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美国投资移民 加州股权共管EB5项目启动

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回复: 加州股权共管EB5项目启动

便利店不同于超市,也不同于精品店,在社区的一隅、街角,巴掌大小的便利店是最贴近生活的场所。超市带来了第一波消费观念革命,而无处不在的便利店又带来了第二波的消费观念革命,“Get what you forget” (买到你在超市忘记买的东西)成为美国便利店营销核心。便利店在美国、日本等国家出现的时间和发展的背景并不完全相同。但从整体上来看,便利店是超市发展到相对较为成熟的阶段后,从超市中分化出来的一种零售业态。一方面,超市的发展有其自身难以克服的障碍,既“购物的不便利”;另一方面超市的发展为便利店提供了先进的销售方式和经营管理技术。
回复: 加州股权共管EB5项目启动


另外阁下是否注意到了Walmart经营模式的改变吗?在Walmart与Kmart进行生死角逐的时候,Walmart店里是一般没有食品的,现在的Walmart Super Store都有食品而且有Walmart自己的快餐。。。对了,快餐!

回复: 加州股权共管EB5项目启动

The U.S. convenience store count increased to a record 148,126 stores as of December 31, 2011, a 1.2 percent increase (1,785 stores) from the year prior, according to the latest NACS/Nielsen Convenience Industry Store Count.
  • “Convenience, convenience, convenience: Consumers continue to vote for their channel preferences through their spending behaviors and convenience matters. With a store count nearly four-times greater than the next closest competitive retail channel, the convenience store channel continues to outpace all other consumer-packaged-goods channels in terms of store expansion,” said Todd Hale, Nielsen’s senior vice president, Consumer & Shopper Insights.
  • “The continued growth in store count shows our industry is vibrant and adding jobs in difficult economic times. Convenience stores are an essential part of the fabric of everyday life across the country and our core offer of convenience continues to resonate with customers,” said NACS Chairman Tom Robinson, president of Robinson Oil in Santa Clara, CA.




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