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这首 “爵士乐之王”与“后” 的合唱来自这张专辑:

【转】《 Ella and Louis 》is a 1956 studio album by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, accompanied by the Oscar Peterson Quartet.
Having previously collaborated in the late 1940s for the Decca label, this was the first of three albums that Fitzgerald and Armstrong were to record together for Verve Records.


歌者 Ella Fitzgerald :

【转】爵士三女伶之一的急智歌后Ella Fitzgerald (1918/04/25~1996/06/15) 被誉为“ 爵士第一夫人(First Lady of jazz)”,被公认为20世纪最重要的爵士乐歌手之一,与 Billie Holiday 和 Sarah Vaughan 齐名。


凭借著横跨三个八度音阶的歌喉,她以纯洁的音色、近乎完美无缺的分节和音准著称。当中,她的拟声吟唱(scat singing),更特显出像喇叭声一样的即兴表演的才华。她亦被普遍认为是《Great American Songbook》歌曲的最佳演绎者之一。

Ella 曾赢得13个格莱美奖,并分别被前美国总统里根和乔治·H·W·布什颁赠国家艺术勋章和总统自由勋章。

人们总是习惯于拿 Ella 与 Billie 相比,不但是因为她们相同的地位及身世,更因为她们几乎来自同一个时代。
Ella 比 Billie 多唱了两个时代,或者说 Ella 幸福地唱到了“守得云开见月明”的大好年代,并以“爵士乐第一夫人”的身份光荣引退的。
人们还发现 Billie 与 Ella 的不同之处在于前者的表现手法是写实,而后者运用的则是反衬,Billie 倾其一生地歌颂着痛苦,而 Ella 却不厌其烦地用欢乐覆盖着悲伤。


歌者 Louis Armstrong :

【转】提起爵士音乐,人们最先联想到的人,很可能是一位具有小丑般形象的,绰号叫做Uncle Satchmo(书包嘴大叔)的,活泼可爱的小人物。
这个人就是 Louis Armstrong (1901/08/04~1971/07/06),他是爵士乐坛无人不知、无人不晓的大人物。

Louis Armstrong的演出总使听众感到无尽的兴奋,从他身上散发出来的欢乐具有一种特殊的感染力。

“多美好的世界啊”(What a wonderful world)
“当圣人参与比赛时”(When The Saints Go Marching In)
“做一个关于我的小小的梦”(Dream a Little Dream of Me)
“不是错误行为”(Ain’t Misbehavin’)
“你是个下游的你”(You Rascal You)
“萨瓦的兄弟友谊”(Stompin’ at the Savoy)。

( 以上摘自百度百科 Armstrong&fr=aladdin 极少的一部分,要更多了解 “爵士永恒的灵魂人物”的话可以去这个链接,值得一看。)


( 两位巨星大师,一派大人情调,唱着一只通俗到亲切的歌。)

【转】Can't We Be Friends

I thought I'd found the man of my dreams
Now it seems, this is how the story ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I thought for once it couldn't go wrong
Not for long, I can see the way this ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

Never again
Through with love through with men
They play their game
Without shame, and who's to blame?

I thought I'd found a man I could trust
What a bust, this is how the story ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I thought I knew the weight from the shaft
What a laugh, this is how our story ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I acted like a kid out of school
What a fool, now I see the way this ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

What should I give
Though she gave me the air?
Why should I cry
She was sigh and wonder why?

I should heve seen the signal to stop
What a flop, this is how the story ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

Can't we be? Can't we be?
Can't we be friends?
最后编辑: 2014-11-25


踏实做事 有趣做人
这首 “爵士乐之王”与“后” 的合唱来自这张专辑:

【转】《 Ella and Louis 》is a 1956 studio album by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, accompanied by the Oscar Peterson Quartet.
Having previously collaborated in the late 1940s for the Decca label, this was the first of three albums that Fitzgerald and Armstrong were to record together for Verve Records.


歌者 Ella Fitzgerald :

【转】爵士三女伶之一的急智歌后Ella Fitzgerald (1918/04/25~1996/06/15) 被誉为“ 爵士第一夫人(First Lady of jazz)”,被公认为20世纪最重要的爵士乐歌手之一,与 Billie Holiday 和 Sarah Vaughan 齐名。


凭借著横跨三个八度音阶的歌喉,她以纯洁的音色、近乎完美无缺的分节和音准著称。当中,她的拟声吟唱(scat singing),更特显出像喇叭声一样的即兴表演的才华。她亦被普遍认为是《Great American Songbook》歌曲的最佳演绎者之一。

Ella 曾赢得13个格莱美奖,并分别被前美国总统里根和乔治·H·W·布什颁赠国家艺术勋章和总统自由勋章。

人们总是习惯于拿 Ella 与 Billie 相比,不但是因为她们相同的地位及身世,更因为她们几乎来自同一个时代。
Ella 比 Billie 多唱了两个时代,或者说 Ella 幸福地唱到了“守得云开见月明”的大好年代,并以“爵士乐第一夫人”的身份光荣引退的。
人们还发现 Billie 与 Ella 的不同之处在于前者的表现手法是写实,而后者运用的则是反衬,Billie 倾其一生地歌颂着痛苦,而 Ella 却不厌其烦地用欢乐覆盖着悲伤。


歌者 Louis Armstrong :

【转】提起爵士音乐,人们最先联想到的人,很可能是一位具有小丑般形象的,绰号叫做Uncle Satchmo(书包嘴大叔)的,活泼可爱的小人物。
这个人就是 Louis Armstrong (1901/08/04~1971/07/06),他是爵士乐坛无人不知、无人不晓的大人物。

Louis Armstrong的演出总使听众感到无尽的兴奋,从他身上散发出来的欢乐具有一种特殊的感染力。

“多美好的世界啊”(What a wonderful world)
“当圣人参与比赛时”(When The Saints Go Marching In)
“做一个关于我的小小的梦”(Dream a Little Dream of Me)
“不是错误行为”(Ain’t Misbehavin’)
“你是个下游的你”(You Rascal You)
“萨瓦的兄弟友谊”(Stompin’ at the Savoy)。

( 以上摘自百度百科 Armstrong&fr=aladdin 极少的一部分,要更多了解 “爵士永恒的灵魂人物”的话可以去这个链接,值得一看。)


( 两位巨星大师,一派大人情调,唱着一只通俗到亲切的歌。)

【转】Can't We Be Friends

I thought I'd found the man of my dreams
Now it seems, this is how the story ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I thought for once it couldn't go wrong
Not for long, I can see the way this ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

Never again
Through with love through with men
They play their game
Without shame, and who's to blame?

I thought I'd found a man I could trust
What a bust, this is how the story ends
He's going to turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I thought I knew the weight from the shaft
What a laugh, this is how our story ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

I acted like a kid out of school
What a fool, now I see the way this ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

What should I give
Though she gave me the air?
Why should I cry
She was sigh and wonder why?

I should heve seen the signal to stop
What a flop, this is how the story ends
I'll let her turn me down and say
"Can't we be friends?"

Can't we be? Can't we be?
Can't we be friends?





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