斯坦福 IT



回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

和其他技术平台查不多(Annual salary)
Entry level: 40K-50K
Mid Level : 50K-65K
Senior : 65K+

唯一区别,因为行业缺人,故往上走的时间短,比如3年developer经验,基本可以归入Senior level了

有兴趣,只是65K+是不是差了点,还在多伦多,温哥华的senior developer好像都是的 80 - 90K以上。
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有兴趣,只是65K+是不是差了点,还在多伦多,温哥华的senior developer好像都是的 80 - 90K以上。

You are right. 65K+ is a start-point for advanced SFDC. Usually it should among be 70K-100K
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Sorry I haven't checked my private message for quite a long while. Here're responses to some questions from some folks ask
1) 考试准备工作及费用问题
Attending training and attending certification test separate. You don't have to attend training, costing around 3000 USD, to be qualified for attending certification test, costing around 200USD. Actually from my own experiences, attending the training is kind of waste for beginners, because the training is very short, usually 4 days. Later-on I'll re-post the posts I made on linkedin about my own learning experience and how to prepare for the test.

2) 看到您学的这个方向很棒,如果没有编程基础,怎么能跟这个着上边?我觉得云CRM是以后的方向,掌握了相关知识,会很容易找到工作。没有任何编程基础以及数据库基础,可以学吗?自学还是有培训班能上?
It will be very hard if you don't have any generic programming & SQL background to take the Salesforce.com developer as your job course. Basically it's just a new technology, a new platform. That's it. All the others are the same. Besides, all the Salesforce.com( SFDC in short )developer related training will only talk about SFDC technology itself, it won't involve any generic programming skill. It's just like , when Java shew up, you ask "Can I learn Java without any previous programming background". Technically, if you have previous business application development experience with J2EE/.Net, it will help you a lot to get to know SFDC, specifically Html, Javscript, CSS, SQL, and other generic programming skills

This will be a big challenge for folks who want to get into this new area, but don't have programming background. If your English is quite competent, which I don't most folks are in this case, you can try SFDC administrator, SFDC consultant. English is very very very important for this new area, basically you have to deal with business application, co-works from business side. SFDC administrator is a lot different from other technical administrator jobs, like network administator, or DB administator. You have to communicate a lot. Usually the position of SFDC administrator belongs to Sales/Marketing department, not technology department.
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Good new to share. I started as contact intermediate-level SFDC developer. and 2 months later after the contact, was converted to full-time senior-level SFDC developer.

I'm planning to take my final SFDC advanced developer certification, for which I found no more than 30 people holding that certification in Canada from Linkedin searching result.

Passing that will be my another milestone
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Some resources
Training options

Certification options

SFDC developer community

Dreamforce, annual event from Salesforce.com company

Dreamforce is a very good start to get to know this new fields. It's an annual technical conference hold by Salesforce.com company, usually taking 1 week. Luckily the company will record all sessions from the meeting, and posted on Youtube. You can try search it.

I attended Dreamforce 2011. and There were 50K registered attendants, which was already the biggest technology conference in the world, surpassing Oracle Open World . This year, Dreamforce 2012, the registered attendant were 90K. It's exploding !!

After I started my new job as Senior SFDC developer, and updated my Linkedin profile with my recent certification. I've getting 1-2 job invitation every 1-2 weeks from my Linkedin connection, mostly HR recruiters.

The company just releases it's last quarter financial result. Revenue is, again as always, more than 30% increase.

Compare this with SAP, Microsoft, Oracle, you will have an idea.

