被子吗?
Tina 不用。别忘了代脑瓜子和脚。牙刷毛巾代。不,毛巾用我的也行。
可儿 ?妈,你家有多余的被子吗~
Tina 有
可儿 我要住的那家没有被子。如果你家有多余的被子,我就可以带过去了。如果没有,我从kingston带。
Tina 我有。枕头没有。
可儿 我带枕头。
Tina 枕头也不用带,我给你借。
可儿 真的吗?要带枕套吗?
Tina 枕套代行,怕你嫌他家埋汰。那家住HOUSE还是APARTMENT
可儿 不知道诶。我带拖鞋。

回复: ?子要上大学了!

Though my English is not good enough, I like to share with you.

回复: ?子要上大学了!

Hi Bob,
This is Jill's mother Tina, how are you?!

Jill told me some interesting things of you.I'm happy for Jill for how quickly she has made friends like you in kingston.I am in Toronto now and had heard that it was hard to get an employment in small city like Kingston. so I didn't go with Jill. Even though Toronto is a big city full of employment opportunities, but because of the coming holiday, i haven't yet received any reply after sending a great number of resumes.On arriving in Toronto in Sep,I took a linc test and was placed in level 6 . I live near a linc school where level 6 is currently unavailable,so I have to be put on the waiting list for another couple of months.I had been working in Vancouver until i moved to Toronto this july. after that I began looking for a new job and soon get one as a packer in the CD factory. Although I worked only two months there, I was eligible for applying EI. Recently I am busy with finding a house to buy, but still not sure in Toronto or Kingston. which is better for jill and me?Last sunday Jill sent me the link you gave her which was very helpful for me to know Kingston further. your kindness is much appreciated and i'd like to become your friend.
by the way,this is my first English Email and one modified a littil by Jill,because I am afraid to be laughed at by you.

Yours sincerely
回复: ?子要上大学了!


最后编辑: 2010-12-17
回复: ?子要上大学了!


回复: ?子要上大学了!

回复: ?子要上大学了!

Hi Bob,
This is Jill's mother Tina, how are you?!
Jill told me some interesting things of you.I'm happy for Jill for how quickly she has made friends like you in kingston.I am in Toronto now and had heard that it was hard to get an employment in small city like Kingston. so I didn't go with Jill. Even though Toronto is a big city full of employment opportunities, but because of the coming holiday, i haven't yet received any reply after sending a great number of resumes.On arriving in Toronto in Sep,I took a linc test and was placed in level 6 . I live near a linc school where level 6 is currently unavailable,so I have to be put on the waiting list for another couple of months.I had been working in Vancouver until i moved to Toronto this july. after that I began looking for a new job and soon get one as a packer in the CD factory. Although I worked only two months there, I was eligible for applying EI. Recently I am busy with finding a house to buy, but still not sure in Toronto or Kingston. which is better for jill and me?Last sunday Jill sent me the link you gave her which was very helpful for me to know Kingston further. your kindness is much appreciated and i'd like to become your friend.
by the way,this is my first English Email and one modified a littil by Jill,because I am afraid to be laughed at by you.

Yours sincerely
回复: ?子要上大学了!


回复: ?子要上大学了!


回复: ?子要上大学了!





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