Dear Honorable Minister,
We are writing on behalf of all the FSW applicants under the Pre-C50 stream from Beijing. As you may know, most of us submitted applications in 2007 and supporting documents in 2009 as requested. CAIPS notes obtained three years ago showed we were at the stage of waiting medical exam request letter. Unfortunately, our applications have been postponed until now due to jump queue of later applicants and the waiting seems to be endless.
Some of us, after submission of supporting documents, made enquiries of application status in late 2010 and got answers from the Visa Office that our applications were in queue for sending out medical exam letter and the only thing being asked to do is to be patient. Some of us even tried to obtain CAIPS notes and the result were also very positive: the only thing we were left to do was medical exam when requested. So we just waited patiently for the letter. However, instead of medical exam request letter, unlucky and unexpected message came in late 2011 in visa officer’s feedback to our enquiries: We were not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as there were sufficient applications in process to meet assigned targets. We have never expected our patience ended up with this result.
Since our submission of supporting documents in 2009, no one tried to inform us how long we will continue to wait and what changes will or have been made after our submission. You may not know what source of power has supported us to bear this endless waiting, that is, in one simple word: trust. We have kind of faith that Canadian government is a responsible government and can always be trusted. Our courage to choose Canada to be our new home does not come from possible material prosperity but a fair society and due respect for every human being. We trust you will adhere to the principle that application will be assessed according to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at the time that the application is submitted.
Even we are trying our best to face the current situation with rationality and calmness, we still maintain that our cases at least deserve an official notice at present to keep us informed of changes in immigration priority policy and the anticipated waiting time to help us make the right decision as well as show your respect for our time and efforts. So we would show our great appreciation if you could make a clear timetable including expected time frame of medical exam and final decision for our cases.
We, though disappointed, still appreciate your efforts in reducing the backlog in FSW application and your open gesture to accept any creative suggestions, as you have shown at the Economic Club of Canada Event. So we would like propose our solutions for Pre-C50 applicants as follows:
1.The quickest measure should be capping immigration applications for clearing backlog. More resources shall be put in dealing with backlogs.
2. A copy of New Zealand’s legislation against backlog will not work for Canada because of much larger volume of backlog cases. By doing so, you will completely destroy the trustful and responsible public image of Canada. Simply setting up pool will be extremely unfair to applicants especially those who have passed the visa officer’s review and submitted their supporting documents because they have put great efforts, both financially and in time, in taking the IELTS exam and collecting all the documents.
Granting visas to these people in the most recent time can be a win-win game because these people, being much more prepared in terms of language and skills during this long-time waiting, can benefit the economy if they can fill the labor market shortage as soon as possible.
3. Please improve transparency in processing information and selection priority policy for all backlog cases. Please keep us informed by email of current backlog situation, current stage of processing and anticipated processing time.
4. Recruiting new immigrants who would like to settle in less developed areas such as Atlantic Provinces or middle provinces. Binding contracts shall be signed along with issuance of visas to ensure applicants to stay and work in these places during a designated time period.
At the end of this letter, we would like to quote what one new immigrant from Beijing says about her impression of Canadians:
“I discussed the differences between Canadians and Americans with one local friend the other day, his answer was simple but unforgettable to me: We Canadians always take considerations of others .We will never do anything merely out of our interest. That is the difference between Canadian and Americans.”
Yes, this difference is the real attraction of Canadian and the nation they represent.
Honorable Minister, if you are considering losing the trust from we 30,0000 backlogged applicants, if you keep on thrusting our complaints and comments aside, if you would like to pose such an extremely unfair decision upon us, you will make Canada much less attractive to the world and in turn fundamentally harm the interest of Canada.
We truly hope you can take consideration of our comments and make fair decisions over backlogs.