From these 2 facts, you can figure out something about SFDC job market.
回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

4)英语。关于重要性,我没必要罗嗦。我只谈一下我的体会。若技术因素和背景在整个评分中,占主要的;或你的技术背景非常过硬;那就稍微幸运些;否则做好英语的挑战准备。若面试中,问题听不清楚,70%的机会没有;若能听清楚;但由于自己背景不是十分过硬,而又需要自己argue, present you self, convince hiring manager,为自己争取, 如果英语没有达到这个程度,50%的机会没有。大部分公司头2轮面试是 phone interview。专门训练一下1)在电话这种非面对面的语音差的环境中,能否听清楚;2)听不同的口音,及有可能这是避免不了的,至少印度口音稍微熟悉熟悉。在我的面试中,遇到过英式的,新西兰式,印度式。

这边还有操新西兰口音面试的?那种柔和了毛利口音,澳洲口音和英格兰口音的英语,单词发音一半,好像又咽回去了,而且语速极快。我刚到新西兰开始听的时候曾经怀疑自己是否学过英语,以至连新西兰本地人都称自己的英语是bush language。来到加拿大,感觉听力舒服的不是一星半点。
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#2 找工作体会
1)想尽一切办法扩大自己的交际圈(实际是 connection circle),自己要主动出击。一来增大自己的工作机会的信息来源,二来有可能弄个内部推荐,三来可以通过你的connnection打探一些job opening 内部消息。交际圈可以有:Linkedin/Linkedin Group(这个最最最最重要);和你背景或技术相关的Local user group(比如我所在的Salesforce领域,有Toronto Salesforce User group);在猎头(Staffing Agency)哪里备案,常和他们保持联系;若自己的预算允许的话,参加Professional conference/Technical conference,认识人。我所得的interview 机会小部分是我直接投的简历,大部分都是来自我的交际圈,而这个connnection circle 是我去年1年的时间增加近来的,仅4个月我我加了近50个Linkedin connection。

谢谢分享,看了一下自己的first level connection, 243, 需要好好利用以下资源。
回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

这边还有操新西兰口音面试的?那种柔和了毛利口音,澳洲口音和英格兰口音的英语,单词发音一半,好像又咽回去了,而且语速极快。我刚到新西兰开始听的时候曾经怀疑自己是否学过英语,以至连新西兰本地人都称自己的英语是bush language。来到加拿大,感觉听力舒服的不是一星半点。

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你好 Jam, 我在开始自学salesforce,同时有一些比较初浅的问题请教。1、有没有什么方法在salesforce上实践学习?2、在study guide中,经常会出现 例如 winter13 等字眼,这是什么意思?3、看了你提供的学习链接,好像都是由成功者分享学习资料等信息,不知道有没有官方的教程可以学习?
回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

你好 Jam, 我在开始自学salesforce,同时有一些比较初浅的问题请教。1、有没有什么方法在salesforce上实践学习?2、在study guide中,经常会出现 例如 winter13 等字眼,这是什么意思?3、看了你提供的学习链接,好像都是由成功者分享学习资料等信息,不知道有没有官方的教程可以学习?

Salesforce Developer account 是免费的,专门供学习和开发使用,你可以注册一个;

Winter 13 means Winter 13 release. Salesforce 每年有3次版本更新分为为Spring, Summer, Winter

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Another efficient way to build your professional network: local techinical meetup + Linkedin.

For example, as Salesforce developer or Java developer, I want to extend my professional network in Salesforce area in Toronto.

1. Join the specific technical group in local area

2. Go through all the members

3. Let's say one guy call Tom Wong, Use keyword "Tom Wong Salesforce" to search on Linkedin, then you find it.

Or you just attend the meetings, meet them in person.
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ca.indeed.com 是我遇到过最全,也更新最及时的Job Searching网站。他的作用只是Job Seaching,但他的信息面基本统吃:包括Agency,以及实际招人公司本身。他是主动稍描这些其它网站,把last update汇总在自己网站上。

http://www.glassdoor.com/index.htm: 若去大公司,或了解一下行业的薪资情况,挺有用

Linkedin Premium account: 最便宜的约20$/Month,若因为这个自己能提前找到工作,也算值了。
回复: 近1年的培训以及找工作经验分享

such a wonderful post pal! you are the real pathfinder and deserve my deepest gratitude for all your help. now I am getting started to rethink about my IT career. thanks a lot!
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