Thank you for your attention and your early reply is highly appreciated.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours
FSW Backlogged Applicants from Beijing
We are writing on behalf of all the FSW applicants under the Pre-C50 stream from Beijing. As you may know, most of us submitted applications in 2007 and supporting documents in 2009 as requested. CAIPS notes obtained three years ago showed we were at the stage of waiting medical exam request letter. Unfortunately, our applications have been postponed until now due to jump queue of later applicants and the waiting seems to be endless.
Some of us, after submission of supporting documents, made enquiries of application status in late 2010 and got answers from the Visa Office that our applications were in queue for sending out medical exam letter and the only thing being asked to do is to be patient. Some of us even tried to obtain CAIPS notes and the result were also very positive: the only thing we were left to do was medical exam when requested. So we just waited patiently for the letter. However, instead of medical exam request letter, unlucky and unexpected message came in late 2011 in visa officer’s feedback to our enquiries: We were not actively processing Federal Skilled Worker cases submitted before February 27, 2008 as there were sufficient applications in process to meet assigned targets. We have never expected our patience ended up with this result.
Since our submission of supporting documents in 2009, no one tried to inform us how long we will continue to wait and what changes will or have been made after our submission. You may not know what source of power has supported us to bear this endless waiting, that is, in one simple word: trust. We have kind of faith that Canadian government is a responsible government and can always be trusted. Our courage to choose Canada to be our new home does not come from possible material prosperity but a fair society and due respect for every human being. We trust you will adhere to the principle that application will be assessed according to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and Regulations in force at the time that the application is submitted.
Even we are trying our best to face the current situation with rationality and calmness, we still maintain that our cases at least deserve an official notice at present to keep us informed of changes in immigration priority policy and the anticipated waiting time to help us make the right decision as well as show your respect for our time and efforts. So we would show our great appreciation if you could make a clear timetable including expected time frame of medical exam and final decision for our cases.
We, though disappointed, still appreciate your efforts in reducing the backlog in FSW application and your open gesture to accept any creative suggestions, as you have shown at the Economic Club of Canada Event. So we would like propose our solutions for Pre-C50 applicants as follows:
1.The quickest measure should be capping immigration applications for clearing backlog. More resources shall be put in dealing with backlogs.
2. A copy of New Zealand’s legislation against backlog will not work for Canada because of much larger volume of backlog cases. By doing so, you will completely destroy the trustful and responsible public image of Canada. Simply setting up pool will be extremely unfair to applicants especially those who have passed the visa officer’s review and submitted their supporting documents because they have put great efforts, both financially and in time, in taking the IELTS exam and collecting all the documents.
Granting visas to these people in the most recent time can be a win-win game because these people, being much more prepared in terms of language and skills during this long-time waiting, can benefit the economy if they can fill the labor market shortage as soon as possible.
3. Please improve transparency in processing information and selection priority policy for all backlog cases. Please keep us informed by email of current backlog situation, current stage of processing and anticipated processing time.
4. Recruiting new immigrants who would like to settle in less developed areas such as Atlantic Provinces or middle provinces. Binding contracts shall be signed along with issuance of visas to ensure applicants to stay and work in these places during a designated time period.
At the end of this letter, we would like to quote what one new immigrant from Beijing says about her impression of Canadians:
“I discussed the differences between Canadians and Americans with one local friend the other day, his answer was simple but unforgettable to me: We Canadians always take considerations of others .We will never do anything merely out of our interest. That is the difference between Canadian and Americans.”
Yes, this difference is the real attraction of Canadian and the nation they represent.
Honorable Minister, if you are considering losing the trust from we 30,0000 backlogged applicants, if you keep on thrusting our complaints and comments aside, if you would like to pose such an extremely unfair decision upon us, you will make Canada much less attractive to the world and in turn fundamentally harm the interest of Canada.
We truly hope you can take consideration of our comments and make fair decisions over backlogs.
Thank you for your attention and your early reply is highly appreciated.
Best wishes
Sincerely yours
FSW Backlogged Applicants from Beijing